Biographical Sketch of Mrs. William Douglas

Of the few surviving women who lived through the infancy of San Mateo County, Mrs. William Douglas of San Mateo is one of the best known. Mrs. Douglas has lived in the county for fifty years in which time she has seen a few scattered settlements develop to the present peninsula cities. Mrs. Douglas’ career has been most interesting. While in her ‘teens she came around the Horn in a sailing vessel which took eight months to make the trip. She arrived in San Francisco in 1850 and a year later she was married. She then spent a few years … Read more

1861 Directory of Todd’s Valley California

Todd's Valley California in 1857

1861 Directory of Todd’s Valley California Allison J. G. tinsmith Anderson L. miner Arthur James, Jr. miner Arthur James, miner Bachelder Charles, miner Baker Arnold, miner Baker C. O. miner Baker P. Z. miner Ball W. H. miner Barnes A. miner Barnes W. miner Benedict N. merchant Bennett Joshua, lumberman Bennett William, lumberman Benninger Lewis, miner Bigelow V. G. miner Bishop A. J. miner Blackburn Joseph, miner Blanchard T. miner Blank William H. carpenter Bouty William Bowers Z. miner Bowley William, lumberman Boyles John M. miner Bradley G. N. miner Bradley John, butcher Bradley T. J. butcher Bradley William J. … Read more

1861 Directory of Iowa Hill California

1861 Directory of Iowa Hill California Able William, miner Abrams Frank, miner Ackerman J. miner Adams Jonathan, miner Alex C. miner Allen Easten, miner Allen L. T. butcher Amisk Peter, miner Anderson Andrew, miner Anderson Nat, miner Andrews N. P. miner Angle J. D. livery stable keeper Archie E. Z. miner Armstrong R. J. miner Arnold L. B .lawyer Arnold Moses, miner Arrington William, miner Ashley R. M. miner Atkinson H. S. miner Atkinson Joseph W. miner Ault A. J. miner Austin George, miner Austin James, miner Ayer Osborn, miner Backus Peter, baker Baker J. ranchman Ball J. miner Bapp … Read more

1861 Directory of Rattlesnake California

1861 Directory of Rattlesnake California Andrews N. miner Baldwin D. B. butcher Blake James, miner Bryant Alexander, saloon keeper Brown Chas. miner Brown L. C. miner Behrman Peter, miner Carigener C. blacksmith Carpenter C. E. lawyer Carter miner Casidy A. miner Clemmens Chas. Cobern John, miner Collins J. C. miner Conda Patrick, miner Cooper D. merchant Cordes C. miner Cortez R. miner Coward John, miner Cowden John, clerk Cummings R. P. laborer Day Dorrence, miner Dicky J. G. clerk Droge D. miner Dugan H. stage driver Duncan Jack, miner Duncan Jo. miner Dyer C. miner Esterbrooks Sam. blacksmith Fawcett George,, … Read more

Carpenter, Samantha L. Kuperus – Obituary

Samantha L. Kuperus Carpenter, 37, formerly of Union County, died Oct. 28 in Fairmont, W.Va. There will be a 3 p.m. memorial service Monday at the Union County Senior Center. Everyone is requested to bring a rose. Ms. Carpenter, who preferred to be called Sammy, was born Dec. 2, 1968, in Auburn, Calif., and spent her childhood in several towns in Union County. She had a way of cheering up people. She always encouraged people around her to make sound choices, and many were touched by her spirit. Survivors include her father, Sam Kuperus; stepmother, Delilah Bishop; sons, Anthony and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John J. Shields

San Mateo county is to be congratulated that the office of auditor, one of the most important functions in the county government is in the hands of such a competent person as John J. Shields who was elected by a handsome majority. When Mr. Shields began his duties he revolutionized the auditor’s office. The latest and most up-to-date systems of bookkeeping were installed and sweeping changes and improvements made, with the result that Mr. Shield’s office has been paid many flattering compliments by expert accountants. Before being elected county auditor, Mr. Shields was under sheriff for Sheriff J. H. Mansfield. … Read more

Biography of John W. Brigham

A large and well improved ranch eight and a half miles southeast of the city of Moscow, in Latah county, is owned by John Warren Brigham, who is regarded as one of the most enterprising and progressive agriculturists of this part of the state. His business ability, untiring industry and capable management have been the chief elements in his success and have gained him a position among the substantial residents of the county. Mr. Brigham is a native of California, his birth having occurred in Placer County, on the 22d of March 1857. On the paternal side he is of … Read more

Biography of E. R. Rogers

E.R. ROGERS. – The subject of this brief sketch is a son of Charles and Jane P. Rogers, and was born in Freeport, Maine, November 29, 1829. He there received a common-school education, and early took to the sea, “a life on the ocean wave” being the bent of his inclinations. He at the early age of fourteen shipped in Boston for New Orleans and Europe. he continued in that calling until he arrived in San Francisco, on October 10, 1849, in the bark Sarah Warren, a vessel subsequently well known on Puget Sound as one of its early lumber … Read more

1861 Directory of Dutch Flat California

1861 Directory of Dutch Flat California Abeel Henry, miner Abeel Jacob, miner Abeel Jno. miner Allen Crawford, clerk Amburgh R. miner Anderson Jno. miner Anderson Thos. miner Antwerp E. lawyer Armstrong Jno, livery stable Arnstein L. merchant Austin E. miner Austin Jno. miner Austin R. miner Austin Thos. miner Bader C. miner Bailey S. S. clerk Baker S. miner Barker F. miner Barker Jno. miner Barker O. C. miner Barkley J. H. merchant Barnum S. D. miner Barr S. R. miner Barrett E. A. miner Bartlett G. F. ditchman Bavin Wm. miner Beal G. P. miner Beard A. miner Belden … Read more

Ingram, Ann Alberta Cole Mrs. – Obituary

Ann Alberta Cole Ingram, 77, of Baker City, a former Halfway resident, died Nov. 5, 2005, at St. Elizabeth Health Services. There will be a private memorial service. She will be interred with her husband, Tom, at Pine Haven Cemetery in Halfway. Ann Alberta Cole Ingram was born on March 12, 1928, to Jesse James Cole and Bettie Ann Bergman Cole at Wolf, Calif. Growing up, she was raised on a ranch and went to school in a one-room schoolhouse at Wolf. In her youth, she picked up the nickname “Dude.” From her earliest recollection it came from her actually … Read more

Basse, Wilhelmina Isaacson Jacobson – Obituary

Funeral rites for Mrs. Wilhelmina Basi [Basse] were held last Saturday, November 30, in the Finnish Lutheran Church at Centerville, conducted by Rev. C. J. Sacarisen, of Portland. The organist was Charles Isakson, and singers were Mrs. Kenneth Nelson and Miss Louise Hoikka. Pall bearers were Frank Sarsfield, Jack Mulligan, Ernest Mattson, Hilmer Erickson, Otis Anderson, and Walter Lande. Interment was in the Centerville Grange Cemetery. Mrs. Basi, wife of Wilhelm Basi, passed away Thanksgiving morning in the Goldendale General Hospital, at the age of 74 years and ten months. She was born in Kuttanen, Sweden and came to America … Read more

Biography of Chester P. Coburn

Among the well known and highly respected citizens of northern Idaho who have borne an important part in the development of the state is Chester P. Coburn, of Lewiston, whose name is enrolled among the pioneers who came to this section of the country in 1862. He aided in the organization not only of the state but of the territory, and has ever been a prominent factor in the progress and advancement which have wrought a marvelous transformation here. It is a well attested maxim that the greatness of a state lies not in its machinery of government, nor even … Read more

Biography of John C. Connors

Entrusted with an important public service, the care of the funds of Owyhee County. John C. Connors is proving himself an efficient officer as well as a leading businessman of Silver City. The greater part of his life has been passed at the place which is now his home, and for many years he has been actively connected with its mercantile interests. A native of California, he was born in Placer County, on the 10th of February, 1859, a son of Peter Connors, who was born in County Galway, Ireland, in July, 1822, and came to the United States in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. J. E. Chapin

An important addition to the medical fraternity in San Mateo county is Dr. J. E. Chapin who came to Redwood City three years ago to practice medicine. Dr. Chapin came to Redwood after an extended practice in several large cities and a vast experience in his ‘profession. Since taking up his residence in Redwood City, Dr. Chapin has become intimately associated with the social and business life of Redwood City. His engaging manner and charming personality have drawn many people to him and the small circle of friends that surrounded him when he arrived, has gradually enlarged until it now … Read more

Biography of Henry C. Dippel

Our German citizens of American birth are among our best citizens. Most of them are industrious, frugal, enterprising, progressive and strictly up to date. There is a strain of blood, perhaps something in the atmosphere in which they were born, which makes them good pioneers. They have an unerring scent for localities for profitable investments and improvements. Following is one of the many life stories which go to prove all this: Henry Clarence Dippel, a prominent pioneer farmer and fruit-grower of Blackfoot, Idaho, is a native son of California, having been born at Lincoln, Placer County, October 26, 1859. His … Read more