Biography of George D. Cunningham

George D. Cunningham is one of the enterprising and representative business men of Riverside who have made that city second in enterprise to none in San Bernardino County. He has been associated with her leading business enterprises and building industries since 1876, during which time the small hamlet of a few hundreds has grown to a city of thousands. He was born in Nova Scotia in 1853. His parents were Herbert R. and Eleanor (McGregor) Cunningham. He was reared and schooled in his native place until sixteen years of age, and then came to the United States and located at … Read more

Biography of John Congreve

John Congreve, one of the well-known business men of Riverside and San Bernardino County, with which he has been identified for many years, is the general manager of the Riverside branch of the Pioneer Lumber and Mill Company, one of the largest and best known lumber enterprises in Southern California. The Riverside branch was established in January 1886, under the firm name of William H. Perry Lumber and Mill Company, and continued until January 1, 1887. The present company was then organized with M. A. Murphy as president, and S. H. Moot, secretary, and at that time Mr. Congreve took … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Lewis Deck

Lewis Deck, of Redlands, is a native of the “Keystone” State. His father, Henry Deck, was one of the pioneers of Waukeha County, Wisconsin, and had a family of nine children, of whom our subject is the oldest. He left home at the age of fifteen, and went to New York, and from there by the Panama route to California, in 1857. He had the measles while on board the vessel, and when he got on land had not money enough to buy his dinner. He first worked in the vegetable gardens at Marysville, for $20 a month. After this … Read more

Biography of J. C. Hickey

J. C. Hickey, of Santa Ana, is a native of Knox County, Tennessee, and was an infant when his father died. He was reared by his step-father, who moved to Alabama about 1845. At the age of fifteen years he left his stepfather, on account of cruel treatment, and started for California. He traveled on foot through Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas. At San Antonia he joined Dr. Edwards and others who were starting to California with cattle, in 1854. After arriving in Los Angeles, Mr. Hickey worked by the day for two months, and then for seven years was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hon. John M. James

Hon. John M. James, a native of Cannon County, Tennessee, born in 1816. His father, William James, was a native of North Carolina, and died May 20, 1840. His mother, Clara (Smith) James, was born in Suffolk, Virginia. His great-grandfather was one of Lord Baltimore’s colonists in Maryland, and his grandfather emigrated to North Carolina. Our subject is the next to the youngest of a family of seven children. He was married March 14, 1837, to Elizabeth LeMay, of North Carolina. She was of French origin. Two years after his marriage he moved to Arkansas, where in 1842 his wife … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Reuben L. Dewitt

Reuben L. Dewitt, of San Bernardino, was born in Switzerland County, Indiana, October 19, 1815, the son of John and Jane (Potter) DeWitt, natives of Indiana and New York respectively. His grandmother, Elizabeth Sheridan, was an aunt of the late General Sheridan. He was left an orphan at the age of fourteen years. For several years he traveled around in different counties of Illinois and Iowa. In 1851 he crossed the plains to Salt Lake City, where he spent two years, and from there came to San Bernardino County, where he has lived ever since. His first purchase of real … Read more

Biography of William R. Russell

William R. Russell, one of the earliest settlers of Riverside and for many years a leading horticulturist of the colony, is a native of Holt County, Missouri, born in 1840, son of John and Margaret (Oiler) Russell, the former a descendant of a prominent Southern family and a native of Kentucky, who early in life settled in Ohio and was there married, his wife being a native of Virginia. In 1840 he moved to Missouri and settled in the county where the subject of this sketch was born. When William was fourteen years of age, his father crossed the plains … Read more

Biography of William Lloyd Garrison Soule

William Lloyd Garrison Soule, Auditor of San Bernardino County, and founder of the mining town of Calico, is a lineal descendant from Puritan stock, and was born in the State of Maine, in July, 1836. He was reared from early childhood in Massachusetts, and started to learn the printer’s trade in Boston at the age of fourteen. He came with his parents to Kansas in 1854, and set the first stickful of type ever set within the boundary of that State, on the Herald of Freedom, established at that time in Lawrence. Being like his illustrious namesake, an uncompromising enemy … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George L. Hisom

George L. Hisom, County Clerk of San Bernardino County, came into the office in January. 1883, as a deputy under W. F. Holcomb, and in the fall of 1886 was elected on the Republican ticket, as Mr. Holcomb’s successor, and assumed the duties of office in January 1887. His obliging and affable nature and his previous training made Mr. Hisom a very popular and efficient officer, and in the fall of 1888 he was re-elected as his own successor by 600 votes majority; consequently he is serving his second term, since January 1889. Mr. Hisom is a Pennsylvanian by birth, … Read more

Biography of George Jordan

George Jordan, proprietor of the largest jewelry house in San Bernardino County, has been in the business in California twenty-three years. Born in Germany forty-eight years ago, he immigrated to the United States when a youth of fifteen, and after stopping for a time in New York, went south into Georgia, where he remained during the late civil war. After the close of the conflict he returned to his native land and spent two years in business in Europe. Re-crossing the Atlantic, he came directly to the Pacific coast and opened a jewelry store in San Francisco, where he carried … Read more

Biography of Leroy S. Dyar

Among the pioneers of Ontario and representative men of that beautiful colony, mention should be made of Leroy S. Dyar, who was born in Franklin County, Maine, in 1833. His father was Colonel Joseph Dyar, a well-known agriculturist of that county. His mother was Mary S. Gay. Both of his parents were natives of that State. Mr. Dyar was reared and schooled in his native place, closing his studies in the high school and academy. He was reared as a farmer. In 1858 he decided to try his fortune on the Pacific coast, and came by steamer to San Francisco. … Read more

Biography of Miles Shoemaker

Miles Shoemaker is the owner of a twenty-acre tract on the east side of Riverside Avenue, about two and a half miles south of Riverside. He purchased land in 1882 from Mrs. Hattie S. Travers, and in the same year commenced making improvements upon the place by planting citrus and deciduous fruits and vines. About live acres of his laud lies east of the upper canal, and is not susceptible of irrigation from the Riverside water system. Upon this elevated portion he has erected his cottage residence and outbuildings. The balance of his land fifteen acres is all under cultivation. … Read more

Young, Bryce J., Dr. – Obituary

La Grande, Oregon Dr. Bryce J. Young, 73, of College Place, Wash., a former La Grande resident, died Feb. 4, 2004, in an accident while bicycling in Argentina. There was a service for him on Feb. 15 at the Seventh-day Adventist Church in La Grande. Dr. Young was born June 3, 1930, to Bryce L. and Marjorie Mallett Young at Glendive, Mont. He graduated from high school in Miles City, Mont., and attended Walla Walla College. He received his medical training at Loma Linda University in Loma Linda, Calif., and his eye specialist’s training at White Memorial Hospital in Los … Read more

Biography of William A. Hayt

There is no man more deserving of mention among the representative citizens of Riverside than the gentleman whose name heads this sketch; nor is there a man in the community who has done more to promote the growth of the city than he. He is always alive to its interests, and his name is generally the first among the subscribers to any enterprise that is conducive to the welfare and prosperity of the community. Such facts as have been gathered regarding his life are of interest. Mr. Hayt was born in Putnam County, New York, in 1832. His father, Harry … Read more

Biographical Sketch of David Meacham

David Meacham was born in Genesee County, New York, May 3, 1835, and was reared at Geneseo, learning the carpenter’s trade. In 1858 he came to California, crossing the plains with General Harney, shortly after the Mountain Meadow Massacre. He helped to gather up the bones of the murdered emigrants, and assisted in building the monument erected by the Government on the scene. Arriving in California, he located at Bloomfield, Sonoma County, where he followed his trade five years. In 1863 he came to San Bernardino, and here followed the building trade. He rode to Riverside on the first load … Read more

Biography of Adoniram Judson Twogood

Adoniram Judson Twogood is one of the original founders and members of the Southern California Colony Association, and among the pioneer settlers in Riverside. Mr. Twogood is a native of Onondaga County, New York, dating his birth in 1831. He was reared to farm labor and educated in the public schools. In 1855 he emigrated to the great West and located in Benton County, Iowa. He was among the pioneers of that county, and was prominent in developing its agricultural and other resources. He engaged in farming until the war of the Rebellion roused his patriotism and he abandoned his … Read more

Biography of John Calvin Dixon

John Calvin Dixon, proprietor of the C. O. D. Grocery, San Bernardino, was born in 1840, in Reynoldsburg, Franklin County, Ohio, and there spent the first eighteen years of his life. In 1858 he moved with his father’s family to Jasper County, Iowa, and there his father, who was a brick-mason by trade, and had also been a farmer, engaged in the grocery business, with John as assistant in the store. Upon the breaking out of the war of the Rebellion he promptly responded to his country’s call for volunteers and enlisted as a member of the Fifth Iowa Infantry … Read more

Biography of William Jesse Curtis

William Jesse Curtis, attorney at law in San Bernardino, is the oldest son of Hon. I. C. Curtis and Mrs. Lucy M. Curtis. His father was for many years a prominent member of the bar of Marion County, Iowa, and represented that county for several terms in the State Legislature. His mother is the daughter of Jesse L. Holman, one of the judges of the Supreme Court of the State of Indiana, and a sister of Hon. William S. Holman, now a distinguished member of Congress from that State. Mr. Curtis was born at Aurora, Indiana, on the 2d day … Read more

Biography of Frank B. DeVine

No history of Riverside purporting to record her growth and prosperity can lay claim to real value and interest that does not award the merit to her mercantile enterprises, and the men who have conducted them. Most prominent in this record would be the names of Boyd & DeVine, commission merchants and jobbers, whose establishment is located on the corner of Eighth Street and Pachappa Avenue. This is one of the most important wholesale and commission houses in the city, dealing extensively in groceries, grain, honey, etc. They are also large fruit and raisin packers, placing their products on the … Read more

Biography of Thomas D. Nichols, M. D.

Among the leading physicians of Riverside, mention should be made of the subject of this sketch. Dr. Nichols was born in Marshall County, Mississippi, in 1840. His parents were Asa and Priscilla O. (Duty) Nichols, both descendants of Southern California. His father was a planter by occupation, and gave his son the advantages of a good education. In 1859, Dr. Nichols entered upon a college course in the Florence Wesleyan University. The secession movement and the establishment of the Southern Confederacy, aroused his patriotism, and his love for the South and her institutions induced him to abandon his studies, and … Read more