Todd's Valley California in 1857

1861 Directory of Todd’s Valley California

Last Updated on September 26, 2016 by Dennis

Todd's Valley California in 1857
Todd’s Valley California in 1857

1861 Directory of Todd’s Valley California

Allison J. G. tinsmith
Anderson L. miner
Arthur James, Jr. miner
Arthur James, miner

Bachelder Charles, miner
Baker Arnold, miner
Baker C. O. miner
Baker P. Z. miner
Ball W. H. miner
Barnes A. miner
Barnes W. miner
Benedict N. merchant
Bennett Joshua, lumberman
Bennett William, lumberman
Benninger Lewis, miner
Bigelow V. G. miner
Bishop A. J. miner
Blackburn Joseph, miner
Blanchard T. miner
Blank William H. carpenter
Bouty William
Bowers Z. miner
Bowley William, lumberman
Boyles John M. miner
Bradley G. N. miner
Bradley John, butcher
Bradley T. J. butcher
Bradley William J. lumberman
Brady M. miner
Brown A. D. carpenter
Brown Dr. William, miner
Brown J. B. (colored) barber
Brown L. W. miner
Brown Pat, miner
Bryan H. S. miner
Buckner John, miner
Bullock J. W. miner
Bunn H. W. Ditch Superintendent
Burnell E. S. lumberman
Burnham L. blacksmith
Burrell T. J. miner
Burtley John, trader

Cadman Thos. miner
Carlson John, miner
Carmicle A. miner
Carmicle J. S. miner
Casey Edward, miner
Casey Thomas, miner
Cawsa John, miner
Colquett Henry, miner
Conner John, miner
Constable Chas. miner
Crane C. A. miner
Crary Joseph, miner
Crassman J. S. sawmill proprietor
Crawell Thomas, miner

Dickerson ______, ranchman
Dodds Thomas, saloon-keeper
Donley M. livery stable proprietor
Donley Patrick, miner
Dorr C. miner
Dorr Henry, miner
Downs George, hotel keeper
Decker George W. shoemaker

Eddy John, miner
Elser John, stableman

Fitz Gerald E. dairyman
Fitz Simmons H. lawyer
Flinn Patrick, miner
Fox James, miner
Frasier S. miler
French John, miner

Hackett C. miner
Hall H. R. miner
Hall R. B. miner
Halleek W. G. ranchman
Hamilan Jacob, miner
Hamilton E. trader
Hani John A. miner
Hanley Philip, saloon keeper
Harville J. W. miner
Hause J. T. miner
Henly R. S. carpenter
Henry William, miner
Heuston William, miner
Hicks Daniel, miner
Hill S. G. sport
Hill P. miner
Hoag Jacob, ranchman
Hoag Justin, ranchman
Hosmer D. M. miner
Hosmer Thomas N. miner
Huber H. miner
Hubland Thomas, miner
Hueston S. T. miner
Huff L. miner
Humphrey L. E. ranchman

Johnson A. miner
Johnson G. M. painter
Johnson S. D. miner
Journick Martin, miner

Keck Geo. miner
Keegler B. miner
Keely James, lumberman,
Kelly R. D. watchmaker
Key Wm. miner
Killpatrick D. M. trader
King Wm. miner
Knott Jo. clerk

Lambright J. S. mill-man
Lanier J. P. miner
Layton Jordan S. hotel proprietor
Lennen James, miner
Linn James, miner
Luce John, ranchman

Manser Jo. miner
Marks Chas. merchant
Mayfield E. miner
Mayward Simon, miner
McBurney Geo. miner
McBurney H. miner
McDonald Isaac, miner
McDougle G. W. miner
McGinn Larry, miner
McGrew John, miner
McKinzie Alex. miner
McMahill G. B. miner
Miller Chauncy, saloon keeper
Miller J. miner
Miner Frank, ranchman
Miner John, express agent
Montgomery M. miner
Moore E. B. miner
Murray J. W. ranchman
Myers H. L. miner

Neavy Pat, miner
Nightingale James, miner

O’Connell Pat. miner
Olsen John, miner
Oxendine A. M. millman

Pape Samuel, ranchman
Perkins P. H. teamster
Philbrook A. miner
Pond. A. A. merchant
Powell P. ditch superintendent

Randall A. miner
Randolph S. blacksmith
Reed A. G. merchant
Remler L. miner
Ring Clay, miner
Robinson John, miner
Russell J. B. miner

Saunders Geo. ranchman
Schmidt Casper, brewer
Schmidt Morris, miner
Seaman M. miner
Seaman Wm. H. hotel keeper
Searing S. J. miner
Searing Thos. miner
Searls Hiram, miner
Seibert John, miner
Shearer Fred. brewer
Shields Wm. S. miner
Sleighter Wm. miner
Smith A. B. miner
Smith Chas. lumberman
Smith J. F. dentist
Spangler Dan. miner
Staatt Fred. miner
Staker C. miner
Stermples John, miner
Story Matthew, miner

Taylor T. J. miner
Terry C. F. miner
Thompson Fred. miner
Todd Dr. F. W. physician
Trask Dr. J. H. physician
Truworthy Chas. miner
Truworthy Frank, miner
Turley John, jr. miner
Turley John, pedler
Turley Peter, miner
Tway John, miner

Wakeman W. miner
Walker J. blacksmith
Walker Wm. miner
Wallace Matthew, livery stable
Wallace Wm. miner
Ward B. F. miner
Ward J. H. dairyman
Ward Wm. T. miner
Ware Hiram, prop’r of toll-road
Ware W. H. miner
Wasberger Joseph, merchant
Wasberger L. merchant
Watson E. L. trader
Whitacre Thos. miner
White J. H. miner
White Wm. miner
Whithurst H. miner
Wier -, lumberman
Willard S. S. ditch superintendent
Winchester, H. hotel keep’r, [Wis. Hill]
Wiskgiber S. miner
Withers James, miner
Witt Enoch, miner
Woodward E. A. miner
Woodward J. E. miner
Wright John, miner
Wyly O. II. P. miner
Wyly Robt. miner


Steele, R. J.; Bull, James P.; Houston, F. I. Placer County Directory of 1861. Placer County, California: Placer County Historical Society. 1861.

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