Biography of Judge Napoleon B. Maxey

Judge N. B. Maxey has the distinction of holding the oldest license to practice law in the Oklahoma courts. Notwithstanding the fact he is still active in the profession, maintaining his once in Muskogee but frequently called to other sections of the state in connection with his specialty of insurance and surety law. He was born in Smith County, Tennessee, July 15, 1853, and the fact that his father, Thomas J. Maxey, was of French extraction probably accounts for the name given to the future Muskogee lawyer, Napoleon Bonaparte Maxey. Whether the name carries with it any qualifications that to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Abner McCrary

Abner McCrary is a native of Union County, Illinois, born in 1835. His parents, John and Mary (Kellar) McCrary, natives of North Carolina and South Carolina respectively, moved to Hancock County in 1844. Next they moved to Wash vine, Iowa, and in 1846 to Council Bluffs, where they remained five years. In 1851 he moved to Utah, where he remained two years, and June 5, 1854, came to California, and bought forty acres of land three miles northeast of San Bernardino, where he now lives. Mr. McCrary has dealt some in buying and selling land, and has today a fine … Read more

S-Z Surnames – 1818 Union County, Illinois Census

  Name: Head of Household Page: Page of Census Listing Range of Ages: 1st Number – Free white males 21 yr. and upwards 2nd Number – All other white inhabitants 3rd Number – Free persons of colour 4th Number – Servants or slaves   Salyers, David 178 01-08-00-00 Sams, David 175 01-03-00-00 Sams, Rice 173 01-06-00-00 Sams, Thomas 175 01-08-00-00 Sarvis, Polly 176 00-02-00-00 Sawyers, Edmond 172 01-04-00-00 Shaver, John 178 01-06-00-00 Shelton, William 173 01-06-00-00 Smily, George 178 02-04-00-00 Smith, John 174 01-05-00-00 Smith, John 178 01-05-00-00 Smith, Leroy 176 02-06-00-00 Smith, Maryan 179 01-04-00-00 Smith, William 176 01-02-00-00 … Read more

Biography of R. I. January

R. I. JANUARY. Youth is not a bar to promotion, for the American people have learned that ability is not measured by the length of time man has spent upon earth. Some men might live a thousand years and not know anything, and others are bright and able to take their places among men long before they have arrived at mature manhood. The subject of this sketch belongs to the latter class, for he was bright at school, brilliant as a student of law, and now that he is a member of the bar, has a good practice, which rapidly … Read more

Illinois, Diocese of Belleville, Catholic Parish Records, 1695-1956

Illinois Bellville Church Records

A help guide for accessing the images of parish registers recording the events of baptism, first communion, confirmation (to 1907), marriage (to 1930) or death (to 1956) in the Diocese of Belleville (Illinois), Roman Catholic Church. The index to some volumes may reference pages within a given volume beyond current publication dates. As such, these images are not currently available. In addition to traditional parish registers, this collection includes a small number of census, church history, family and financial records. To assist the researcher I have broken down the available registers by county and name of parish, including the years covered by those parish records.

L-R Surnames – 1818 Union County, Illinois Census

  Name: Head of Household Page: Page of Census Listing Range of Ages: 1st Number – Free white males 21 yr. and upwards 2nd Number – All other white inhabitants 3rd Number – Free persons of colour 4th Number – Servants or slaves   Lamer, Henry 172 01-07-00-00 Lamer, Joseph 171 01-01-00-00 Lanahan, John 176 01-08-00-00 Landers, John 181 01-07-00-00 Langly, John 177 01-05-00-00 Latherm, James 173 01-02-00-00 Latherm, Jeremiah 172 01-03-00-00 Latherm, John 173 01-09-00-00 Latherm, Samuel 172 01-06-00-00 Leatherm, William 180 01-06-00-00 Leawrance, Easter 177 00-04-00-00 Lee, James 176 01-03-00-00 Lemmons, George 173 01-05-00-00 Lense, Boysten 182 01-02-00-00 … Read more

Biography of Simeon P. Maples

SIMEON P. MAPLES. In no part of Missouri is agriculture in a more flourishing condition than in Christian County, and here Mr. Maples is considered one of the leading tillers of the soil. Like two-thirds of the representative citizens of the county he is a native of Tennessee, his birth occurring in Bradley County October 2, 1842, but he is now a law-abiding and public-spirited man of his adopted county. He is a son of Simeon P. and Elizabeth (Webb) Maples, the grandson of Josiah Maples and the great-grandson of Josiah Maples, Sr., who was born in France. At an … Read more

Batson, Ronald Orville – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Ronald Orville Batson, 63, of Walla Walla, Wash., a former Baker City resident, died Jan. 20, 2003, at his home after an extended illness. His memorial service was Friday at Walla Walla. His cousin, Pastor Mouse McKinney, and Pastor Dan Neisner officiated. Ron was born on April 9, 1939, at Cobden, Ill., to Orville Jake and Elma Simmons Batson. His early years were spent at St. Louis, Mo. The family moved to Baker City in 1955. He was a 1958 Baker High School graduate. Ron served in the U.S. Air Force from 1958 to 1962. He married … Read more

Biography of the English Brothers (Richard and Edward)

English Brothers. Former students of the University of Illinois, where both were thoroughly trained in the technical branches of their profession, the English Brothers, Richard Caleb and Edward Carey, Jr., have for the past sixteen years been general contractors and structural engineers at Champaign, with offices in the Lincoln Building, they have developed a splendid prestige and reputation and their clientage constitutes a business that is one of the largest and most valuable of its kind in this section of the state. Of the two brothers Richard Caleb English, the older, was born March 1, 1873, at Jonesboro in Union … Read more

E-K Surnames – 1818 Union County, Illinois Census

  Name: Head of Household Page: Page of Census Listing Range of Ages: 1st Number – Free white males 21 yr. and upwards 2nd Number – All other white inhabitants 3rd Number – Free persons of colour 4th Number – Servants or slaves   Eachols, Jesse 180 01-05-00-00 Eachols, John 177 02-07-00-00 Eachols, William 177 02-02-00-00 Eastwood, Abner 182 01-05-00-00 Edwards, Washington 173 01-04-00-00 Ellems, James 174 01-06-00-00 Ellems, John 173 01-02-00-00 Ellems, Thomas 171 01-06-00-00 Ells, James 177 01-06-00-00 Etherton, Aron 177 01-06-00-00 Etherton, John 177 01-04-00-00 Etherton, Moses 175 01-08-00-00 Etherton, Samuel 171 01-08-00-00 Evenas, Oen 174 01-15-00-00 … Read more

Biography of J. A. Weatherly

J. A. WEATHERLY. In this day and age of bustle and hurry very few people stop to consider what we can and how to select it, but the skillful housewife is very careful in her purchase of groceries, for she knows that on their purity and wholesomeness depends in a large measure the health and happiness of her family. J.A. Weatherly, dealer in fine groceries at Harrison, Arkansas, enjoys a reputation for courteous dealing and promptness in his line of business which any grocer might be proud to have and his goods have become noted for their excellence and purity. … Read more

Biography of J. T. Hunsaker

J.T. HUNSAKER. – This pioneer of 1846, one of the most substantial and upright men of one state, who has borne his full share of the burden and heat of the day in building up Oregon, was even from the first upon the advanced wave of American civilization, having been born at Jonesboro, Illinois, in 1818, and having assisted in laying the foundations of that giant state of the old West. He began domestic life in 1837, marrying Miss Emily Collins of the same state, and devoting his energies to the development of a farm. He was moved, however, by … Read more