Biographical Sketch of Henry Russell

Uncle Henry Russell is one of the old land marks of the county, having lived in the county since its organization. He has been considered among the best and most substantial men in the county. He has always been an honest, upright, just man, and is appreciated for these qualities. His family are all highly respected and are a leading class in the county. He has three children: Joe Russell, a splendid man and a worthy citizen. Joe has a nice family and all are very much esteemed. John Russell is another son who has a most excellent lady for a wife; they are popular in society and highly respected by all who know them. Uncle Henry’s daughter married John Odom, an exemplary man of noble qualities and generous disposition and has the confidence and love of his acquaintance, and is regarded by all as a first class citizen. The Russell name is familiar to all of the early settlers of Hopkins County.



Hopkins County TX,

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