Biography of Hugh Philip Farrelly, Hon.

During a period of thirty years Hon. Hugh Philip Farrelly had been a member of the Kansas bar, and few men have a better record for straightforward and high professional conduct, or for success earned with honor and without arimosity. Mr. Farrelly, who had practiced at Chanute since 1887, is a man of scholarly attainments and exact and comprehensive knowledge of the law, and, while an active democrat and an ex-member of the Kansas State Senate, is at present concerned chiefly with the pressing and constantly broadening duties of his profession. Hugh Philip Farrelly was born September 2, 1858, on … Read more

Biography of William W. Earnest

William W. Earnest. Firmly entrenched in the American heart is the public school system, which, while not perfect perhaps, is continually being improved, largely as the result of the efforts of conscientious, intellectual leaders. The city of Champaign in its superintendent of schools has a well qualified, constructive man, a graduate of the University of Illinois and a thorough teacher as well as executive. He is William W. Earnest, who has occupied this responsible office for the past nine years. William W. Earnest was born in Mississippi, October 1, 1863, one of a family of three children born to his … Read more