1851 Quebec Canada Directory, Land Agents to Lumber Merchants

Last Updated on December 30, 2012 by Dennis

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Land Agents
BOWEN, N. H., general land agent and N. P.,
Commercial chambers, St. Peter st., L. T.
CHILDS, JOHN, general land agent and N. P.,
Cote d’Abraham, St. Johns.
GLACKEMEYER, E. C., general land agent and N. P., 29 St. Peter st., L. T.
MARTINEAU, F., 57 St. Peter st., corner De la Place st., L. T. general land agent and
N. P.
Bignell, William, corner Arthur & St. Peter stS.,
Newton, W. P., 25i St. Peter st., L. T. L.T.

Land Surveyors
DUNLEVIE, G. G., land surveyor and civil engineer, 18 St. Ursule st., U. T.
Bignell, John, 29 St. Peter st., L. T.
Hamel, Joseph, DeSfosseS St., St. Rochs.

Leather Merchants And Tanners
AUDETTE, J. B. & Son, 7 St. Peter st., L. T. constantly on hand French and English
leather, linings, bindings, moroccos, thread and trimmings for shoemakers, &c.
CADOTTE, JOSEPH, corner De la Place and St. Peter sts., L. T., dealer in leather, harness,
boots and shoes, &c.
LEMIEUX, EDOUARD, St. Vallier st., St. Rochs, tanner and leather merchant, porpoise,
sole and upper leather, calf skins, bindings, linings, &c., constantly on hand.
PRATT, C. F. & BROTHER, importers of French and English leather of all kinds, corner
of St. Antoine and St. Peter sts., L. T.
RICHARDSON, O. L. & SONS, 10 St. Peter st., L. T., wholesale and retail dealers in all descriptions of leather and shoemakers’ findings, lasts, &c.
Non Members
Armand, J., St. Vallier St., St. Rochs.
Bedigare, P., leather store and tanner, St. Vallier st., St. Rochs.
Cloutier, P., tanner, St. Vallier st., St. Rochs.
Cloutier, JoSeph, tanner, St. Vallier st., St. Rochs.
Driscoll, F., leather store, St. Louis st., U. T.
Drolet, N., tanner, St. Vallier st., St. Rochs.
Dugal, J., tanner, St. Vallier st., St. Rochs.
Fleming, R., leather Store, St. Vallier St., St. Rochs.
Fortin. M. L., tanner, St. Vallier st., St. Rochs.
Germain, N., tanner, St. Vallier st., St. Rochs.
Guay, Joseph, tanner, des Dragons St.. St. Rochs.
Guay, Joseph, tanner, St. Vallier st., St. RochS.
Halee, J. B., tanner, St. Vallier st., St. Rochs.
Halee, Joseph, tanner, St. Vallier st., St. Rochs.
Halee, Etienne, tanner, St. Vallier st., St. Rocks.
Jinchereau, E., tanner, St. Vallier st., St. Rochs.
Labreque, A., tanner, St. Vallier St., St. Rochs.
Laliberté, P., tanner, St. Vallier St., St. Rocks.
Lantier, A., tanner, St. Vallier St., St. Rochs.
Legare, J., sen., tanner, St. Vallier st., St. Rochs.
Legare, J., jun., tanner, St. Vallier St., St. Rochs.
Poliquin, H., tanner, St. Vallier st., St. RochS;
Richard, Jacques, tanner, St. Dominique st., St. Rochs.
Richard, Joseph, tanner, deS DragonS st., St. Rochs.
Robinet, F.. tanner, St. Vallier st., St. Rochs.
Sansfaçon, A., tanner, St. Vallier st., St. Rochs.
Sansfaçon, L., tanner, St. Dominique st., St. Rochs.
Silby & Williams, tanners and leather merchants, St. Vallier st., St. Rochs.
Turgeon, E., tanner, St. Vallier St., St. Rochs.

Livery Stables
HOUGH, CHARLES, 8 St. Anne st., U. T. excellent livery at reasonable charges to be found here, horses and carriages for hire on short notice.
Gauvin, M., 20 Couillard St., U. T.

Lumber Brokers
QUINN, WILLIAM, St. Peter st., opposite the Quebec bank, L. T.
Follingsbey, J. B., St. Paul st., L. T.
Quinn, E., St. Peter st., opposite the Quebec bank.

Lumber Merchants
BENNETT, BENSON, general lumber merchant and shipper, Arthur st., L. T.
BESWICK, GEORGE & Co., Chapman’s cove, Point Levi, general lumber merchants and shippers.
CLINT, J. H., commission and general lumber merchant and shipper, St. Paul st., L. T.
FORSYTH &. BELL, Commercial chambers, St. Peter st., L. T., general lumber merchants and shippers.
JONES, H. N., general lumber merchant and shipper, New Waterford cove.
STEVENSON, MICHAEL, 27 St. Peter st., L. T., general lumber merchant and shipper.
WOOD & PeTRY, general lumber merchants and shippers, St. Lawrence chambers, St. Peter st., L. T.
Non Members
Dunn & Co., 38 St. Peter st., L. T.
PaterSon, Peter, St. JameS st., L. T.
Garneau, G., St. Joseph st., St. RochS.
Roberts, Robert, St. Peter st., L. T.
Patton, Duncan, St. Peter St., L. T.
Ross, C. H., J. B. F. lane, L. T.

Quebec Canada,

The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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