Biography of Floyd B. McBride, M. D.

Floyd B. McBride, M. D. Among the young and enthusiastic professional element of Montgomery County is found Ford B. McBride, who, within the short space of seven years, has built up at Liberty a medical and surgical practice as gratifying personally as it is successful financially. The fearless, questioning attitude of the twentieth century nowhere is more strikingly apparent than among the exponents of medical science. The tendency of the latter-day physician is to avoid, above all things, hasty jumping at conclusions or too ready dependence upon formulae, a tendency that is rapidly destroying ancient delusions and thereby placing the health of the nation in the hands of reasoners and independent thinkers. In this class Doctor McBride undoubtedly belongs.

Ford B. McBride was born July 22, 1882, at Sullivan, Indiana, and is a son of T. P. and Lena (Godwin) McBride. The family is of Seotch-Irish origin and, probably in colonial days, first settled in New Jersey upon coming to America. The grandfather of Doctor McBride, William McBride, was born in 1832, in New Jersey, where he was reared to manhood, moved then to Ohio, where he was married, and was a pioneer into Sullivan County, Indiana. A cabinet maker by vocation, he followed his trade in all these states, and during the Civil war served the Union as an engineer, being a member of the Missonri branch of that service. In his declining years he moved to Illinois, and there his death occurred at Danville, in 1908. Mr. McBride was a sturdy pioneer, who combined in his character the sterling qualities of his Scotch and Irish forebears, and whose courage and industry were matched by his rugged honesty and fair dealing which caused him to be a good citizen and won for him the respect of his fellows. He was married twice, and by his first wife had a number of children, of whom three are still living: Agnes, who is the wife of Mr. Schneller, of Paris. Illinois, a veteran of the Civil war; T. P.; and Charles, who is a tonsorialist of Paris, Illinois. He also had several children by his second marriage, and of these three are living: James, who is a barber shop proprietor of St. Louis, Missouri; Florence, who is married and resides at St. Louis, Missouri; and Maude, who is married and resides at Sullivan, Indiana.

T. P. McBride was born in 1858, at Coshocton, Ohio, and was reared in Ohio, where he resided until young manhood then going with his parents to Sullivan, Indiana. For many years he has been engaged in the furniture and undertaking business at Sullivan, and has won his own way from small beginnings until he is considered one of the substantial men of this city. He is a republican politically, but not an office seeker, is a faithful member of the Methodist Enisconal Church, as is also his wife, and belongs to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Knights of Pythias. Mr. McBride has been a prominent factor in assisting in the development of his city, and is accounted an honorable and straightforward man of business. He was married at Sullivan, to Miss Lena Godwin, who was born in 1860, in Sullivan County, and they became the parents of only one child: Ford B.

Ford B. McBride received his early education in the public schools of Sullivan and graduated from the high school there in 1901. In that year he went to Indianapolis, where for one year he worked for the Laycock Manufacturing Company, but he had not given up his early desire for a career in the medical profession, and in 1902 entered the medical department of the Indiana University, Indianapolis. There he pursued a full course, helping to pay his own tuition, and in 1906 was graduated with the degree of Doctor of Medicine. To further prepare himself for the practice of his chosen calling, he served 2½ years in the National Military Home, at Marion, Indiana, being an intern for one year and assistant surgeon for 1½ years, and at the end of that time returned to Sullivan and entered practice. His experience there, however, was of short duration, for in the spring of 1909, feeling that the West offered better opportunities for the young and struggling medical man, he came to Liberty, Kansas, and this city has since been his field of operation. He now has an excellent general practice in both medicine and surgery, built up by a display of superior skill, broad learning and a natural sympathy for suffering humanity. He owns a residence on Second Street, as well as an office building on Main Street, and is rapidly approaching that material success which his abilities deserve, his professional position being already established. He has continued to be a close and careful student, and keeps fully abreast of the various advancements being made in medicine and surgery by holding membership, in the Montgomery County Medieal Society, the Kansas State Medical Society, the Southeastern Medical Society and the American Medical Association. Politically a republican, he has not been a seeker for public honors, his interest in matters political being confined to an endeavor to elect good men to hold public office and enact good laws for the government of the community. His fraternal connections include membership in Liberty Lodge No. 123, Ancient Free and Accepted Masous and Cherryvale Lodge No. 989, of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.

In 1911, at Cherryvale, Kansas, Doctor McBridge was married to Miss Iva Witham, of that city, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Witham, the latter of whom is deceased. Mr. Witham, who for many years was engaged in extensive agricultural pursuits, is now making his home at No. 825 East Fifth Street, Cherryvale, being retired from active affairs. Doctor and Mrs. McBride have no children.



Connelley, William E. A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans. Chicago : Lewis, 1918. 5v. Biographies can be accessed from this page: Kansas and Kansans Biographies.

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