S-Z Surnames – 1818 Union County, Illinois Census


Name: Head of Household
Page: Page of Census Listing
Range of Ages:

1st Number – Free white males 21 yr. and upwards
2nd Number – All other white inhabitants
3rd Number – Free persons of colour
4th Number – Servants or slaves


Salyers, David 178 01-08-00-00
Sams, David 175 01-03-00-00
Sams, Rice 173 01-06-00-00
Sams, Thomas 175 01-08-00-00
Sarvis, Polly 176 00-02-00-00
Sawyers, Edmond 172 01-04-00-00
Shaver, John 178 01-06-00-00
Shelton, William 173 01-06-00-00
Smily, George 178 02-04-00-00
Smith, John 174 01-05-00-00
Smith, John 178 01-05-00-00
Smith, Leroy 176 02-06-00-00
Smith, Maryan 179 01-04-00-00
Smith, William 176 01-02-00-00
Snider, Jacob 177 01-05-00-00
Snider, Sary 180 00-05-00-00
Snotgrass, Ann 173 00-05-00-00
Sparks, Mathew 172 01-04-00-00
Sprous, Samuel 177 01-08-00-00
Standerd, Samy 175 01-03-00-00
Standerd, Thomas 175 02-07-00-00
Standly, Siph 173 01-08-00-00
Staten, Ezekel 180 01-05-00-00
Stephenson, James 179 01-03-00-00
Stokes, John 175 01-07-00-00
Stokes, Jones 175 01-00-00-00
Stripling, Jesse 179 01-06-00-00
Sumers, Thoma 182 01-06-00-00
Sutten, Edmond 176 01-05-00-00
Suttler, Jesse 181 01-07-00-00
Swafered, James 172 01-06-00-00
Tash, James 173 01-02-00-00
Tash, Lewis 179 01-06-00-00
Taylor, Joseph 181 01-00-00-00
Tedford, John 174 01-03-00-00
Tedford, Walter 174 01-07-00-00
Thornton, John 180 01-04-00-01
Thornton, William, Jr. 174 01-02-00-00
Thornton, William, Sr. 178 01-08-00-00
Throgmorton, Joshua 175 01-02-00-00
Tilor, Jacob 172 01-04-00-00
Tilor, James 172 01-07-00-00
Tilor, John 172 01-06-00-00
Tingly, James 174 01-04-00-00
Tolbert, Fedrick 178 01-02-00-00
Tomson, Iseral 182 01-11-00-00
Tope, Fredrick 171 01-07-00-00
Tope, Jacob 177 01-02-00-00
Tope, John 171 01-02-00-00
Trees, Jacob 178 01-05-00-00
Trip, John 174 01-09-00-00
Tripe, Jinny 174 03-05-00-00
Turpen, Nathen 179 01-07-00-00
Turpen, William 179 01-04-00-00
Twedy, John 173 01-03-00-00
Twedy, Robert 172 01-08-00-00
Underwood, James 182 01-07-00-00
Vancel, Adam 182 02-02-00-00
Vancel, Edmond 181 01-05-00-00
Vancel, Isaac 182 01-04-00-00
Vancel, Jonas 180 01-09-00-00
Vancel, Jonas, Jr. 182 01-02-00-00
Vinyard, George 181 02-04-00-00
Vinyard, John 180 01-07-00-00
Wafferd, William 177 01-02-00-00
Wagner, Jacob 181 01-06-00-00
Walker, William 178 01-07-00-00
Waller, Joseph 181 01-03-00-00
Ward, George 175 01-02-00-00
Ward, James, Jr. 174 01-07-00-00
Ward, James, Sr. 174 01-01-00-00
Watherton, Benjamin 177 01-05-00-00
Watson, George 179 01-06-00-00
Watson, Thomas 173 01-05-00-00
Welch, William 174 01-02-00-00
Weldon, John 172 01-10-00-00
Wells, Anthony 172 01-01-00-00
Wells, Ezekel 172 01-04-00-00
West, John 175 01-05-00-00
Westbrooke, James 178 01-07-00-00
Wever, John 182 01-02-00-00
Whitaker, Alexandria 175 01-04-00-00
Whitaker, John 177 01-04-00-00
Whitaker, Thomas 179 01-07-00-00
Wier, Robert 179 01-07-00-00
Wigle, Jacob 178 01-04-00-00
Wigle, John 180 01-11-00-00
Willes, Jacob 171 01-06-00-00
Willes, James 171 00-06-00-00
Williams, Isaac 174 01-03-00-00
Williams, Thomas 179 01-06-00-00
Wilson, Nicholas 175 01-06-00-00
Wit, Joel 178 02-07-00-00
Wolf, Jacob 180 02-06-00-00
Woodoll, Elijah P. 178 01-01-00-00
Woodry, Gabril 179 01-04-00-00
Woolf, George 180 02-08-00-00
Worthington, James, Jr. 181 01-04-00-00
Worthington, James, Sr. 177 01-02-00-00
Worthington, William 177 01-03-00-00
Woters, John 171 01-06-00-00
Write, James 182 01-05-00-00
Yost, John 174 01-02-00-00

Union County IL,

Norton, Margaret Cross. Illinois Census Returns 1810, 1818. Published in the Collections of the Illinois State Historical Library, volume XXIV.

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