Biographical Sketch of Allen Thomas Brown

Allen Thomas Brown was born in Greenbrier county, Virginia, May 22, 1850. When eight years old he came with his parents to Cass county this state, where the family settled and lived till 1863, when they again moved and settled in Daviess county. He therefore received his education partly in Cass and partly in this county. Arriving at an age to ” shift for himself” he began farming for a livelihood and continued the same till 1880, when he moved to Jamesport, where he has since been engaged in the restaurant and confectionery business. In April, 1881, he was elected marshal of the town of Jarnesport, and though his term is unexpired at this writing, he has thus far made a most efficient officer and every way merits the trust conferred.

Mr. Brown was married in Johnson county, Missouri, December 24,1874, to Miss Mary T. Olinghouse. They are the parents of three children; named, respectively, Daisy B., born July 24, 1878; Oran W., born June 26, 1880, died August 17, 1881; and Orville F., born August 6, 1881. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are both highly esteemed by the people of Jamesport.



The History of Daviess County, Missouri. Daviess County, Missouri: Birdsall & Dean. 1882.

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