Biographical Sketch of Porter Emerson Lamb

Far more extensive than his enviable record as a magistrate, which is known in every corner of San Mateo County is Porter Emerson Lamb’s fame as an athlete. Although it was back in 1903 that Porter Lamb was at Stanford, his remarkable feats on the cinder path are still vivid in the memories of all followers of sports. For ten years Lamb’s record of 22 2-5 for the 220-yard dash at Stanford stood unassailed. In those days he was also holder of the world’s record for the fifty-yard dash. in the sprints and as a member of the relay teams … Read more

Biographical Sketch of L. C. Brandt

One of the great army of commuters who believes that there is no place like San Mateo for the home of the San Francisco business man, is L. C. Brandt, manager of the San Francisco branch of the Buffalo Brewing Company of Sacramento. Mr. Brandt moved down the peninsula six years ago, and each succeeding year has strengthened the convictions which caused him to locate in San Mateo. The city has profited handsomely by having Mr. Brandt as a citizen. When he bought property in San Mateo Heights he started to safeguard the interests of that district. He became one … Read more

Biographical Sketch of P. J. Cochran

P J. Cochran, a modest, unassuming San Mateo blacksmith, has the distinction of having shod more record breaking horses than any man living. In the days when racing flourished, horses were brought from far and wide to Cochran’s shop as the owner of every fast string of ponies had heard of Cochran as the originator of the famous Palo Alto shoe. Among Cochran’s prized possessions is a cabinet of horses’ shoes. They are shoes that were worn by kings and queens of the turf. Among them are names familiar to every follower of the turf. There are such record holders … Read more

Biography of Dr. F. Holmes Smith

Dr. F. Holmes Smith is a comparatively young man, yet he has already passed through a most interesting career, one phase of which was a stirring trip up into the frozen north where he faithfully followed the call of medical duty in Alaska, upon the shores of the Behring Sea, as the company doctor for the North American Commercial Company. Upon his return to civilization he took up the less arduous duties of a practicing physician and surgeon at San Bruno in 1909. Dr. Smith was born at Lake City, Minnesota, on October 29, 1879, and received his college education … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. P. Kinnison and H. A. Kinnison

J.P. and H.A. KINNISON. – These two brothers, who have united their fortunes through life were born on the Mississippi river about one hundred miles below St. Louis in the years 1838 and 1840, respectively. They received a common-school education, and, developing a riving disposition, crossed the plains in 1853. San Mateo, California, was their first home, and stock-raising their business until 1862, when they came to the Powder river valley, and were the first to break the ground of that beautiful region. They have been engaged in agriculture and stock-raising every since, and consider themselves fairly successful. In 1876 … Read more