Biographical Sketch of Ephraim Rowley

Ephraim Rowley came from Jamestown, Chautauqua Co., N.Y., to Springwater in 1838, and engaged in the business of running a sawmill for Andrew Spafard, and being a first-class sawyer he was in good demand as such and had charge of a number of mills in town, and continued in the business as long as he was able to do the work. He married Mary Ann Jones, by whom he had ten children, three sons and seven daughters. Will give their names. Caroline, who married Henry Barber; Hiram, Augustus B., Mary, Jane, Polley Ann, Milo, Fidelia, arid Elizabeth. There are but … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Rowlee Fausey

JOHN ROWLEE FAUSEY – To the general advancement of the interests of the public schools of Massachusetts, and particularly of Springfield and West Springfield, Mr. Fausey has devoted the larger part of his career as a teacher and superintendent, and with results that are recorded as having enlarged the bounds and increased the value of the educational institutions in those communities where he has taught and held official position. John Rowlee Fausey, son of James Seldon and Caroline Helen (Blauvelt) Fausey, was born March 19, 1870, in Elmira, New York, where he attended the public school, and he afterwards graduated … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Isaiah Horton

(IX) Isaiah (2), son of Isaiah (1) Horton, was born in Springwater, Livingston county, New York, August 27, 1831, and was educated there in the public schools. He was a farmer all his active life. He moved to Victor, Ontario county, in 1865, and for many years made a specialty of fruit culture and sheep raising. He has been retired from active business for several years. In religion he is a Universalist. In politics he is a Republican. He is an earnest advocate of total abstinence and at times has supported the Prohibition party. For ten years he was the … Read more

Biography of Rev. James T. Dougherty

When De Nonville and his French army, in 1687, destroyed the Indian village of Gannagaro and Gaudougarae, the inhabitants were driven eastward and formed a village near the foot of Canandaigua Lake, which village and lake have since then borne that name. Among the Indian inhabitants in those days were many Catholics, some of them Senecas and most of them Hurons and Algonquin captives, the result of fifty years of missionary labor of the zealous Jesuits. Even in our day the beads and crucifixes given the Indians by the missionaries are still picked up on the sites of the old … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Lyman Van Voorhis

George Lyman, eldest child of Lyman and Elizabeth (Field) Van Voorhis, was born at Charleston, Kalamazoo county, Michigan, April 21, 1871. He was very young when his parents returned to the state of New York, and his education was obtained at the Victor high school, later the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary at Lima, and finally the Brock State Normal School, which he left prior to graduating. From early manhood he has been actively engaged in the interests of the Republican party. During this time he taught school during the winter months, and worked on the farm during the summer, a course … Read more

Biography of Henry Howell Isham

Henry Howell Isham was one of the prominent pioneer merchants of Coffeyville, founded and successfully conducted several business enterprises that were material factors in the growth and prosperity of the city, and on account of his business prominence and his personal character was held in the highest esteem. His death at Coffeyville November 19, 1906, meant the loss of one of the sterling old time citizens of Montgomery County. He was at that time seventy years of age, lacking three days. His birth had occurred at Colchester, Connecticut, November 22, 1836. He was of New England ancestry, four brothers of … Read more

Biography of Coe C. Horton

(X) Coe C., son of Isaiah (2) Horton, was born at Springwater, Livingston county, New York, April 12. 1864. He attended the district schools and the Victor high school. In 1882 he engaged in the lumber trade at Avon, New York; in 1889 he came to Victor and has followed farming there to the present time. He was for four years employed by the Wabash railroad in Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. He was for one year in the employ of the New York Times of New York City, and three years in the furniture and hardware business in Bennington, Vermont. … Read more

McLachlen, Don – Obituary

Don McLachlen Answers Call Death Comes After Brief Illness Funeral to be held from the Home Tomorrow Afternoon at 2 O’clock Donald A. McLachlen aged 37, died last midnight after an illness of less than a month brought about by hardening of arteries. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock from the J. H. McLachlen home, 1803 Third street. His life has been despaired for several days and the end came about midnight last night. His son Archie was called from Portland, and his near relations were assembled in the home of his father, J. H. McLachlen … Read more

Biography of Edward Withington

Edward Withington Married his first wife in Stoughton, Mass., and settled in Dorchester, and from there in 1813 he moved to Windsor, Berkshire county, and from there he came with his family to Springwater, in the spring of 1813, and settled on the farm now occupied by Samuel Wheaton. Mr. Withington married for his first wife Nancy Monk, (She was a relative of Bezi Monk late of this town,) by whom he had seven children. He buried three of his children and his first wife in Mass. He married for his second wife Susan Chilson, by whom he had two … Read more

Biography of Ira Whitlock

Ira Whitlock. Prominent among the names of the early residents of West hill, is that of Ira Whitlock, who came into this town in 1886. He was born in Granville, Washington county, N.Y., where he passed the early years of his life. He was educated at the old “Granville Academy,” and after attaining his majority, he went to New York City, and for several years was employed as engineer on the Hudson and East rivers. In 1828, he came to the town of Conesus, where he engaged in the mercantile business. In 1836, he removed to this town, and in … Read more