Biographical Sketch of E. F. Prince

E. F. Prince proprietor of Prince Hotel, and dealer in general merchandise. Was born in Berkshire County, Mass., in 1827; came to Columbia County. Wis., engaged in farming; in 1876, came to Madison, built this hotel, which is the largest in the county; he also built this store, and in the fall of 1881, opened a general stock, and has since carried on this business. Mr. P. was appointed Town Trustee when the town was first incorporated; held the office four years, and held other local offices.

Biographical Sketch of J. Koenigstein

J. Koenigstein, druggist, is a native of Bavaria, Rhine. In 1854, came to Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1855, went to Monroe County, Ill, and worked on their farm. In 1859, came to St. Louis, and learned the drug trade. In the fall of 1861, he enlisted in Company F, Forty-third Illinois Volunteer Infantry; served three years and eight months, was wounded, and taken prisoner at the battle of Jenkins’ Ferry, Ark. April 30, 1864, was confined in Camp Fort, Tex.; released February 15, 1865, and returned to Monroe County, Ill. In 1871, came to Watertown, Wis. There opened a drug store; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of C. S. Hayes

C. S. Hayes, jeweler and dealer in musical instruments, is a native of Orleans County, Vt. In 1871, he came to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, learned his trade with A. C. Taylor, where he worked four and one-half years. In 1876, he removed to Blairstown, Iowa; there opened a jewelry store, where he remained about five years. July, 1881, he came to Norfolk, where he has since carried on this business in all its branches. He carries the most complete stock of watches and jewelry, silver and plated ware, musical instruments and sewing machines of any house in Northern Nebraska. Mr. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Stuart

James Stuart, banker, is a native of Kent, Litchfield Co., Conn. In 1871, came to Chicago, was engaged there in the wholesale grocery trade about nine years. In the spring of 1880, came to Madison; has since been engaged in banking.

Biographical Sketch of P. A. Clark

P. A. Clark, coal and farm machinery was born in Otsego County, N. Y. Came to Decatur, Ill. In 1861, attended the State Normal School of Bloomington; also engaged in teaching. Graduated from that institution in 1866. He continued teaching till 1868, when he came to Fremont, Neb. Was engaged in insurance and implement business about two years. In the spring of 1870, returned to Bureau County. Taught school there about two years. He then went to Chicago, and sold school furniture about three years. He then removed to Peoria; was traveling partner in a wholesale drug and spice house … Read more

Biographical Sketch of A. C. Tyrrel

A. C. Tyrrel, firm of Barnes & Tyrrel, bankers, was born in Berkshire County, Mass.; in 1863, came to Dodge County, Wis.; he attended the Northwestern Business College at Madison; after taught school in different counties in the State; in 1871, came to Madison, Neb.; the following year, he with Mr. Barnes established this business.

Biographical Sketch of C. Selah

C. Selah, editor of the Norfolk Journal, was born in Tazewell County, Ill.; came to West Point, Neb., in 1871, and there worked on the Republican. In 1876, he, with Mr. Bartlett, bought out and published the Neligh Journal. In November, 1877, he and Mr. Bartlett established the Norfolk Journal, which has since been ably conducted by Mr. Selah.

Historical and Biographical Sketches of Madison County Nebraska

Madison Nebraska

Madison County Nebraska was created in 1856, and organized in January, 1868, by proclamation of Governor Butler. It is located in the northeastern part of the State, bounded on the north by Pierce, east by Stanton, south by Platte, and west by Boone and Antelope Counties, containing 576 square miles, or 368,640 acres. The north half of the County lies in the fertile Valley of the Elkhorn, which here varies in width from three to six miles. Union and Battle Creek “Valleys are from one to two miles wide. The uplands are gently undulating prairies, and comprise about forty-five per … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Herman Fricke

Herman Fricke, wines and liquors, is a native of Hanover. In 1861, came to McHenry County, Ill.; engaged in farming. In 1863, came to Richardson County, Neb.; also engaged in farming. In 1880, he removed to Madison, and engaged in his present business. Married, in 1866, Johannah Ruegge, of Hanover. They have eight children–three sons and five daughters.

Biographical Sketch of W. J. Barnes

W. J. Barnes, proprietor of Madison Hotel, is a native of Dutchess County, N. Y. In the spring of 1866, the family came to Columbus, Neb. The following year, they removed to Madison County, where he has since resided. The family are among the first 24 settlers of the county. His brother pre-empted this land and laid out this town. His father pre-empted a quarter section on the north. W. J. also pre-empted a quarter section, making about one section which the family entered. He has since been engaged in farming, and has recently opened this house.

Biographical Sketch of Carl Asmus

Carl Asmus, general merchandise, was born in Prussia; came to West Point, Neb., in 1867; the following year he went to the Rocky Mountains; in the fall of 1868, returned to West Point, took a homestead, engaged in farming, and, later, in the liquor business; in 1871, came to Norfolk, opened a small store. His business has rapidly increased. He now owns and occupies a very fine brick store 23×80 feet, built in 1880, cost about $8,000. By strict attention to business, Mr. Asmus has acquired this and other property since coming to Nebraska.

Biographical Sketch of F. W. Barnes

F. W. Barnes, firm of Barnes & Tyrrel, bankers, is a native of Dutchess County, N. Y. In 1866, the family came to Columbus, Neb. May 3, 1867, they removed to Madison County, where he has since resided. Mr. Barnes entered 160 acres, on which the town of Madison is now situated. He laid out this town in 1870. In 1872, he engaged in banking, also in real estate, has since been engaged in this business. He has held the offices of County Surveyor, County Judge, Town Treasurer, Town Clerk and other offices.

Biographical Sketch of George B. Fletcher

George B. Fletcher, attorney at law, was born February 20, 1845, in Lowell, Ohio; raised in Anamosa, Iowa. After finishing his preparatory course of studies, he attended the Sinsinawa Mound College about two and one-half years. About the close of the war, he went south, and was connected with the Government service. In 1867, returned to Jones County. The following year, he removed to Dubuque, Iowa, and commenced reading law with Barker & Shields; returned to Anamosa, and continued the study of law with George W. Field; was admitted to the bar at Council Bluffs, July, 1870. He then went … Read more

Biographical Sketch of H. E. Becker

H. E. Becker, furniture and undertaking, is a native of Germany. In 1853, came to New York. Soon after, removed to Connecticut. There followed the carpenter trade. He enlisted, in 1861, in Company I, Tenth Regiment Connecticut Infantry; was discharged in 1864; returned to Connecticut; continued the carpenter trade. In 1874, came to Madison, Neb. Soon after, established this business. Mr. B. was one term County Commissioner. He is Chairman of the Board of Trustees; has been a member since 1876. He is also Secretary of the Madison Town Hall and Court House Association. Was also School Director for one … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. J. Sherlock

J. J. Sherlock, agent Union Pacific Railway, was born in Newport, Ky.; in 1869, came to Omaha; in 1873, he secured employment with this company, and has since been in their employ; December, 1879, he was appointed agent at Humphrey, remained there one year; he then removed to Lost Creek, was agent there about ten months; February 16, 1882, came to Madison, where he has since been agent of this company.

Biographical Sketch of F. W. Fritz

F. W. Fritz, County Treasurer and firm of Fritz & Wolf, Madison Mills, is a native of Prussia. In 1856, came to Dodge County, Wis., with his parents. There assisted on their farm. Enlisted, in February, 1864, in Company H, Thirty-sixth Wisconsin Infantry; served to the end of the war. In 1865, came to Hardin County, Iowa; engaged in farming. In 1870, removed to West Point; engaged in merchandising, grain and implement business; also ran a branch store at Wisner; continued this unti11873. He then came to Madison, and commenced the erection of this grist-mill, which was completed in the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Gerecke

William Gerecke, County Clerk, is a native of Germany. In 1854, he came to Dodge County, Wis., where he remained until 1872, when he came to Norfolk and opened a harness shop. This business he still carries on–firm of Spaulding & Gerecke. He was elected County Treasurer in the fall of1877. In the fall of 1879, he was elected County Clerk.

Biographical Sketch of Hon. Samuel W. Hayes

Hon. Samuel W. Hayes, firm of McClary & Co., general merchandise and coal, is a native of Strafford County, N. H. In 1849, went to California, where he remained about three years. In 1852, came to Burlington, Iowa. Was employed in the construction of the Burlington & Missouri Railroad; continued with this company about eight years. Was commissioned Commissary Sergeant in the Thirty-sixth Iowa Infantry; remained with the regiment till the spring of 1866. He then came to Fremont; engaged in merchandising. In the fall of 1873, came to Norfolk, where he has since been engaged in merchandising. Was a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of A. P. Pilger

A. P. Pilger, dealer in stoves, tinware, hardware, etc., was born tn Washington County, Wis. In 1871, he came to Norfolk and opened the tin shop; soon after added hardware and stoves to his business, which he has been constantly increasing; now doing a business of about $20,000 a year. Mr. Pilger is a member of the Town Board, School Board and other local offices.

Biographical Sketch of Dr. Alex Bear

Dr. Alex. Bear, physician and surgeon, is a native of Virginia. After completing a common course of studies, he attended the University of Virginia, in 8554, 1855-56; graduated from the University of Maryland in 1860; in 1865, came to Fremont, where he took up the practice of medicine; he also practiced in West Point from 1871 to 1873. He then came to Norfolk, where he has since been actively engaged in the practice of his profession. He is the oldest practicing physician on the Elkhorn Valley. He has been a member of the State Senate two terms, and member of … Read more