Nellans, Jonathan Frederick ‘Guy’ – Obituary

Fred Nellans, 40, son of Mr. and Mrs. Absalom Nellans, who reside two and half miles southeast of Fulton, died at 11 o’clock Monday night [August 14, 1916], after an eight weeks illness with gangrene, the source of which was unknown. Funeral Thursday morning at 10 o’clock in the Fulton U. B. Church. Interment there. Deceased was a member of a well known family and was born in Rochester on south Main Street in 1876, at which time his father was county treasurer. Later the family moved on a farm southwest of the city and then to the place they … Read more

Rogers, Martella Ellen Bowman – Obituary

Mrs. Martella E. Rogers, 98, of R.R. 5, Rochester, died at 3:45 p.m. Monday at her home [December 28, 1953]. Mrs. Rogers, the oldest woman in Fulton county, had been a resident of this community her entire life. She had countless friends throughout the eastern section of the county. She was born Oct. 3, 1855, in Rochester to Hugh and Sarah Gordon Bowman. In 1875 she was married to Francis A. Rogers, who preceded her in death on Dec. 14, 1921. Mrs. Rogers was a member of the Talma Methodist Church. Surviving are a son, Raymond R. Rogers, Rochester; three … Read more

Biography of Charles M. Ball

Charles M. Ball. While every type of business man must possess certain qualities to ensure success in his enterprises, those indispenable to the banker rest along such high lines that his position in a community is comparable to no other in importance. As a bank represents the most conservative of all institutions, the honest banker is conservative, thereby safeguarding the interests entrusted to his care. Such bankers are invaluable protectors of the public as well as of the private individual. The steadying influence of a conservative banker has often proved a bulwark to a business community in time of real … Read more

Bowman, Mary Foster – Obituary

Grandma Mary Bowman, nee Foster, widow of John Bowman, deceased, died at the residence of Absalom Nellans, six miles southwest of Rochester, Monday, January 28 [1889]. Yesterday her remains were taken to the Lutheran Cemetery near Bloomingsburg for burial, prior to which Rev. A. E. Gift delivered an eloquent funeral sermon. Deceased was born in Perry County, Ohio, some 78 years ago, and emigrated to Fulton County, Indiana, during the early part of its history. She was brought up in the Lutheran faith from infancy, to which she devotedly clung to the end. Having lead a truly Christian life, deceased … Read more