Biographical Sketch of P. O. Duffy

P. O. DUFFY was born September 10, 1837, in Hartsville, Tenn. He is a son of Francis and Permelia (Parker) Duffy. In 1845 he came with his parents to Todd County and was raised on his father’s farm, where he remained until the age of sixteen years. He then secured employment as clerk in the store of Taylor & Duffy, and remained with this firm about one year, after which his father opened a store and he began then to clerk for him. They carried on the business until the death of his father, which occurred May 2, 1858. The business then was closed out. In 1869 he engaged in merchandising and continued until the spring of 1884. In 1879 he was elected Magistrate and still holds the office. He owns a steam saw-mill and operates two steam threshing machines and is engaged in farming. He was married in 1857 to Miss Mary E., daughter of Burnley D. Smith, one of the oldest settlers in the county. They have three sons and five daughters. Mr. Duffy is a member of the Knights of Honor and treasurer of the same organization. He is an old and respected citizen of the county, well and favorably known.



Todd County KY,

Battle, J. H. Counties Of Todd And Christian, Kentucky. Historical And Biographical. F. A. Battey Publishing Co., Chicago And Louisville. 1884. At current time this manuscript consists of only the Todd County section and a few biographies from Christian County.

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