The Discovery Of This Continent, it’s Results To The Natives

Columbus Landing on Hispaniola

In the year 1470, there lived in Lisbon, a town in Portugal, a man by the name of Christopher Columbus, who there married Dona Felipa, the daughter of Bartolome Monis De Palestrello, an Italian (then deceased), who had arisen to great celebrity as a navigator. Dona Felipa was the idol of her doting father, and often accompanied him in his many voyages, in which she soon equally shared with him his love of adventure, and thus became to him a treasure indeed not only as a companion but as a helper; for she drew his maps and geographical charts, and also … Read more

Wyandot Indians

Wyandot Tribe: Meaning perhaps “islanders,” or “dwellers on a peninsula.” Occasionally spelled Guyandot. At an earlier date usually known as Huron, a name given by the French from huré, “rough,” and the depreciating suffix -on. Also called: Hatindiaβointen, Huron name of Huron of Lorette. Nadowa, a name given to them and many other Iroquoian tribes by Algonquians. Telamatenon, Delaware name, meaning “coming out of a mountain or cave.” Thastchetci’, Onondaga name. Connection. The Wyandot belonged to the Iroquoian linguistic family. Wyandot Location. The earliest known location of the Huron proper was the St. Lawrence Valley and the territory of the … Read more

1851 Quebec Canada Directory, Public Departments

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Public Departments Permanent Officers Of The Executive And Legislative Departments Of The Government Of Canada. Governor General And Suite His Excellency the Right Honorable James, Earl of Elgin and Kincardine, K. T., governor general of British North America, and captain general and governor in chief in and over the provinces of Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the Island of Prince Edward, and vice admiral of the same, &c., &c., &c. Lieut. Col. the Hon. Robert Bruce, military secretary and principal aide de … Read more

Biography of Herbert F. Ward

This capable and progressive gentleman is one of the leading men of this vicinity, being a well-to-do and prominent farmer and was one of the promoters of the valuable Owyhee ditch, being an incorporator and one who led the enterprise to a successful issue. Mr. Ward was born in Quebec, Canada, on April 12, 186, the son of George P. and Elizabeth (Sherman) Ward. He spent his youthful days in the invigorating exercise of farm work and in gaining a good education from the public schools. At the age of twenty-two he left the parental roof for the world of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Eric Wold

Eric Wold who has been city engineer of Burlingame for the past four years and at present is also acting in the same capacity for the infant municipality of San Bruno, has been engaged in engineering work the greater part of his life. His college training and wide experience has splendidly fitted him for the important work that he is now doing; while Burlingame’s streets, the water system and other municipal improvements well bespeak Mr. Wold’s ability. Anxious to have their municipality profit from the same competent engineering that Burlingame did, the San Bruno citizens retained Mr. Wold. He is … Read more

1851 Quebec Canada Directory, Cabinetmakers to Coopers

Cabinetmakers And Upholsterers CRAIG, THOMAS, 78 St. Paul st., L. T. keeps always on hand a good stock of every article in his line of business of superior quality, and at moderate prices. DRum, WILLIAM, St. Paul st., near the market a superior stock of furniture constantly on hand and for sale upon very moderate terms. GUERARD, Louis, St. Paul St., L. T., sign of the golden chair has constantly on hand a large and elegant stock of every article in his line of business HADDAN, ALEXANDER, 43 St. John st., U. T. all descriptions of cabinetware and furniture constantly … Read more

1851 Quebec Canada Directory, Painters to Provision Merchants

Painters And Paperhangers Alaire, Joseph, St. Genevieve st., St. Louis. Barbeau, Francis, St. Genevieve st., St. Louis. Christie, Joseph, St. Gabriel St., St. Johns. Cornell. Samuel, St. Ursule st., U. T. Darveau, J., Stewart st., St. Rochs. David, S., Desfosses st., St. Rochs. Delisle, R., Lachevrotiere st., St. Louis. Hartigan, E., 16 Notre Dame st., L. T. Hartigan, P. W., 16 Notre Dame St., L. T. Hethrington, R.. St. Eustache St., St. Louis. Holehouse, William, 3 Arsenal st., U. T. Jacob, Louis, St. Francis st., St. Rochs. Joyce, M., St. Eustache St., St. Louis. Kelly, S., Nouvelle st., St. Johns. … Read more