Biography of Carl E. Seastrand

Carl E. Seastrand, manager for the John Lumbard Tire & Supply Company of Muskogee, was born in Sweden on the 12th of April, 1877, and is a son of Carl A. and Christina Sjostrand, who were also natives of Sweden. The father was a shoe merchant in that country, devoting his entire life to the business. He also engaged in the manufacture of shoes, employing twelve men in that connection. He died in February, 1918, and is still survived by his widow, who yet makes her home in Sweden. Carl E. Seastrand was reared and educated in his native country, … Read more

Biography of John M. Nelson

John M. Nelson is one of the oldest business men of McPherson County, and had continuously been dealing in hardware and implements at Lindsborg for thirty-four years. One of the oldest merchants, he is also one of the oldest settlers, having come as a boy with his parents to McPherson County almost fifty years ago. From pioneer times to the present his family have been an important factor in the material development and general well being of this section of Kansas. Mr. Nelson was born November 1, 1852, on Boberg farm, Sunne Wormland, Sweden, a son of Jan and Stena … Read more

Kullman, Augusta Katherine Peterson – Obituary

Augusta Katherine, daughter of John Peterson, was born in Sweden October 24, 1857 and died at the hospital in Ida Grove, Iowa, July 17, 1920 aged 62 years, 8 months and 23 days. She was married to Axel Kullman in 1879 and the next year they came to America and located at Wall Lake, Iowa, where they made their home until her death. Mrs. Kullman was the mother of eight children of whom one has preceded her to the far beyond. She leaves to mourn her death a loving husband and seven children: Mrs. Roy Northrup, of Chicago, Mrs. Floyd … Read more