Registers of the Parish of Michilimackinac

Entry in Mackinac Registry 28 July 1768

The records from the register at Michilimackinac are here provided as they were translated by Edward O. Brown back in 1889. His translation came from a transcript of the original, which latter is kept in the parish church of Ste. Anne, at Mackinac. Annotated throughout are Mr. Brown’s biographical knowledge of the events of Michilimackinac and the people within. Don’t pass over the footnotes for the record, you may find a biographical reference hidden there!

A Short History of Michilimakinak

No more colorful settlement existed in the Middle West than the mission and fort at the Straits of Mackinac, for the French early realized its importance and directed their westward explorations from this base. The concentration point for the fur trade of the Middle West, Mackinac held an important place for many years, both during the British and American regimes.

Menominee Indians

Menominee Indians were located on and near the Menominee River, Wisconsin, and in Michigan on or about the present location of Mackinac. The Menominee belonged to the Algonquian linguistic family and to the same section as the Cree and Foxes.

Early Mackinac Marriage Records 1725-1749

The old register at Mackinac is still preserved in the parish church of the island. It consists of one large volume, with the records of marriages entered at one end, and those of baptisms at the other. The record of interments is meagre. This volume extends in time from 1741-1821, and we here publish the portion comprising the marriages. That for the baptisms and interments will be given in the succeeding volume of our Collections. We are indebted to the Hon. Edward Osgood Brown of Chicago for an admirable transcription of this interesting document, which we follow in the present … Read more

Mackinac Marriage Records 1800-1804

January 19, 1800, I, the Undersigned one of the Justices of the Peace of the United States, received The mutual Marriage consent of Louis hamelin and of Marie Louise of the Sauteux nation. In the presence of the Undersigned witnesses, at McKinac on the day and in the year aforesaid. Adhemar St. Martin J. P. Alexis Laframbois; L Hamelin; Genevieve Plaiseé; J. Giasson. April 20, 1800, I, the undersigned, one of the justices of the peace of the United States, received The mutual Marriage consent of Jacques Chauvin and of Angelique of the Sauteux nation, In the presence of the … Read more