Biography of Edwin R. Sherwin

This well and favorably known resident of Grangeville came to the territory of Idaho when the, flourishing city of Lewiston was but a collection of tents, and through the thirty-seven, years that have since come and gone he has been an important element in the business life of this section of the commonwealth. He was born in Onondaga County, New York, January 26, 1821, and is of English and German descent. His ancestors were early settlers of New England, and the grandfather. Captain Joshua Sherwin, was a resident of Hartford, Connecticut. He was one of a family of seven sons, … Read more

Botts, Bernard L. – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa county, Oregon Bernard L. Botts a retired farmer and a native of Wallowa County passed away at his home in Lewiston, Orchards Sunday Nov. 6, 1955 at 2:10 p.m. a victim of heart ailment. Son of Bernard B. and Eliza Botts, he was born January 17, 1890 in Flora where he lived until moving to Lewiston in 1951. On June 22, 1917 he was married in Enterprise to Miss Neva Garrett who survives him. Besides his wife he is survived by three sons Bradford, Ashland Oregon, Brady, Enterprise and Delmer, Callahan Calif.; four brothers Otho, Seattle and Fred … Read more

Biography of John Krall

Few lives have been more active or more thoroughly filled with incidents of interest and of unusual nature than has that of John Krall, one of the pioneers of Idaho, and for about thirty-five years a resident in the vicinity of Boise City. Now a wealthy man, he is indebted to himself alone for his fortune, for he started out in youth to fight the battle of life, a poor boy, and by the exercise of industry and perseverance, in the face of great difficulties, he came off victor over all. Mr. Krall is a native of Germany, born December … Read more

Biography of Mrs. Lucinda J. Brearley

In a history of the settlement of a state there is usually but slight reference made to the part which the women have taken in its development. This is, of course, due to the more active connection of the pioneer men with public life, while the wives, mothers and daughters are concerned in the duties of home making. Great credit, however, is due the brave pioneer women, who stand courageously by the side of husbands and fathers, sharing with them in the hardships and dangers which accompany the development of a new section; nor is their influence a minor factor … Read more