Matinecoc Tribe

Matinecoc Indians. An Algonquian tribe which formerly inhabited the northwest coast of Long Island, New York, from Newtown, Queens county, to Smithtown, Suffolk county. They had villages at Flushing, Glen Cove, Cold Spring, Huntington, and Cow Harbor, but even before the intrusion of the whites they had become greatly reduced, probably through wars with the Iroquois, to whom they paid tribute. In 1650 Secretary Van Tienhoven reported but 50 families left of this once important tribe. Ruttenber includes them in his Montauk group, which is about equivalent to Metoac; but the interrelationship of the tribes in the western part of … Read more

Yearbooks of the Bayport-Blue Point High School, 1945-2011

Bayport High School in 1945

The Bayport-Blue Point Public Library has digitized 67 years of yearbooks from the Bayport-Blue Point High School. The books have been scanned and uploaded in full resolution to Long Island Memories. Browse the pages and even download an entire yearbook to your computer. Bayport-Blue Point High School is a high school in Bayport, New York, constructed in 1927 as an elementary school and high school for the Hamlet of Bayport. The high school serves two towns, Bayport and Blue Point, from which it derives its name, but in earlier years it was simply known as the Bayport High School. 1945 … Read more

Will of Thomas Robinson – 1671

Whereas THOMAS ROBINSON, late of Newtown, died intestate, leaving two sons, his only children, namely, Thomas and Josyas, the care of whom for the present is committed by the officers of the town to Jacob Reade, their uncle. He is appointed administrator, September 23, 1671. LIBER 1-2, page 68

Will of James Naybor – 1671

JAMES NAYBOR, Huntington, “Cooper.” Leaves to youngest daughter, Martha, “my Great Trunk and best chest with linnen and woolen clothes.” “To my grandchild, Mercy, when 21, £10, to be raised out of my house in Boston,” which I leave to my five daughters, Mary, Sarah, Elizabeth, Rachel, and Martha. Makes his daughter Martha executrix, and Mr. Wm. Bartholemew and Goodman Sundall, both of Boston, executors in trust. “I desire Thomas Scudder and Joseph Bayley, of Hunttington, to be helpfull to my daughter Martha as executor.” Dated January 27, 1671. Witnesses, Matthew Owen, Peter Floyd, Joseph Bayley. Proved at Court of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward Harrison Frary

(V) Edward Harrison, only son and second child of William Stoddard and Lydia Ann (Warren) Frary, was born at Lyndon, Cattaraugus county, New York, April 25, 1840. He received his education in the common schools and the Rushford Academy, from which he graduated. His occupations have been varied and successful ones. He has been farmer, carpenter, hardware clerk and census enumerator. Having always taken a decided interest in the public affairs of the town, and been a staunch supporter of Republican principles, he has been elected to fill a number of public offices. He was elected justice of the peace … Read more

Will of David Carwithy – 1666

DAVID CARWITHY, Southold. “Mr. Carwithy being visited with sickness, desires to set things in order, Being weake in body, but in perfect memory. Leaves to son Caleb “my best suit of clothes and a bed blanket.” To daughter Martha a scythe and a Bible. To daughter Elizabeth Crowner £9 sterling. “As for my son David I left him his portion when I came from him,” but adds 20 shillings. Makes daughter Sarah Curtis sole executrix. Dated August 30, 1665. Witnesses, John Conckliug, Sr., Simon Grover, Jacob Conckling. Proved Nov. ——, 1665. Sarah Curtis, “of Hashamomack, neare Southold,” is confirmed as … Read more

Will of John Woodruff, – 1670

JOHN WOODRUFF, Southampton, L. I. Leaves to his eldest son, John Woodruff, of Elizabethtown, New Jersey, “a half Crown Piece, in full of all portions and patrimony to be expected of me.” To daughter Anne Woolley, £20. To daughter Elizabeth Dayton, £20. Leaves rest of estate to wife Ann and youngest son John Woodruff,and makes them executors. Dated May 4, 1670. Witnesses, Christopher Foster, John Laughton. Know all men by this, that the above written will ~s of my own handwriting, and I saw ye said John Woodruff sett to his marke, and take off ye seale or stamp from … Read more

Will of John Stevenson – 1670

JOHN STEVENSEN, Newtown. Leaves to sister Mary, wife of Patrick Harris, house and land, with a share of salt meadow lying by John Borroughs. “The rest of the upland and the meadow at ye South Sea, to my brother, Edward.” To brother Thomas. “my meadow before John Lorrison’s.” Makes brother Thomas executor. Dated December 13, 1670. Witnesses, Francis Doughty, Sam’1 Moore. Thomas Stevens confirmed as executor, March 2, 1670/1. LIBER 1-2, page 59

Will of Thomas Jones, – 1669

THOMAS JONES, Huntington, L. I. “His will is that his three youngest sons may have 20 shillings each.” Leaves same sum to “my eldest sons. To daughter Martha, £10. “To my eldest son Thomas my best cloak. To my son John my watch,” and make my wife executrix. February 16, 1669. LIBER 1-2, page 72 Witnesses, Samuel Titus, Thomas Powell. Sworn to by witnesses, February 26, 1669. Jonas Wood. Proved at Court of Sessions held at Southampton, March 2, 1669, and his wife Katharine Jones, was confirmed as executrix. Henry Pierson, Clerk. Inventory, £195. House and Lands, £35. Samuel Titus, … Read more

Sketch of the Town of Huntington, Long Island

Silas Wood's sketch of the town of Huntington

Silas Wood’s sketch of the town of Huntington, L.I. is a small manuscript of 63 pages which provides an authoritative look at the early history of Huntington New York, from its first settlement to the end of the American revolution. Particularly fascinating to our Native American researchers is the history of the early interaction with the Matinecoes, the Massapeags, and the Secataugs.

Will of Thomas Sayre – 1671

THOMAS SAYRE, Southampton. “In the Name of God, Amen. I, Thomas Sayre, of Southampton upon Long Island, being in perfect strength of memory, blessed bee ye Lord for it, but weake in Body.” Leaves to son Francis two acres of land “next unto his owne in Captains Neck, in ye Great Playne, and 2 acres more lying in ye 8 acre Lots in ye said Great Playne,” also “a Pewter flagon, a Pewter bowl and a great Pewter Platter.” To son Daniel “2 acres of land lying next ye above said 2 acres, in ye 8 acre lots, and 3 … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Barnabas Horton

(I) Barnabas Horton, immigrant ancestor, is supposed to have been the son of Joseph Hotrod, of Mousely, Leicester county, England, and was born there, July 13, 1600. He emigrated to America id the ship “Swallow,” Captain Jeremy Hotrod, master and owner, in 1635 or 1638, and landed at Hampton, Massachusetts. He removed to New Haven in 1640, with his wife, Mary, and two children, Joseph and Benjamin. He settled permanently in Southold, Suffolk county, New York, October, 1640. Children, the first two born in England, the others in Southold: Joseph, about 1632; Benjamin, about 1634; Caleb, about 1640, mentioned elsewhere; … Read more

Will of Thomas Terry, Sr. – 1671

THOMAS TERRY, SR., Southold. “I, Thomas Terry, Sen., of Southold, being very sicke and weake.” Leaves to beloved wife (not named) fifteen bushels of corn yearly, during her life. Ten bushels to be paid by my son Daniel, and five by my son Thomas. Also household goods and four bushels of apples yearly. “And if my son Daniel marry, and they doe not like to live together, then my son Daniel shall build my wife a convenient house for her comfortable living” To daughter Elizabeth a cow when she marries or comes of age. Legacies to daughter Ruth and daughter … Read more

Will of Daniel Whitehead – 1669

DANIEL WHITEHEAD, of Maspeth Kills, in Newtowne, left will, and made his wife (not named) executrix. She renounced the right, and Letters of Administration were granted to Stephanus Van Coitlandt, March 31, 1669. LIBER 1-2, page 33

Biographical Sketch of Caleb Horton

(IV) Caleb (2), son of Barnabas (2) Hotrod, was born at Cutchogue, December 22, 1687. He married, December 10, 1714, Phebe, daughter of Nathaniel Terry, son of Richard Terry, born in Southold, 1698. In 1748 he removed to Roxbury, now (1910) Chester, New Jersey, and settled there. They were both members of the Southold church and its liberal supporters. He died August 6, 1772, and his wife, December 24, 1776. Children, born in Southold : Caleb, 1715; Hannah, 1717: Nathaniel, October 13, 1719, mentioned elsewhere; Nathan, about 1720; Phebe, about 1722; Elijah, June 19, 1724; Richard, about 1726; Rhoda, about … Read more

Will of Gabriel Lynch, – 1671

Whereas GABRIEL LYNCH, late of Newtown, died intestate, his widow Margaret Lynch is appointed administratrix, September 3, 1671. LIBER 1-2, page 95

Will of John Larrison – 1670

JOHN LARRISON, Sr., New Town. “My will is that Wm. Ileyward be disposed of by my daughter Abigail until he be 21.” Leaves to son John 55 bushels of wheat, due from John Cleve of Utrecht. Rest of estate to son John and daughter Abigail. Leaves to wife (not named) 20s. and makes her executrix. Dated December 5, 1670. Witnesses, Wm. Loveridge, Gershain Moore, John Ramsden. Inventory taken September 7, 1671, by John Burroughs, Thomas Lawrence, and Ralph Hunt, mentions “House and land £75.” LIBER 1-2, page 57

Biographical Sketch of Deacon Nathaniel Horton

(VI) Deacon Nathaniel (2) Horton, son of Nathaniel (1) Horton, was born in Southold, in 1741, and married, 1761, Rebecca Robinson, born June 21, 1742, died December 14, 1819. He died August 13, 1824. Children, born in Chester: Huldah, January 14, 1762: Rebecca, December 31, 1763: Jonah. 1765; Susan, 1767: Polly, 1769; Nathaniel; Hiram; Mehitabel : Elisha, about 1777, mentioned elsewhere; Nathaniel, 1778; Esther, about 1782.

A History of Sayville, New York

Map of Sayville, New York, in 1858

In the heart of Suffolk County, New York, lies a village with a history as rich as the soil upon which it stands. “A History of Sayville, New York,” penned by Clarissa Edwards in 1935, is an invaluable chronicle that sheds light on the early days of this often-overlooked locale. Published by the Suffolk County News Press, this work is a testament to the enduring spirit of Sayville, a village that has woven itself into the fabric of American history, yet remains scarcely mentioned in conventional historical texts.

Will of Thomas Brush – 1675

Whereas THOMAS BRUSH, late of Huntington, upon Long Island, died intestate.” His son Thomas is made administrator, September 10, 1675. “The apprizement of the inventory amounts to £306 12s., as returned to the Court of Sessions.” LIBER 1-2, page 120