Biographical Sketch of John Rowlee Fausey

JOHN ROWLEE FAUSEY – To the general advancement of the interests of the public schools of Massachusetts, and particularly of Springfield and West Springfield, Mr. Fausey has devoted the larger part of his career as a teacher and superintendent, and with results that are recorded as having enlarged the bounds and increased the value of the educational institutions in those communities where he has taught and held official position. John Rowlee Fausey, son of James Seldon and Caroline Helen (Blauvelt) Fausey, was born March 19, 1870, in Elmira, New York, where he attended the public school, and he afterwards graduated … Read more

Biography of Coe C. Horton

(X) Coe C., son of Isaiah (2) Horton, was born at Springwater, Livingston county, New York, April 12. 1864. He attended the district schools and the Victor high school. In 1882 he engaged in the lumber trade at Avon, New York; in 1889 he came to Victor and has followed farming there to the present time. He was for four years employed by the Wabash railroad in Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. He was for one year in the employ of the New York Times of New York City, and three years in the furniture and hardware business in Bennington, Vermont. … Read more

Biography of Cornelius Jay Andruss

(IX) Cornelius Jay, eldest child of George and Sarah (Ter Bush) Andruss, was born in Canadice, Ontario county, New York, October 7, 1845. His preparatory education was acquired at the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary, and he then attended Cornell University, subsequently studying dentistry at the Philadelphia Dental College, from which he was graduated in 1877. Commencing in 1861 he taught for the larger portion of seven years in the district schools of Ontario and Livingston counties, New York, and for two years was deputy county surveyor of Lee county, Illinois. He commenced the practice of dentistry in association with Dr. A. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Levi Brockway Jr.

Levi Brockway. Jr. was born in the town of Otsego, in the county of Otsego, N.Y., on the 9th day of April, 1816, where he resided until the 2nd day of March, 1832, when he came to Springwater, where he settled on the east bill, on the farm on which he has remained ever since, and on the farm his father, Levi Brock way Sr., had lived for two years previous, and where he died many years since. Levi Jr. was married on the 26th day of June, 1840, to Julia A. Root, a daughter of Amos Root, of Springwater, … Read more

Biography of Hon. Andrew Jackson Thayer

HON. A.J. THAYER. – Few of the pioneers of Oregon are more worthy of having their memories perpetuated for their worth and services to the state than the late Judge Thayer. Andrew Jackson Thayer, the second child of Gideon Anne (Dodge) Thayer, was born in Lima, Livingston county, State of New York, on the 27th of November, 1818. He received an academic education at what was known as the Wesleyan Seminary, afterwards the Wesleyan University, studied law in the office of Doolittle & Thayer, the latter being his cousin. He was married to Melissa D. Chandler on the 9th of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of C. C. King

C. C. King, farmer and stock dealer, P. O. Jewell City, was born in Springwater, N. Y., and July 9, 1838; removed to Iowa in 1855; thence to Nebraska in 1860. At the breaking out of the war he enlisted as private in Company F, Fifteenth Iowa Infantry. Was discharged in September 1862, for disability. Re-enlisted in March, 1863, in Company M, Second Nebraska Cavalry, to serve nine months; discharged in December following, and returned to his farm in Nebraska. He was married March 20, 1864, to Miss Lucinda J. Horner. Again he entered the army, August 15, as Sergeant … Read more

Agreement of September 3, 1823

At a treaty held under the authority of the United States at Moscow, in the county of Livingston, in the State of New York, between the sachems, chiefs, and warriors of the Seneka nation of Indians in behalf of said nation, and John Greig and Henery B. Gibson of Canandaigua in the county of Ontario; in the presence of Charles Carroll, esquire, commissioner appointed by the United States for holding said treaty, and of Nathaniel Gorham, esquire, superintendent, in behalf of the State of Massachusetts. Know all men by these presents, that the said sachems, chiefs, and warriors, for and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Albert C. Aldridge

(III) Albert C., son of Gilbert T. Aldridge, was born in Victor. March 13, 1849. He attended the public schools of his native town and Brockport, the Collegiate Institute at Brockport, the Rochester Business University, taking special courses in law and laboratory work. For ten years he was engaged in teaching school, two years in the public schools, one year in Canandaigua Academy, and six years in the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary at Lima, New York. In 1884 he was elected school commissioner of the second district of Ontario county, and was reelected from term to term until he had served … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Isaiah Horton

(VIII) Isaiah, son of Elisha Horton, was born at Chester, New Jersey, died in Springwater, Livingston county, New York, May 22, 1873. He was a carpenter. He was a soldier in the war of 1812. He married at Aurelius, Cayuga county, New York, January 31, 1817, Charlotte Chatfield. who died February 21, 1854. Children: 1. Amarilla, born 1818, married Stephen Pearl. 2. Elisha. 3. Miranda, married Luther P. Norton. 4. Eliza, married Luther P. Norton, for second wife. 5. Hiram, married Mary Briggs. 6. Esther, married Augustus Boughton. 7. Lucinda. 8. Isaiah. mentioned elsewhere. 9. Mary. married J. B. Tiffany. … Read more

Biography of Maurice Brown

Maurice Brown was born at Richmond, N.Y., May 31st, 1806. He was a son of Parley Brown. He was married to Marinda Fox on the 5th day of May, 1831, and came to Canadice to live in March, 1836, and remained there until 1851, when he moved to Springwater east hill, and lived on the hill until 1859, when he came to the Valley, where he now lives and has remained since he came. He is a lawyer by profession, held the office of justice of the peace both at Canadice and at Springwater for a time, and was postmaster … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Weidman

John Weidman was born in the town of Sparta, Livingston Co., N.Y., on the 16th day of November, 1827. He was a son of Jacob Weidman, and one of a family of twelve children, all now living. He married Mary Ann Hartman, on the 24th day of March, 1849. In 1852 he bought the old Wadams farm, where Ezra Willis now lives, and moved to Springwater on to the said farm, where he lived for a few years, when he sold and bought a large farm of about three hundred and ten acres, on the south part of West Hill, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Elisha T. Webster

Elisha T. Webster was horn at Granville, Washington Co. ,N.Y.. November 29th, 1818. Came West with his father Elisha Webster, and family in the fall of 1830, and settled in Conesus, where he continued to live until 1845, when he came to Springwater, and purchased a farm at what is now the village of Webster’s Crossing on the Erie railroad, and built a sawmill, and in addition to farming, went extensively into the business of sawing lumber and shingles. He was married in 1846, to Anna M. Clemmons who is still living. They have had two children, one daughter and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Prentiss W. Shepard

Prentiss W. Shepard was born in the town of Cohocton, Steuben County, N.Y.. on the 2nd day of July, 1829. After a few years moved to Naples, and married Anna Briggs in March, 1565. He came to Springwater and bought the H. H. Faskett farm on east hill. He was very successful in farming, and after a few years was able to buy other farms adjoining. Three years since he moved to Lima for the purpose of educating his children. He has three, one daughter, Mina M. Shepard, and two sons, the oldest William W. has just become of age … Read more

Jordan, Raymond Elmer – Obituary

Elgin, Oregon Raymond Elmer Jordan, 86, Elgin, died Dec. 26 at a La Grande care center. At his request, no services will be conducted. Mr. Jordan was born May 18, 1920, to Mark and Ethel (Masters) Jordan to Taylor, N.Y. He worked as a custodian/dispatcher in industrial buildings. He was a veteran of the U.S. Air Force. Mr. Jordan moved to Union County in March from New York. He enjoyed horses and listening to his scanner. Survivors include his daughters, Sharon Partlow of Elgin and Patricia Thompson of Courtland, N.Y., and a son, Raymond Jordan Genesee of Pennsylvania. His wife … Read more

Biography of Joel Hudson

Joel Hudson. The following biographical sketch of Joel Hudson, who is still living, was written by himself for the Springwater Enterprise in 1883, He then being in his 89th year: I was born in the town of Chatham, Columbia, N.Y., on the 10th day of October, 1794. In 1799, my father went to the town of Scipio, Cayuga county, and bought 145 acres of heavy timbered land with no improvements. In the winter of 1800, we moved to Scipio with an ox team, and were about three weeks on the road. In the spring, father put up a log house … Read more

Biography of Jonathan Frost

Jonathan Frost came to Springwater from Hartford, Washington Co., N.Y., in 1830 He purchased of David Luther the old tannery property near where Maurice Brown lived. He repaired the tannery and went quite extensively into the business of tanning leather and manufacturing boots and shoes, which he continued for about fifteen years, when he sold the property to Joseph C. Whitehead who continued the business for a number of years. But to return to Jonathan Frost and give a brief description of his family. He married Tamor Ballou. They had eight children, two sons and six daughters I will mention … Read more

Biography of Henry Howell Isham

Henry Howell Isham was one of the prominent pioneer merchants of Coffeyville, founded and successfully conducted several business enterprises that were material factors in the growth and prosperity of the city, and on account of his business prominence and his personal character was held in the highest esteem. His death at Coffeyville November 19, 1906, meant the loss of one of the sterling old time citizens of Montgomery County. He was at that time seventy years of age, lacking three days. His birth had occurred at Colchester, Connecticut, November 22, 1836. He was of New England ancestry, four brothers of … Read more

Biography of Orson Walbridge

Orson Walbridge, The writer of this biography was born on the 14th day of September, 1809, at the town of Burlington, Otsego County, New York was a son of Stephen and Eunice Walbridge, lived with his parents at Burlington until June, 1819, when they removed to Springwater, N.Y. Arrived at Springwater the 30th day of June, and went to live on the west hill, on lot No. 113, which is now known as the Edward Totten farm; attended school at the old log school house where the house known as the liberty pole school house now is; worked on the … Read more