Biography of William Morgan

William Morgan, farmer; P. O. Rardin; born in Sullivan Co., Ind., Dec. 13, 1827; he emigrated with his parents when 8 years old and located in what is now known as Morgan Tp. in 1834, and before the organization of the township, which is named in honor of his father, David Morgan, who resided here from 1835 until his death, which occurred in October, 1860. The subject of this sketch lived with his parents and assisted in farming until 1850, when he engaged in farming for himself upon the place where he has since lived; he owns 320 acres in … Read more

History of Farmersburg Indiana, 1853-1953

Centennial, Farmersburg, Indiana, 1853-1953

The Farmersburg Centennial, held from June 14-20, 1953, marked the 100th anniversary of Farmersburg, Indiana, commemorating its founding in 1853. Sponsored by the Farmersburg Community Club, this celebration highlighted the town’s rich history and progress over a century. The centennial events, including historical exhibits, parades, and community gatherings, was not just a reflection on the past but a commitment to building a future that honored the vision and perseverance of its founders. To commemorate this 100yr event, a committee was formed to create this souvenir book showcasing the town’s history.

Biography of Floyd B. McBride, M. D.

Floyd B. McBride, M. D. Among the young and enthusiastic professional element of Montgomery County is found Ford B. McBride, who, within the short space of seven years, has built up at Liberty a medical and surgical practice as gratifying personally as it is successful financially. The fearless, questioning attitude of the twentieth century nowhere is more strikingly apparent than among the exponents of medical science. The tendency of the latter-day physician is to avoid, above all things, hasty jumping at conclusions or too ready dependence upon formulae, a tendency that is rapidly destroying ancient delusions and thereby placing the … Read more

Biography of Herschel V. Bolinger

Herschel V. Bolinger. The assistant cashier of the Home National Bank, Herschel V. Bolinger, of Caney, is by inheritance and training well equipped for his responsible position. He comes of a family given to valuable and practical accomplishment, particularly in the line of agricultural effort, which has resided in this country for many generations. Since leaving the schoolroom Mr. Bolinger has been connected with financial institutions, and at Caney has also been identified with railroad affairs and with civic duties. Herschel V. Bolinger was born at Shelburn, Sullivan County, Indiana, March 19, 1884, and is a son of W. T. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Rev. R. C. Hill

Rev. R. C. Hill, farming and stock; P. O. Charleston; the subject of this sketch was born in Sullivan Co., Ind., Dec. 11, 1817. He married Miss Mary A. Woods Dec. 10, 1839; she was born, in Sullivan Co., Ind., May 23, 1817; they had six children, four living, viz., Franklin P., John W., Martha J. and Elizabeth M.; he lived in Indiana twelve years, when, with his parents, he came to Illinois and settled in Clark Co., where they engaged in farming; in 1846, he came to Coles Co. and settled in La Fayette Tp., remaining one year; he … Read more

Biography of Warren Butz

Warren Butz, chief deputy clerk of the United States courts at Muskogee, was born in Hope, Illinois, August 1, 1872, a son of J. K. and Rebecca (Tillotson) Butz. He matriculated in the Union Christian College, after completing his public school course and thus studied at Merom, Indiana, for a time, while later he became a student in the University of Illinois, his liberal educational training well qualifying him for life’s practical and responsible duties: He started out in the business world in connection with the engineering department of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railroad and in 1899 he conducted … Read more