Miss Willie Ramsey Young

Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Young, of Charlotte, N.C. Is a graduate of Elizabeth College, Charlotte, and of Smith, Northampton, Mass.; also of the National Training School, New York. She taught at Virginia College, Roanoke, Va., for two years, and was then elected one of the two Field Directors of the South Atlantic States for the Student Body of the Y. W. C. A. While filling this office the National Board of the Y. W. C. A. sent her to France as a war worker for the Red Cross nurses. Upon her arrival at Paris she was sent … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Nelson Stockwell

Stockwell, John Nelson; astronomical mathematician; born, Northampton, Mass., April 10, 1832; son of William and Clarissa (Whittemore) Stockwell; educated, common schools, Brecksville, 0.; (hon. A. M., 1862, Ph. D., 1876, Western Reserve); married Sarah Healy, of Brecksville, 0., Dec. 6, 1855; known for original investigations in astronomy. Author: Memoir on the Secular Variations of the Planetary Orits, in Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, 1872; Stock and Interest Tables, 1873; Tax Tables, 1903; Eclipse-Cycles; Theory of the Mutual Perturbations of Planets Moving at the Same Mean Distance from the Sun, and Its Bearing on the Constitution of Saturn’s Rings and the Cosmogony … Read more

Biography of John William Kenney, D.D.S.

JOHN WILLIAM KENNEY, D. D. S. – The profession of dentistry has a thorough and capable exponent at Northampton in Dr. Kenney who with his present-day methods and valued experience is accounted one of the foremost men in his line in this part of the State, where he has been in successful practice since 1902. He has the highest regard of the public in their appreciation of his skill, as well as of dental offices and laboratory that are unrivaled in the excellence of their equipment. Four generations of this branch of the family have now resided in Massachusetts, his … Read more

Carrie Todd Bartlett of Northampton MA

BARTLETT, Carrie Todd8, (Iru S.7, Justus6, Asa5, Gershom4, Gershom3, Michael2, Christopher1) born June 29, 1844, in Northampton, Mass., died Aug. 18, 1869, in Northampton, Mass., and was buried in the cemetery in West Farms. Married Nov. 7, 1866, Edwin P., son of Osborne Bartlett, of West Farms, Northampton, Mass. Child: I. Herbert Eugene, b. Nov. 5, 1863; he is m. and has children.

Mabel Juliana Todd Allen of Greenfield MA

ALLEN, Mabel Juliana Todd9, (John R.8, Iru S.7, Justus6, Asa5, Gershom4, Gershom3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Oct. 12, 1878, at the old farm in Northampton, Mass., married July 6, 1905, Amos Mason Allen, who was born in April 1865, in Shelburne, Mass. He is a carriage and automobile painter. In 1920 he was master painter for the Boston and Maine R. R. Co., at their shop in East Deerfield, Mass. They lived in Greenfield, Mass. Children: I. Howard Amos, b. Sept. 19, 1906. II. Agnes Elizabeth, b. May 5, 1908. III. Ethel Irene, b. Aug. 7, 1909. IV. Ruth Evelyn, b. … Read more

Biography of Robert Sheperd Kneeland

ROBERT SHEPHERD KNEELAND – Prominent in the business life of Springfield, Massachusetts, as a lawyer of attainments, who enjoys the good will of the community-at-large as well as of his compeers in his own profession, is Robert Shepherd Kneeland, engaged since 1911, in a general law practice under his own name. He is the son of Frederick N. and Adelaide Frances (Dyer) Kneeland, both of Massachusetts, the father a banker. Robert Shepherd Kneeland was born at Northampton, Massachusetts, April 26, 1883. He received his preliminary education in the public and high schools of Northampton, after which he entered Amherst College, … Read more

Biography of Daniel Lynch

DANIEL LYNCH – Among Northampton’s most useful and practical citizens, Daniel Lynch, expert brick mason, contractor and builder, has performed a work of permanent value to the material interests of the city in the course of the quarter of a century that he has been engaged in business on his own account; and the city and its neighborhood have profited in the result of good workmanship. Honest dealing and sound common sense have invariably characterized his enterprises as a builder, as well as his sterling counsel in matters relating to civic economics and community betterment. Of his industrious and zealous … Read more

Biography of William Edward Cooney

WILLIAM EDWARD COONEY – Both the hotel and the general real estate interests of Northampton have benefited very materially during the past forty years through Mr. Cooney’s association with a development and management of both departments of activity, as his capable methods have been such as to bring substantial results to the community. In earlier years, an all-round printer of widely recognized ability, Mr. Cooney also observed and shared in the growth and advancement of this part of the State through the newspaper and publishing field, and his family have always been known for thorough workmanship in all their undertakings. … Read more

Biography of Marion Knox Case

MARION KNOX CASE – The family name of Case is found as far back as the book of the Hundred Rolls in the thirteenth century. It is supposed to have been derived from the Latin word cass, meaning house or cottage. The Case family has a long record of good work and accomplishment both in England and America. Marion Knox Case has followed in the footsteps of his forefathers, and is a thorough-going business man, who has made a success of his undertakings. The founder of the Case family in America was John Case, who emigrated from England in 1635 … Read more

Biography of George Herbert Burnham

GEORGE HERBERT BURNHAM – Walter Le Veutre came to England at the time of the Conquest, in 1066, in the train of his cousin-german, Earl Warren, sonin-law of William the Conqueror. He was lord of the Saxon village of Burnham and others, and from Burnham, where he lived, he was known as De Bumham. He took his surname from this town. The name is often spelled Burnam, Bernam, and Barnham, as well as Burnham, and in the old Anglo-Saxon, Beornham, Byrnhom, and in other forms. In the old Norse the name is Bjorn, which in Anglo-Saxon is Beorn, and Burn … Read more

Rosa Knapp Todd Bartlett of Northampton MA

BARTLETT, Rosa Knapp Todd8, (Iru S.7, Justus6, Asa5, Gershom4, Gershom3, Michael2, Christopher1) born April 3, 1851, at the old homestead in Northampton, Mass., died Sept. 30, 1875, in West Farms, Northampton, Mass., married June 15, 1870, Edwin P. Bartlett, who had previously married her sister Carrie. Children: I. Alice Eliza, b. Aug. 17, 1871, d. in 1896, soon after the birth of her daughter, m. Charles Harwood, of Windsor, Mass., had issue: (1) Gladys, b. in 1896. II. Caroline Maria, b. April 24, 1874, m. Arthur Howard, who was a brother of her fathers third wife; they are living now … Read more

Biography of Henry Edgar Maynard

HENRY EDGAR MAYNARD – The Maynards of this country can point with pride to a name of great antiquity. The name Manard or Maynard, appears in the Rolls of Battle Abbey, as among the Normans who came to England with William the Conqueror. John Maynard was appointed Governor of Breast Castle, in Brittany, July 28, 1352, by Edward, Prince of Wales. Sir Henry Maynard, the sixth in descent from John Maynard, mentioned above, was sheriff of Essex County, and was knighted by Queen Elizabeth. His son William, was created “Lord of Wicklow” in Ireland, May 30, 1520, by King James … Read more

Ancestors of Alexander Holmes of Kingston, MA

The family of Alexander Holmes of Kingston, MA is one of long and honorable standing in New England, and there the branch is represented by the family of the late Alexander Holmes, who for years was president of the Old Colony and Fall River Railroad. Across the water in old England the Holmes family history reaches back to the year 1066, when one John Holmes, the founder of the Holmes family, is credited with being a volunteer in the army of William, Duke of Normandy.

Biography of John Archie Grosier

JOHN ARCHIE CROSIER – The practical everyday history and proceedings of the district court of Hampshire County is the field of activity in which Mr. Crosier has been engaged as clerk since 1904, and during which period he has been a witness of the many remarkable changes that have taken place in the legal personnel and procedure. The most familiar leading figure in this long-established court, and one of the most erudite men in the profession as regards the local judicial customs and usages, Mr. Crosier is an official held in regard and honor in county and State by his … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Allen, Thomas

Allen, Thomas, son of Thomas and Anne C. (Russell ) Allen, was born October 19, 1849, at St. Louis, Mo. He was educated at the high school, Pittsfield, Mass., at the Williston Seminary, Easthampton, and then entered the Washington University, St. Louis, Mo., after which he studied art at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, at Dilsseldorf, Germany, where he graduated from the master class in 1878, and afterward studied three years in France. He first exhibited his work in New York, at the National Academy of Design, in 1877, and has been represented in the National Academy at almost … Read more

Jehiel Todd of Toddville NY

Jehiel Todd6, (Stephen5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Nov. 3, 1761, died Jan. 28, 1843, in Toddville, N. Y., married in 1781, Hannah, daughter of Glover and Lydia (Allen) Street, who was born Oct. 1, 1758, died July 21, 1836. He was born and lived for some time in Wallingford, Conn. Glover Street, was son of Samuel and Keziah (Munson) Street; Samuel was son of Lieut. Samuel and Hannah (Glover) Street; Lieut. Samuel was a son of Rev. Samuel and Anna (Miles) Street; Rev. Samuel Street was son of Rev. Nicholas and(???)(Poole) Street. Keziah Munson was a daughter of Caleb … Read more

Iru Studley Todd of Northampton MA

Iru Studley Todd7, (Justus6, Asa5, Gershom4, Gershom3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Oct. 23, 1809, died Feb. 4, 1882, at his home in Roberts Meadow, Northampton, Mass., of pneumonia, married March 24, 1836, Julianna, daughter of John and Rosina (Knapp) Root, who was born Sept. 20, 1814, died April 6, 1893. She was a descendant of Thomas Root, who was one of the first settlers of Northampton, Mass., and was one of the “pillars” of the church when it was first organized in that town. He passed his childhood days in West Chesterfield, Mass., where he was born. When he was about … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Sheldon

John, son of Isaac (2) Sheldon, was born December 5. 1658. He settled in Northampton, Massachusetts. He removed to Deerfield and conducted a public house. He was one of the first board of selectmen, ensign of the first military company and captain in 1707. and deacon of the church. He built the old Hoyt house, the door of which, cut by tomahawks and bullets, is preserved in Memorial Hall. In the winter of 1705 he was sent by Governor Dudley on a difficult and dangerous mission to Canada to redeem the captives and returned the following spring with five, two … Read more

Harriet Todd Richardson Buck of Hartwick NY

RICHARDSON BUCK, Harriet Todd8, (Lemuel7, Jehiel6, Stephen5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born March 18, 1805, in Northampton, Mass., she was twice married, first, Feb. 27, 1823, Anson Richardson, who was born June 22, 1797, in Conn., died April 26, 1834, in Hartwick, Otsego County, N. Y. Married second, June 29, 1839, Homer C. Buck, who was born March 23, 1807. Children by Anson Richardson: I. Jane Maria, b. 1824, d. 1829. II. Dewitt Clinton, b. 1825, d. 1828. III. Hiram Hale, b. 1827, d. 1828. IV. Sarah S., b. Nov. 21, 1829. V. Mary E., b. Dec. 7, 1831. Child … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Wesley Ewing

JOHN WESLEY EWING, well known in the vicinity of Northampton, is a successful farmer, carrying on the home farm on which his father and grandfather lived and worked for so many years. He is the son of Alexander Mathew and Esther Ann (McCandless) Ewing, and brother of Harold Butler Ewing (q. v.), in connection with whose sketch a full account of Mr. Ewing’s father and grandfather are given. John Wesley Ewing was born in the town of Northampton, December 22, 1887, and was educated in the local public schools. He early became familiar with the duties and responsibilities of farm … Read more