Descendants of Joseph Stevens

Joseph Stevens, born Billerica, Mass., Oct. 20, 1720. Died in Winthrop, Maine, Oct. 2, 1791. Married Elizabeth Emery, born Billerica, 1723. Died Winthrop, Maine, Feb. 28, 1798. They moved to Winthrop, Me. from New Ipswich, N. H. in 1769. The names of their children were: Elizabeth, b. Oct. 10, 1744. Joseph, Jr., b. April 8, 1746. Joseph, Jr., b. Oct. 31, 1747. Ames, b. July 16, 1749. Samuel, b. April 28, 1751. Mercy, b. Nov. 23, 1752. Abel, b. April 27, 1755. Esther, b. Oct. 6, 1756. Ephrain, b. June 29, 1758. (2) William, b. July 4, 1760; d. Winthrop, … Read more

Biography of Jacob Newton Butler, M.D.

Jacob Newton Butler, M.D., of Lempster, N.H., one of the best known physicians in this part of Sullivan County, was born in Lyndeboro, Hillsborough County, this State, February 6, 1821, son of Jacob and Sarah (Blanchard) Butler. His great-grandfather, William Butler, came, it is said, from England, and settled in Essex County, Massachusetts. He married, so we are informed, Sarah Perkins, and had seven children, three sons and four daughters. The three sons enlisted in the War for Independence, and one never came back. One was taken prisoner and carried to Halifax, N.S., where he died of small-pox. The other … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Allen, Charles H.

Allen, Charles H., son of Zenas and Caroline (Randall) Allen, was born in Boston, June 14, 1828. He received his early educational training in the public schools of Boston. He began his business life as youngest boy in a dry goods jobbing store. Subsequently he became bookkeeper fro Francis Skinner & Co., commission merchants engaged in selling cotton and wollen fabrics for manufacturers; afterward a member of the firm of Leland, Allen & Bates in the same business. He is now president of the Central National Bank of Boston, also of the Home Savings Bank. Mr. Allen was married in … Read more