Biographical Sketch of Willard Martin

Willard Martin, born in Rehoboth, Mass., March 6, 1786, married Lucretia Houghton, in 1810, and died in Hinsdale, October 14, 1849. Mr. Martin was long known as one of the leading merchants of Guilford, Vt., where he was distinguished as one of the principal citizens, and for many years received almost the universal suffrage of the town as representative in the state legislature. Mrs. Martin died August 17, 1847. Dr. Oscar Martin, their eldest son, was born March 9, 1815. He married Susan George Sartle, November 27, 1839, and had born to him one child, which died in infancy. Mrs. … Read more

Early Settlement of Hinsdale, New Hampshire

In the spring of 1673 a settlement was made at Northfield, which was attacked by the Indians in September, 1675, and soon after was abandoned to be re-settled in 1685, when a fort and grist-mill were erected. In the meantime, May 19, 1676, occurred the memorable fight below the mouth of Miller’s river, when Captain Turner, though at first victorious, was subsequently slain, with thirty-seven of his men, by King Philip and his braves. All through King William’s, Queen Anne’s and Father Ralle’s wars, this section was an unguarded frontier, constantly exposed to the depredations of the Indians. But in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Aaron Blanchard

Aaron Blanchard, born in 1760, came to Hinsdale at a very early date and settled as a farmer on road I5. He was twice married, reared a large family, and died on the farm upon which he first settled, in 1842. None of his children now reside in the town, but he is represented here by five grand children, viz.: Edward C. Blanchard, Mrs. Mary Howe, James A. Blanchard, Mrs. Sarah Howe, and Mrs. Marie Freeman.

Biographical Sketch of David Crowninshield

David Crowninshield, one of the pioneer settlers of Hinsdale, came from Rhode Island at a very early date and settled on road 7, where his grandson Samuel T. Crowninshield, now lives. His farm at first contained only enough cleared land to place his house and barns upon, and here he lived and labored until his death,, at the age of forty-eight years. He was the father of four children, viz.: Artemas, Philo, Leonard and Lydia. Artemas and Leonard settled on the homestead. Philo married and removed to Guilford, Vt., and Lydia (Mrs. Butler) now resides in Chesterfield. The only descendants … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hon. Caleb Todd

Hon. Caleb Todd, or “Esq.” Todd, as he was more familiarly known, was for many years one of the most prominent and influential citizens of Hinsdale. He was born in Wallingford, Conn., March 16, 1785, resided and did business in Cooperstown, N. Y.. a few years, taking up his abode in Hinsdale in 1815. Here he was one of the pioneer manufacturers, and was widely known as a manufacturer of woolens for a great number of years. At his death, May 21, 1871, he was the oldest citizen of Hinsdale. Mr. Todd was twice married and reared eight children, five … Read more

Captivity and Redemption of Mrs. Jemima Howe – Indian Captivities

Map of Indian Town of Missiskoui

A particular account of the captivity and redemption of Mrs. Jemima Howe, who was taken prisoner by the Indians at Hinsdale, New Hampshire, on the twenty-seventh of July, 1765, as communicated to Dr. Belknap by the Rev. Bunker Gay. As Messrs. Caleb Howe, Hilkiah Grout, and Benjamin Gaffield, who had been hoeing corn in the meadow, west of the river, were returning home, a little before sunset, to a place called Bridgman’s fort, they were fired upon by twelve Indians, who had ambushed their path. Howe was on horseback, with two young lads, his children, behind him. A ball, which … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Lemuel Liscom

Lemuel Liscom, born in Rehoboth, Mass., came to Hinsdale at a very early date and September 26, 1796, married Submit Barrett, who bore him nine children. Of these, Mary married Henry Reed, and resided in Brattleboro, Vt. Lemuel married Emerancy, daughter of Hezekiah Horton, September 20, 1831, he at that time being a resident of Boston, Mass., where he was successfully engaged in the coal trade. In 1835 he purchased the farm where he and his aged wife are now residing with their son, L. F. Liscom. Their house is one of the oldest, if not the oldest in the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Rev. Elisha Andrews

Rev. Elisha Andrews was born in Middletown, Conn., September 29, 1768, and married Wealthy, daughter of Thomas Lathrop, of Norwich, Conn. Mr. Andrews had no early education, except that afforded by the common schools, but became a fine scholar through his own exertions and without the aid of teachers, and was often sought by collegians for aid in the Greek and Hebrew languages. He was also a practical land surveyor. In 18×4 he came to Hinsdale, and preached in the “meeting house” built by the town, and which was afterwards converted into a woolen mill, and finally destroyed by fire. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Oliver Adams

Oliver Adams, born in Marlboro, Vt., April 3, 1769, married Lucy Miller, and came to Hinsdale. April 6, 1815, and located upon a farm on the Brattleboro road, where his grandson, William B., now lives. Here he remained the rest of his life. dying January 30, 1828, aged fifty-nine years. His wife survived him till November 17. 1334, aged sixty-nine years. They were the parents of eight children, one of whom, Oliver, retained the homestead by paying off the other heirs. He married first, Electa Elmore, who died August 19, 1.824, aged twenty-five years; and second, Fanny, daughter of Walter … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Daniel Rugg

Daniel Rugg, one of the early settlers of Hinsdale, came from Framingham, Mass., and located as a farmer in the northeastern part of the town, where Daniel Freeman now lives. Here he commenced his pioneer life, on a small clearing, and lived in a log cabin until he built the house now occupied by Mr. Freeman. He reared a family of nine children. none of whom are now living, and attained the age of over eighty years. Elijah, his oldest son, a farmer, located in Windham,. Vt. Nathan, the second son, remained on the homestead with his father, married Sally … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William S. Leonard

William S. Leonard, M. D., son of Rev. Levi W. Leonard, D. D., was born in Dublin, N. H., October 13, 1832. He graduated at Dartmouth in 1856, studied medicine with Dr. Albert Smith, of Peterboro, N. H., and received his diploma of Dartmouth, in May, 1860. In the following October he located in Hinsdale village, where he still carries on a successful practice. He was associated in practice with Dr. Frederick Boyden during the last ten years of the latter’s life.

Biographical Sketch of Abel Fletcher

Abel Fletcher, one of the pioneer settlers of Chesterfield. N. H., married Phoebe, daughter of Jonathan Hildreth, of Chesterfield, in 1784; for his second wife he married Sally Willard, and for his third Charlotte, daughter of Ephraim Hubbard, who survived him. His will was made in 1816 and proved in 1817. Daniel, son of Abel, born August 8, 1789, married Lucy, daughter of Joseph Converse, and resided many years in Chesterfield, but died in Hills. dale, December 5, 18i5, aged eighty-six years. Joseph C. Fletcher, son of Daniel, born May 27, 1822, died May 31, 1873, aged fifty-seven years. He … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Obed Slate

Obed Slate, born in Bernardston, Mass., married Susan Doolittle, of Hinsdale, and came to this town about 180o, engaging as a carpenter and joiner. His first work was building the house of his wife’s father, Oliver Doolittle. Soon after he married, he purchased a farm on the Hill road, leading from Hinsdale to Northfield, where he remained till his death, about 1863. He was a man of influence, and early took an active interest in town affairs, holding all military positions from drummer to Colonel, also the office of first selectman for fifteen years, justice of the peace as many … Read more

The Methodist Episcopal Church of Hinsdale, NH

The Methodist Episcopal church, on Main street, Hinsdale, was organized in the fall of 1842, by Rev. Justin Spaulding, with six members. Rev. T. Furber was the first pastor. The first and present house of worship was erected of wood in 1876. The society has sixty members. The church originally cost $8,000, it present valuation. It will seat nearly 400 people comfortably, and the Sunday-school has about sixty members. The church is now under the pastoral care of Rev. Joseph L. Felt.

Biographical Sketch of Valentine Butler

Valentine Butler, one of the early settlers of the town, located as a farmer at North Hinsdale, where Mrs. Abby M. Chandler now lives. He married Hannah Osgood, of Newfane. Vt., and reared five children, none of whom are now living. His oldest son, Josiah, died on the homestead previous to his father’s death. Lucinda, daughter of Valentine, married Azor Chandler, who purchased the homestead and remained thereon during life. Nathaniel, their only child, inherited the estate, which he retained until his death, in May, 1882. The property is now owned by his widow, Abby M., and their only child … Read more

Hinsdale, Cheshire County, New Hampshire History

Hinsdale lies in the southwestern part of the county, in lat. 42º 48′, and long. 4º 32′, bounded north by Chesterfield, east by Winchester, and southwest by the left bank of Connecticut river, the township being triangular in outline. It originally comprised within its limits the township of Vernon, on the opposite side of the river. This land, as it originally stood, was granted by Massachusetts at a very early period. Even after the river had been declared the boundary line between the provinces of New Hampshire and New York, and the township had in this manner been divided, the … Read more

Lodema Hepsibah Todd Ketcham of Richland City WI

KETCHAM, Lodema Hepsibah Todd8, (Caleb7, Jehiel6, Stephen5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Oct. 25, 1828, in Hinsdale, N. H., died April 19, 1891, married Dec. 31, 1856, William Ketcham, who was born May 24, 1819, died Sept. 14, 1879. Their children were all born in Richland City, Wis., where also they both died. He represented his district in the state Legislature several years. Children: I. Charles Bates, b. Feb. 8, 1858. II. William Jagger, b. March 21, 1859. III. Abigail Rebecca, b. April 5, 1863, d. April 10, 1863. IV. Maggie Louise, b. Jan. 8, 1865, d. Aug. 8, 1879.

Biographical Sketch of George P. Hooker

George P. Hooker, son of the venerable Henry Hooker, born May 3 1820, married Lucretia J. Ashcroft, October 25, 1843, and settled upon the farm he now occupies in 1849. He began life without any means, but with habits of industry and sterling integrity combined with sound judgment. the time he settled here this farm contained only fourteen acres of tillable land, and his barn, a structure 24×34 feet, was sufficiently large to store crops. Without adding anything to the size of his farm, however, he added to the capacity of his barn till the structure is 40×100 feet, eighteen, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Nelson Richardson

Nelson Richardson was born in Hinsdale, February 13, 1817. His educational advantages were limited, but by careful study and reading he has acquired a good business education- At the early age of eighteen years he began to assist in the navigation of the Connecticut, and in 1841 was made captain of a flat-boat, continuing in that capacity until the close of 1847, when the railroad was completed, and the river navigation abandoned. About two years later he purchased a farm in the northern part of the town, upon which he has resided until the present time. He has the confidence … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Simeon Horton

Simeon Horton, born at Milton, Mass., in 1784, came to Hinsdale about 1816, and finally located a home on road 15, where his son’s widow, Mrs. Mary A.. now resides. Here he remained till his death in 186o, aged seventysix years. He was a prominent man in town affairs, held the offices of selectman and justice of the peace several terms, and was the father and leader of the temperance cause here. Of his three sons and three daughters, one son died in infancy, and the others all settled in the town, though only one is now living, Mrs. Ivory … Read more