Early Residents of Idaho County, Idaho

John Aram, born in Seneca, N. Y., in 1827, came with his brother Joseph to Cal. in 1850 by sea. He resided 5 years in San Jose, and 4 years in Amador County, Cal., after which he removed to Oregon in 1859, and to Grangeville, on Camas prairie, Idaho, in 1864. He married, in 1853, Sarah Barr, born in Wyoming County, N. Y., in 1831.

Loyal P. Brown, born in Coos County, N. H., in 1829, came to Cal. by sea in 1849, the schooner Haunt Nut, of the Massasoit Company, bringing them to the Isthmus of Panama. Crossing on pack-mules, the passengers chartered a brigantine, which was condemned at Mazatlan, compelling them to wait for a steamer, which finally brought them to San Francisco, by which time their means were exhausted, and 10 of the company worked their passage to Sacramento, where they took a contract to cut hay at Sutter’s Fort, after which Brown and 3 others went to the mines on the Middle Fork of American River at Rector’s Bar. In 1850 Brown went to Trinity River, engaging in trade and packing for 2 years, then to Scottsburg on the Umpqua River, remaining in southern Oregon until 1862, when he removed to Mount Idaho. He was employed in the quartermaster’s department of the volunteer army in 1855-6, and after the war engaged in stock-raising in Douglas County. He went through the exciting scenes of the Nez Percé war in Idaho in 1877, in which he performed good service. His present business is merchandising.

Jacob B. Chamberlain, born in Lennox County, Canada West, immigrated to Vancouver Island in 1862 by sea, remaining 3 years in Victoria, and removing thence to Idaho in 1865. He was elected commissioner of Idaho County in 1878, and county auditor in 1880 and 1882.

James H. Hutton was another pioneer of Idaho County. He was born in Maine, and followed the sea. Arriving at S. F. in 1850, he went to the mines on American River, but soon returned to S. F. and engaged in the coasting traffic. In 1862 he visited the Cariboo mines, going thence to Idaho the same year and working in the placers of the Florence district until 1867, when he went to Warren, where, with a partner named Cocaine, he put up the first five-stamp quartz-mill on the Rescue lode. In partnership with C. Johnson, he located the Sampson lode, which, though moderately rich, was too narrow to be profitably worked. Hutton was in 1879 a detective on the police force of San Francisco. Hutton’s Early Events, MS., 1-6.

B. F. Morris, born in Ray County., Mo., in 1843, came to Idaho with a mule team in 1863, and the following spring went to the Salmon River mines in Idaho County. He made his home in the county, of which he was for many years auditor and treasurer. He married H. F. Graham in 1881.

James Odle, born in Scioto County, Ohio, in 1823, came to Cal. in 1849 with a party of 21 young men, called the Hoy and Odle Company, William Hoy being the other chief. On reaching Placerville, Edward Hoy died, and also English. Odle remained in the mines until Oct. 1850, when he went to Douglas County, Oregon, and afterwards to Yamhill county. In 1862 he came to Idaho, and was among the first settlers of Mt Idaho. He married Catherine L. Crusin in 1854, and has 2 sons and 2 daughters.

William C. Pearson, born in Chautauqua County, N. Y., in 1829, immigrated overland with his father’s family to Washington County, Oregon, in 1853, removing to Camas prairie, Idaho, in 1864, where he engaged in farming and stock-raising near Grangeville. He married Belle Crooks in 1862.

H. Titman, born in Warren County, N. J., in 1832, went to Pike’s Peak in 1800 with other gold-hunters, from there to Virginia City, Nev., and from there to the mines of Idaho in 1862. In 1870 he engaged in stock raising on Salmon River. The following year ho married M. E. Turner, and settled at Grangeville.


Idaho County ID,

Bancroft, Hubert H. Bancroft Works, Volume 31, History Of Washington, Idaho, and Montana, 1845-1889. San Francisco: The History Company. 1890.

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