Biography of Peter Peterson

Peter Peterson. For many years the late Peter Peterson was a resident of Champaign, was a quiet and industrious business man, acquired considerable property and made his name influential and honored in this community. A native of Sweden, Mr. Peterson was born in 1848. He was twenty-one years of age when he left his native land and came to America in 1869, soon afterward locating in the city of Champaign. He had received his education in Sweden and was well fitted for a life of activity. He engaged in the dray and transfer business at Champaign, and conducted that actively … Read more

Planting, Eva Maria Toulanen – Obituary

Mrs. Eva Maria Planting died yesterday [June 2, 1929] at her home 123 North Logan Street, after a lingering illness. Mrs. Planting was born in Sweden April 1, 1851, being 78 years old. She came to Calumet, Michigan in 1873 and was married that year to Gustaf W. Planting. In 1877 she came to Umatilla County and settled on a homestead near Adams, Oregon, being one of the early settlers in that section. In 1911 her husband Gustaf W. Planting died. In 1917 she retired and came to make her home in Pendleton where she lived until her death. She … Read more

Biography of John J. Hanson

John J. Hanson, who has a splendid farm partly in Champaign and partly in Ford County, is one of that type of citizens who begin life without special advantages or the inheritance of means except ability to toil and make the best of an environment, and has proved himself one of the sturdy characters in this section of Illinois. His home is just beyond the Champaign County line in Ford County, opposite section 4 of Harwood Township. He gets his daily mail delivery over Route No. 3 from Paxton, Illinois. Mr. Hanson is a native of Sweden but has spent … Read more

Biography of John Lumbard

The name of John Lumbard is closely interwoven with the history of Muskogee, for he remained an active factor in the development and progress of this section of the state to the time of his death. He was born in Sweden, May 21, 1862, and was a son of William and Catherine Lumbard, who were also natives of that country. The father was warden of the Lutheran church in Sweden, to which he belonged through the greater part of his life, and was always a faithful follower of the teachings and high purposes of the church. He died in Sweden … Read more

Danielson, Gustave Adolph – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Gustave Adolph Danielson, 79, Utica, Mich. who came two weeks ago to visit his son Ray H. Danielson of Alder Slope, died Monday at the local hospital following a short illness. He was born Jan. 24, 1893 in Sweden. He was a veteran of World War 1, and a retired employee of Chrysler Motor Company. He was a lifetime member of Lodge No. 4 AF& AM of Rochester, Mich. His wife Olive died in 1968. Survivors include two sons, Ray H. of Alder Slope and Glen of Palos Verdes Penin., California; one daughter Mrs. Dan (Joyce) Guthrie, … Read more

Jacaboson, Oscar – Obituary

North Powder, Union County, Oregon Oscar Jacobson Passes Beyond Well Known Sheepman of North Powder and Huntington Succumbs After Two Months’ Illness At nine o’clock Sunday evening death claimed another well known citizen and pioneer sheepman of this community and Huntington. Oscar Jacobson died at the Protestant hospital in Baker that night. Death resulted after two months illness following a paralytic stroke. He had been in Portland receiving special clinic attention and was returned to the Baker hospital a week or so before death came. Oscar Jacobson was born in Sweden February 25, 186l, and came to the United States … Read more

Biography of Andrew Tornquist

Andrew Tornquist when he came to America from his native Sweden in 1879 had as his equipment some experience in mechanical trades and also as a farmer. Otherwise his capital was extremely limited. An earnest purpose, hard work, and that wisdom that comes with experience, have put him far ahead in the game of life, and while he is not wealthy as wealth is understood at the present time he is financially independent and for all that he has he has given an adequate reward in service and practical value to the communities where he has lived. Mr. Tornquist was … Read more

Biography of Olof Olson

Olof Olson on coming to America from his native land of Sweden had only three dollars in money, and was in debt for his transportation across the ocean. He has been a resident of Champaign County nearly twenty years, and it is truly remarkable what he has been able to accomplish in the way of accumulating property and in the rearing and founding of a splendid country home and a family of most industrious children. No small share of the credit for this distinctive success is due to his capable and energetic wife. Mr. Olson was born in Sweden, a … Read more

Biography of Peter M. Pehrson

Peter M. Pehrson is numbered among the pioneers of Saline County, having gone there more than forty-five years ago when the Swedish colonists were gaining a foothold in the new district, and many years of hard toil and intelligently directed efforts have brought him rewards beyond his fondest anticipations and dreams. He is one of the largest land owners and leading farmers and stockmen in the vicinity of Smolan. Mr. Pehrson was born in Sweden January 13, 1850, son of John and Ellen (Swenson) Pehrson. He was reared and educated in his native country, and in 1871, on reaching manhood … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Nils B. Nelson

Nelson, Nils B.; steamboat inspector; born, Sweden, Jan. 5, 1856; educated in Sweden; having come of a sea-faring family, spent his summer vacations from his early youth on board sailing vessels; after leaving school and before coming to this country, served his apprenticeship on board sailing vessels on long voyages; in 1873, came to Cleveland; for sixteen years, served on sailing vessels and steamers of various grades; in 1905, appointed local inspector of steamboats; in 1912, was appointed U. S. supervising inspector of steamboats for the 9th District; past pres. of the Ship-Masters Ass’n; member Athletic Club, Forest City Commandery, … Read more

Biography of John M. Nelson

John M. Nelson is one of the oldest business men of McPherson County, and had continuously been dealing in hardware and implements at Lindsborg for thirty-four years. One of the oldest merchants, he is also one of the oldest settlers, having come as a boy with his parents to McPherson County almost fifty years ago. From pioneer times to the present his family have been an important factor in the material development and general well being of this section of Kansas. Mr. Nelson was born November 1, 1852, on Boberg farm, Sunne Wormland, Sweden, a son of Jan and Stena … Read more

Scott, Peter “Pete” – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Peter “Pete” Scott, 57, of Baker City, died March 18, 2003, at his home. He will be laid to rest at Mount Hope Cemetery; services will be announced at a later date. Peter was born in upstate New York on Aug. 13, 1945, and was the oldest of two children. While attending college studying engineering, he met Gunilla and soon after they were married. They lived in Los Angeles, New York, Sweden and Klamath Falls, before settling down in Baker City. Pete and his family left Klamath Falls in the fall of 1979 with the intention to … Read more

Biography of Carl E. Seastrand

Carl E. Seastrand, manager for the John Lumbard Tire & Supply Company of Muskogee, was born in Sweden on the 12th of April, 1877, and is a son of Carl A. and Christina Sjostrand, who were also natives of Sweden. The father was a shoe merchant in that country, devoting his entire life to the business. He also engaged in the manufacture of shoes, employing twelve men in that connection. He died in February, 1918, and is still survived by his widow, who yet makes her home in Sweden. Carl E. Seastrand was reared and educated in his native country, … Read more

Biography of Andrew Ekblaw

Andrew Ekblaw. For forty-one years Andrew Ekblaw has been a resident of Champaign County. The management and cultivation of the land and its resources have furnished him an occupation and business, and as a practical agriculturist he has few peers in this part of the state. Mr. Ekblaw was born in Sweden in 1854, a son of Johannes and Charlotte Ekblaw. He was reared and educated in his native land and was eighteen years of age when with other members of the family he came to America in 1872. The Ekblaws first located near Springfield, at New Berlin. There were … Read more

Biography of Louis Elg

The man who first used gas for illumination at Idaho Falls, who put in the first telephone and who set up the first soda fountain in the town, is Louis Elg, druggist. Front and Maine streets. In other respects Mr. Elg has been a pioneer as well. His life has been a busy and eventful one and its important details are well worth the writing and the reading. He was born in Sweden, June 8, 1853, and is descended from a long line of Swedish ancestors. His father, also named Louis Elg, was an ironworker and was frozen to death, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward Eckman

He was an Assessor of Hayes Township, Ida County, Iowa, and was born in Sweden in 1858. He was the son of Frederic and Sophia (Anderson) Eckman, natives of Sweden. Edward was reared and educated in the schools of Sweden and De Kalb County, Illinois, arriving there in 1875. He was engaged in farm labor and in 1878 located on his farm in Hayes Township, Ida County, which he purchased in 1876. He served as Road Supervisor for 4 years for Hayes Township, as Constable two years, and was Assessor beginning 1890. He had a brother Peter, a sister Augusta … Read more

Biography of Claus J. Sjogren

Claus J. Sjogren is not only one of the pioneers in the agricultural district of Saline County, but as much as any other citizen had had a part in the progress and upbuilding of that flourishing little Town of Smolan, a name that reflects and preserves the native district in Sweden from which many of the early colonists here came. Mr. Sjogren had at different times been a figure in the commercial life of Smolan, and is now well to do and influential though at one time he was dependent entirely upon his manual labor and had come to America … Read more

Biography of Abel A. Berg

For twenty-five years Abel A. Berg has been a resident of Silver City, has devoted his energies to prospect mining, and is the principal owner of the Lone Tree group of mines, located near the Trade Dollar mines. He is a native of Sweden, his birth having occurred near Arvika, on the 19th of December, 1846. His parents, Anderson and Mary (Danilson) Berg, were also natives of that country, and were members of the Lutheran church. The son acquired his education in his native land and there remained until twenty-five years of age, when he resolved to seek a home … Read more

Biography of Oscar F. Brunzell

Since seven years of age Oscar F. Brunzell has been a resident of Owyhee County and is now residing in Silver City, where he is faithfully discharging the duties of assessor and tax collector. A native of Sweden, he was born January 5. 1864 and is a son of J. M. Brunzell who is now serving as postmaster of Reynolds, Owyhee county. In 1868 the father came to Idaho, and in 1871 sent for his family, who joined him, since which time they have resided continuously in Owyhee county. He is a stock-raiser and proprietor of a hotel and successfully … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jonas Collin

Jonas Collin, a farmer and stockraiser of Section 23, Silver Creek Township, Ida Co., Iowa, was born in Sweden on April 12, 1830. As he advanced toward manhood, he conceived the idea of obtaining a fortune in a foreign land. In 1869, he and his family embarked for America. They landed in New York, made their way to Iowa, settled in Benton County, and remained there 18 months. They moved to Marshall County, Iowa, and remained there until the spring of 1880. Mr. Collin purchased a farm of 80 acres in Ida County, Silver Creek Township, Iowa. He broke the … Read more