Biography of Erik O. Lindblom

No fiction story teems more with interest than the biography of Erik O. Lindblom, millionaire mine owner, capitalist and banker. From the time he left his home in Sweden at the tender age of seventeen until he uncovered untold riches in the frozen, gravel of Alaska, his life has been one of adventure with hardship and good fortune intermingling. Mr. Lindblom’s father was a wealthy and highly respected land owner and school master in Sweden. Misfortune dealt him a severe blow when by going bondsman for a relative, a large dam which he signed the bond for was washed out, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of P. P. Chamberlain

Mr. P. P. Chamberlain came to Redwood City in 1868. He accepted the first position that offered and became grocery clerk for Isaac M. Schlouecker. Soon after this he went into the merchandise business with W. J. Wilcox, and after the withdrawal of his partner, carried the business on alone, under the name of P. P. Chamberlain which firm is still in existence. During early days of the grocery business, Mr. Chamberlain was elected county treasurer which office he has faithfully administered for more than thirty years. Mr. Chamberlain is interested in the Redwood City Building and Loan Association and … Read more

Biography of Sean Perichon

Mr.Perichon is the popular host at the Perichon House; and in the role of hotel keeper and genial host is, probably one of the best known and well liked characters in the city of San Mateo as well as the entire county. Mr. Perichon was born at Vichy, France, September 24, 1870, just a few months before the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71. When a comparatively young man he came to America where he has lived ever since during the last twenty-one years. His first years in this country were spent in New York City where he followed … Read more

Hardesty, Lorne Woodburn – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Lorne Woodburn Hardesty, 67, a Baker City resident, died June 8, 2002, at St. Alphonsus Regional Medical Center in Boise. His memorial service will be at 11 a.m. Thursday at Coles Funeral Home, 1950 Place St. Visitation will be until 7 o’clock tonight at the funeral home. Pastor Lennie Spooner of the Church of the Nazarene will officiate. Lorne was born Dec. 7, 1934, at San Francisco. He was a son of Ernest A. and Juanita M. Thompson Hardesty. He was raised and educated at in Herlong, Calif. He entered the U.S. Army on March 5, 1957. … Read more

Biography of Major Bert Johnson

For its advancement in the last three years San Mateo county owes no more to any one citizen than Major Bert Johnson of Montara, president of the San Mateo County Development Association and chairman of the advisory road commission. In an unparalleled spirit of county loyalty Mr. Johnson has relegated his important personal interests into the background to devote practically all his time and energy to the momentous civic tasks that have been thrust on his shoulders. When Mr. Johnson accepted the presidency of the San Mateo County Development Association two years ago, he said he would make it a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of E. I. Woodman

Mr. Woodman is one of the leading newspaper men of the county, his sphere of activity being South San Francisco where he is the editor and manager of The Enterprise. He is also secretary of the South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, a body that has been instrumental toward the substantial up-building of its city, in which Mr. Woodman in his two-fold capacity as newspaper man and civic booster, has taken no small part. Mr. Woodman has been in the newspaper business for over forty years, coming from Sacramento in June, 1907 where he was also engaged in the newspaper … Read more

Blacker, Mary E. – Obituary

Mary E. Blacker died November 19, 1920, at the home of her son Robert, in South union, at the age of 91 years. The funeral took place from the residence Sunday November 21, 1920 at 2 p.m. She was laid to rest by her husband, who preceded her to the Great Beyond 9 years ago. Mary Elizabeth Duignan was born in Ireland in 1829. She came to this country at the age of nineteen years, settling in Philadelphia, where she spent three years with friends. She then left for San Francisco to join a brother who was living there. She … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward T. McGettigan

About five months ago a new Chamber of Commerce sprang into existence in Redwood City that has already done as much for the advancement of its chosen field, as any similar promotion organization in the entire State. The creator and moving force of this association is Mr. Ed. T. McGettigan who has made community building, trade-development and trade-protection a life study. Mr. McGettigan was born in Vallejo, California, March 3, 1875. Early in life he attended the “College of Hard Knocks,” obtaining his education in a life of practical experience, including in his curriculum, salesmanship, government clerkship; and finally taking … Read more

Gardner, Grant – Obituary

Cove, Union County, Oregon After a long illness, Grant Gardner passed away at his home in Cove Wednesday, Dec. 21. The family came to Cove in 1911 coming form Burnt Fork, Wyo. The deceased was born in San Francisco, Ca., 64 years ago. He was married to Miss Lucy Hayes at Cedar, Colo. Five children were born to this union, two of whom died from diphtheria while they were living in Wyoming. The disease was particularly severe, the boy, Merrit, 13 and his sister of 11 years, died within a few days of each other. After their death Mr. Gardner … Read more

Biography of John Francis Johnson

After living in San Mateo County for fifty-nine years and holding public office for over twenty-five years, John F. Johnson takes a place among San Mateo County’s leading citizens. Few men, can boast of a longer residence and a better knowledge of the growth and development of the peninsula than Mr. Johnson. Mr. Johnson spent the first part of his life in Halfmoon Bay when that was the most important town In the county. Later he came to Redwood City where after many years of service in public office he started the J. F. Johnson Abstract Company of which he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles George Landscheit

One of the best known realty dealers of the peninsula is Charles G. Landscheit, manager of the Redwood City Realty Company. Since coming to Redwood City twenty-one years ago Mr. Landscheit has been connected in one way or another with the realty business; and his long experience has made him the county’s leading real estate man. As manager of the Redwood City Realty Company Mr. Landscheit has been connected with many of Redwood City’s large enterprises. Notable among them was the building of the Hotel Sequoia which gave Redwood City the finest hotel now in operation between San Francisco and … Read more

Biography of Charles H. Dodd

In no summary of the forces and agencies which have made the Pacific Northwest within the last two decades take such rapid strides in material greatness, should be omitted the part bourne by the subject of this sketch. For nearly a quarter of a century he has been a conceded power for good in the commercial, intellectual and moral progress of a wide extent of country, and has left in many places and on many things the impress of his individual work. The following sketch of his life belongs very properly to the history of a city where he has … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Rufus H. Hatch

When the discovery of gold made in California the Mecca of the hopes of so many thousand people flocking from all parts of the world, to share in the treasures proclaimed, there were some who saw at once what had escaped the eyes of those looking below the surface of the land, the rich valleys and verdant hills and sunlight as bright as the glitter of gold. With almost every day of his life, spent in tilling the soil, it was little wonder that Rufus H. Hatch felt his eyes gladdened by the sight of such productive farming land, and … Read more

Biography of John MacBain

The development of a few graveled lanes to eighty miles of paved and macadam boulevards is part of the story of “honest” John MacBain’s seven years as supervisor of the Third Township. When John MacBain took office, in 1904, his dream was to give his constituents a system of perfect roads. With not a foot of macadam or paved road in his township, he started out on this gigantic undertaking, on which he has worked tirelessly ever since, with the exception of the four years that he was not in office. The roads of the Third Township now have no … Read more

Biography of George A. Wilbur

George A. Wilbur, an enterprising citizen of Chino, is the founder and sole proprietor of the Chino Store, opened to the public in February, 1888, since which time he has conducted one of the most prosperous enterprises in that section. His large and commodious store is well appointed in all respects, and is well stocked with a choice selection of goods. He deals in provisions, groceries, dry goods and everything in the general merchandise line, furnishing goods, boots and shoes, crockery, tin-ware, hardware, cigars, tobacco, etc. He is thoroughly competent in his business, and justly merits the liberal patronage bestowed … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Francis T. Rapp

One of San Mateo’s hustling young men who stands high in the business circles of the county is Francis T. Rapp. insurance broker and chief probation officer of San Mateo County. Mr. Rapp was born in San Mateo and has spent the twenty-six years of his life in the county. After graduating from the San Mateo schools he attended Santa Clara University where he took a leading part in athletics and student activities. He played right field on the famous Santa Clara team of 1908 which won the Pacific Coast Intercollegiate championship. Since finishing college Mr. Rapp has been prominent … Read more

Biography of Thomas L. Hickey

One of the best known residents of San Mateo County is Thomas L. Hickey who has been actively identified with the business, civic and fraternal interests of this section for many years. He has been a leading spirit in movements that tend to the betterment of this county and has made a host of friends through his genial disposition. Born in Chicago September 17, 1871, Mr. Hickey received his education in the public schools of that city. At an early age he entered the employ of the Armours where he remained four years. At the end of that period he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John V. Doherty

One of the livest insurance brokers on the peninsula is John V. Doherty, city treasurer of Burlingame and one of the Queen City’s leading boosters. Doherty is primarily a Burlingame booster and the only time he is not talking about Burlingame is when he is talking insurance. No man can boast of having more data, figures and statistics on Burlingame’s growth at his tongue’s end than John V. Doherty. He is an authority on increase in realty values, public improvements, population increase, health and climatic statistics in so far as they concern Burlingame. Mr. Doherty has lived in Burlingame for … Read more

Biography of W. F. Turnbull

Mr. W. F. Turnbull occupies a place of undisputed prominence in the history of San Mateo County, not only because of his present position as Superintendent of the San Mateo Water Company, but by virtue of his successful enterprises in the lumber business-undertaken recently, as well as his achievements in the field of landscape gardening. To tell the story of Mr. Turnbull’s life aright, it is necessary to start from the first chapter of his life which opens in the month of March in 1847, when he was born in the town of Alva, Scotland. His first business experience was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Franklin Swart

Few if any officials of San Mateo county enjoy more public confidence than Franklin Swart who is serving his second term as district attorney. District Attorney Swart is a self made man. He was born at New Paris, Indiana, on June 25, 1878. He came to California eighteen years ago to attend college. By digging ditches during his vacations and doing odd jobs during the school term, Mr. Swart managed to work his way through Stanford University where he received A. B. and Juris Doctor degrees. Swart has practiced law in San Mateo County since his graduation. In 1910 he … Read more