Biography of G. B. Glover

The stock men of Malheur County are the men who have brought the County to the front by their arduous labors and wise manipulation of the resources here found, and as a prominent one of this distinguished class the subject of this article is well known, being also a worthy pioneer, who wrought here with a firm hand and endured the hardships incident to that life, while his keen foresight and enterprise led him to see the value of the country that he was opening.

Mr. Glover was born in Holly Springs, Mississippi on December 20, 1841, and at the age of fourteen went with his father and the balance of the family to Arkansas, where he remained until the breaking out of the terrible Civil war and then enlisted in the Confederate army, doing valiant military service until the close of the conflict. He then returned to his home, and in 1870 came to Jackson County, Missouri and thence, five years later, he journeyed to what is now Malheur County. He located where he now lives, eighteen miles northwest from Jordan valley, at Cow Creek lakes, took land and engaged in farming and stock-raising. Success has attended his thrifty and wisely bestowed labors and he now has a valuable estate of eleven hundred and forty acres of land. “The Lakes.” as the estate is called, is one of the most beautiful, as well as valuable, in southeastern Oregon. He has it well improved. and it is made a comfortable and attractive rural abode. Mr. Glover has one hundred and fifty cattle and other stock. He is always active in the political matters of the County and state and is an influential and prominent citizen.

The marriage of Mr. Glover and Mrs. Elizabeth (Shea) Keenan was solemnized in Wagontown and they have become the parents of the following children: Wren, deceased, Holmes, Frances, John, Violet and Elaire. Mrs. Glover is a Canadian by birth, and had by her former husband two children, Anna and Theresa. Mr. Glover has always manifested uprightness in his business life, and the manner in which he has managed his business interests reflects credit upon him and demonstrates him to be a man of ability and wisdom.



Whitman, Marcus. An Illustrated history of Baker, Grant, Malheur and Harney Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Chicago: Western Historical Publishing Co., 1902, 871 pgs.

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