Biographical Sketch of Dr. C. M. Houston

The C. M. Houston family is an old pioneer family, only three of this large family are living in the county at this time: Columbus, Julia and Mary. They are all married and are doing well, and are good citizens of Hopkins County. Miss Julia married Mark Fuqua; Miss Mary married John Longino.

Biographical Sketch of Fred W. Conly

Fred W. Conly was born in the state of North Carolina, August 29th, 1828. His father moved to Georgia when he was an infant three year old. He grew into manhood in the state of Georgia, and came to the state of Texas in the year 1852, and stopped in Cass County, where he met Miss Zilpha Peacock, won her affections and married her in the year 1857. By this union one child was born. This wife died very soon, and he afterwards married Miss Mary Hancock and moved into Hopkins County where he has resided ever since. By this … Read more

Biography of Dave Hopkins

This grand old Texas hero was born in the state of Indiana in the year 1825. He is therefore seventy-seven years of age. He came to Texas with his parents when he was only fifteen years old. He has lived in the state for sixty-two years. His parents died in Red River County and are buried at the old McKinzie burial ground. He came into what is now Hopkins County in the year. 1844. It was at that time a republic, and very few people had ventured to cross over the trackless swamps of the Sulphur creeks. These creek bottoms … Read more

Biography of David M. Smith

David M. Smith, one of the best men the writer ever knew, a man almost without a fault, and absolutely incorruptible. He died at his home in Sulphur Springs, with that awful scourge, cancer of the jaw; married Miss Lu Cade, as pure a woman as ever breathed the breath of life, an affectionate wife, a devoted mother and a sacrificing neighbor. William M. married Sallie Hopkins, daughter of Dave Hopkins. He lost his companion and afterwards married Neely Hay, daughter of Rev. Wm. Hay, she lived only eight months and passed to her long home, subsequently he married Elizabeth … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Miller Green

Miller Green, who lives at Black Jack Grove, is a native Texan. He was born in Red River district in the year 1837. Two years after his birth his father moved into the vicinity of where Greenville in Hunt County is situated. In the year 1854 he moved to where he is now living. In the year 1867 Miller married Ophelia Cole, daughter of Wash Cole, an old pioneer and one of the first who came to Hopkins County. He was highly respected and esteemed by all of his acquaintances. His name is agreeably remembered as that of one of … Read more

Biography of Harrison Attaway

Harrison Attaway was born June 14th, 1848, in Henderson County, Tennessee. He came with his father into the state of Texas in the year 1855 he married Amanda Able in the year 1855. She was the daughter of Z. D. Able, an old-time citizen of Hopkins County, and one of its best men. His wife is a native of Texas, and is proud to be called a native Texan. They are the parents of sixteen children. There are thirteen of this number living. George F. is married and lives within half a mile of where he was born. Elbert D., … Read more

Biographical Sketch of G. M. Calvert

G. M. Calvert was raised in Williamson County, Illinois. He came to the state of Texas when he was a young man, in the year 1854. Finally, after traveling almost across the American Continent, he returned to Illinois and married Miss Sophia Woodul in the year 1857. At the time of his marriage he was engaged in mercantile pursuits. Subsequently he sold his interests to other parties and migrated to Texas, and has, for a number of years, been a citizen of Hopkins County. He is well known as a practical-minded man, having introduced several important industries in the county. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Russell

Uncle Henry Russell is one of the old land marks of the county, having lived in the county since its organization. He has been considered among the best and most substantial men in the county. He has always been an honest, upright, just man, and is appreciated for these qualities. His family are all highly respected and are a leading class in the county. He has three children: Joe Russell, a splendid man and a worthy citizen. Joe has a nice family and all are very much esteemed. John Russell is another son who has a most excellent lady for … Read more

Biography of Red Collins

Red Collins, one of the oldest timers in the county, was born in the state of Missouri in the year 1833. He came to Texas with his father in the year 1839 and stopped in Red River district near where Clarksville is now located. The whole country was a perfect wilderness, even what few people were here were hardly civilized. In that day the most of the male inhabitants were refugees from justice, having committed some crime against the laws of the state from which they emigrated. Not being of a first-class people, and coming into the wilds of a … Read more

Biography of Lodwick Vaden

Lodwick (Uncle Lodwick) Vaden was born in Smith County, Tennessee, on January 29, 1817. At this time he is 8 years of age, a hale, hearty old gentleman of wonderful vitality. He married Miss Nancy E. Dowdle when he was 23 years old, in the State of Mississippi. By this union ten children came to them, whose names are as follows: Miss Mary, married Alonzo De Spain, and are located in DeLeon, Comanche County; Woodson, married Miss Martin; Miss Sallie, married Piney Welch, a prominent well to do citizen of Hopkins County. Miss Judie is yet single and resides with … Read more

Biography of Robert Odom

Robert Odom was born in the state of Tennessee in the year 1846, and immigrated to Hopkins County with his father in the year 1850. His father, Jesse Odom, settled nineteen miles southeast of Sulphur Springs and four miles west of Winsboro. The county was new and uninhabited; therefore Robert had not educational training. Growing up amid the wilds of the country, he was surrounded with all the environments common to a pioneer life. At the age of twenty-two years he met Miss Lucinda Lambdin, a Texas girl who was visiting friends in Mr. Odom’s section. He became attached to … Read more

Biography of Henry Barclay

This old Mexican warrior is familiarly known all over the county as Uncle Henry. He moved to Texas with his father, Hugh Barclay, in the year 1845. The United States and the Republic of Mexico were engaged in a war. In the year 1846 young Barclay volunteered and went to Mexico to fight the Mexicans, under Gen. Zachary Taylor. He was engaged in the battle of Monterey and had the satisfaction of seeing the Mexican General, Ampudia, surrender himself and his army to the American General. He then returned to Texas, where he had left his father, and the entire … Read more

Biography of Howard Hargrave

Howard Hargrave was born in the state of Indiana in the year 1840. It was in the city of Booneville that he first saw the light of day. His parents migrated to the state of Texas in the year 1843. Howard was therefore three years of age. His father settled at old Sulphur Bluff with the rest of the Hargrave family. At this infantile age Howard remembers many incidents that took place under his observation when the first mill was erected, the first blacksmith shop, the first wagon and wood shop, in fact was an eye witness to the upbuilding … Read more

Biography of H. H. Nance

H. H. Nance was born in the state of Tennessee in the year 1838. He came to Hopkins County with his parents in the year 1857. Two years later he married Miss Susan Wells, a daughter of a Methodist preacher from the state of Georgia. From this union six children were born. Charles E. is a farmer and a good citizen of the county. He married Miss McGinnis. Elizabeth married J. K. Lewis. Joseph R. married Miss Lulu Bevis, an Alabama girl of good family. Miss Tealy married C. A. Bland and lives in Fannin County. Chester married Nora Harrison. … Read more

Biography of G. W. Harper

Mr. Harper came to Hopkins County when he was quite a young man, although he had a wife and child. He located on a tract of land where he lived all his life. He was very unfortunate in his married life, having lost three companions during his life. There were twenty-one children born to these three marriages. Out of this large number only three are living. Miss Minerva, the eldest daughter, married Lodwick Vaden, Jr., and lives upon one of the most fertile plantations on South Sulphur Creek. They have a nice, growing family of bright, intellectual children. He and … Read more

Biography of Rev. Joe Hooten

Joseph Hooten was born in the State of Tennessee, in the year 1824. He came to Hopkins County in the year 1848 and located in the same section where he has lived all of his long and useful life. He married Miss Manda Strother soon after he came into the county. By this union ten children were born to them, six of these are living. They all live near their parents, their eldest and youngest live at home with their aged parents and are a comfort and a joy to them in the evening of their days. Mr. Hooten is … Read more

Biography of Thos. S. Glover

Thos. S. Glover was born in Troupe County, Georgia, in the year 1836, and migrated with his parents to the state of Mississippi. When only a boy he came to Texas with his uncle William Glover in the year 1845, and stopped for a time in Harrison County, and in the fall of the same year moved to Hopkins County. Thomas was only ten years of age at this time. They settled near where the old town of Tarrant was located. Mr. Glover relates many incidents of early life in Texas. It was at this old town that he first … Read more

Biography of Frank Pierce

Frank Pierce is an old time citizen of Hopkins County, he came into the county in the early forties. He married Miss South at an early day and reared a large family in Hopkins County. This family was unfortunate and died in early life. J. K. Pierce, a prosperous farmer and stock raiser and a wealthy citizen of the county, is his son. Frank Pierce Jr. is another son. They had different mothers. In the year of 1848 Frank Pierce was a member of the Grand Jury, during the sitting of the District Court at old Tarrant, John T. Mills … Read more

Biography of James B. Sparks

James B. Sparks, deceased, father of W. J., John N. and A. W. Sparks and also the father of four daughters, came into Texas in the year 1851. He remained one year in the state and returned to his old home in the state of Alabama, and moved his family to the state of Texas in the fall of 1852. He settled on the county line separating Hopkins from Titus County, on the headwaters of Big Cypress Bayou. Mr. James Sparks’ brothers had moved into the state of Texas as early as the year 1836, and settled on Cypress Bayou … Read more