Biographical Sketch of Allen Conner

Was born in Greene county, West Virginia, July 10, 1824. His parents, William and Mary Conner, were both natives of Virginia. Our subject was educated in the common schools of his native county, and when young learned millwright work, which he followed for five years, then learned carpentering and cabinet-making, which he followed until 1851, when he migrated to this county, and now owns a farm of 200 acres, well equipped with necessary implements. Mr. Conner was united in marriage October 9, 1850, to Miss Margaret Warren, the date of whose birth was January 4, 1830. They were blessed with … Read more

Biographical Sketch of A. Reed

Abraham Reed was born in Washington county, Pennsylvania, June 6, 1814. His parents died when he was seven years old, which threw him on his own resources at an early age, and when he was fourteen he began to learn the blacksmith trade, and was employed in that business for five years. When he was twenty-three years old he moved to Coshocton county, Ohio, to Brown county, Illinois in 1863, and in 1865 to this county and settled where he now lives. He has a fine farm, and is engaged largely in stock-raising. Mr. Reed was married, in 1837, to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of G. R. Vickrey

Was born in Greene county, Ohio, March 4, 1847. His parents were also’ natives of Ohio. He was educated in the common schools of Bureau county, Illinois, where his parents moved in 1856, and was reared upon a farm, and has since made farming his business. He enlisted in February, of 1863, in Company I, Sixty-fourth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry for three years, was with Sherman in the Atlanta campaign and on the march to the sea, and was engaged in the battles of Rocky Face, Buzzard Roost, Dalton, Big Shanty, Decatur, Atlanta, Lovejoy’s Station, Jonesborough, Savannah, and many others. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Speaker

Was born in Columbiana county, Ohio, March 14, 1824. He was reared upon the farm, and divided his time between farm work and his attendance upon the common schools of the county. In 1851 he came to Daviess county as an agent for some heirs to settle up an estate; was in the real estate and collection business for several years. In 1861 he began farming, and has since given his attention to agricultural pursuits and stock-raising. Mr. Speaker was united in marriage, on the 14th of March, 1861, to Miss Martha J. Haven. The date of her birth was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of E. J. Phillips

E. J. Phillips was born in Chesterfield county, Virginia, May 18, 1831. His parents, Edward and Elizabeth Phillips, were also natives of Virginia. The subject of our sketch learned the carpenter’s trade when he was twenty-one years old, and was employed in that business for seven years; next worked as a millwright for a few years, then began farming, which has been his occupation ever since. In 1852 he came to Missouri and settled in Platte county, and in 1877 came to this county, and now owns a fine farm of 200 acres. Mr. Phillips was united in marriage, September … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Rev. William N. Nickell

William N. Nickell is a native of Monroe county, West Virginia, was born December 27, 1838, and is the son of John A. and Mary J. Nickell, both natives of West Virginia. The subject of this sketch received his early education in the common schools of Virginia, and completed it by an additional course of two and a half years at the Washington College, now Washington and Lee University, of Rockbridge county, Virginia. In May 1861, he enlisted in Company D, Twenty-seventh Regiment Virginia Confederate Infantry as a private, was soon promoted to sergeant, and sergeant-major of his regiment. He … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Waugh

Was born in Adams county, Pennsylvania, May 11, 1826. His father died when he was an infant, and his mother when he was three years old; he was then bound to Mr. John Bower who reared him. He learned the blacksmith trade when young, and followed that business for twenty years. In August, 1855, he left Pennsylvania and settled in Jones, county, Iowa, and in 1857 came to this county where he has lived since and for a while worked at his trade, together with farming, but of late years has given his entire attention to farming with excellent success. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. A. K. Scott

A. K. Scott was born in Lee county, Virginia, February 24, 1817. His. father was a native of North Carolina, and his mother of Virginia, and when he was one year old they moved to Jackson county, Tennessee, and nine years later to McLean county, Illinois, where he was reared upon a farm, and educated in the common schools of that county. Owing to bad health when about twenty-four years old, he began the study of medicine and after eighteen months study began practice which he has kept up ever since. In 1855 he moved to Coffey county, Kansas, and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Levi Slone

Was born in Clermont county, Ohio, November 7, 1818, and was educated in the common schools of Ohio. In 1838 he moved to Boone county, Indiana, where he learned the blacksmith trade, which has been his principal occupation since. He came to this county in 1866, settled near Bancroft, and in 1880 abandoned his trade and settled on a farm, where he now re-sides. Mr. Slone was married, October 10, 1839, to Miss Maria J. Jolley. By this union they have six children: Ann E., born July 4, 1840; John D., born December 15, 1842; Mary E., born March 21, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Franklin Pugh

Benjamin Franklin Pugh was born in Daviess county, Missouri, January 31, 1842. His parents, S. W. and Elizabeth Pugh, came to this county in 1838. Benjamin was reared upon a farm and educated in the common schools. He enlisted in John McNeill’s company in September, 1861, and was with Price’s army four months; then returned home and was one year in the Enrolled State Militia. Mr. Pugh was married, October 11, 1865, to Miss Abigail Mills, who was born April 8, 1843, in this county. By this union they have two children; namely, Miles O., born August 18, 1867; and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George K. Nickell

George K. Nickell was born in this county, January 3, 1816. His father, Robert Nickell, was. a native of Virginia, and his mother, Ann Nickell, whose maiden name was Kemp, was born in Maryland. His father died in this county at the age of seventy-six years. Young Nickell was reared upon a farm and educated in the common schools of this county. He has made farming his business,. and has run a threshing machine for eighteen seasons in. this county. In 1861 he went on the plains and engaged in teaming until 1865. Mr. Nickell was united in marriage, April … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John M. Miller

John M. Miller was born in Greenbrier county, West Virginia, May 31, 1834. His parents, Robert and Rachel Miller, both natives of Virginia, when he was six years old moved to this county, where he was reared and educated in the common schools. In 1859 he crossed the plains to California, came back the same year and crossed again in 1860 and returned in time to serve one year in the Enrolled State Militia during the war. He is a farmer by profession. Mr. Miller was united in marriage, in October, 1863, to Miss Elizabeth C. Foster, who was born … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Sanford Smith

Is a native of Daviess county, was born August 17, 1850, and is a son of Rev. Benjamin F. Smith, one of the early settlers of this county, who came here in 1835. The subject of our sketch was reared upon a farm, and received his education in the common schools of this county. He has given his attention to agriculture, and is one of the successful farmers of the county. Mr. Smith was united in marriage, November 16, 1876, to Miss Carrie Netherton, who was born October 16, 1856, in this county. She died September 7,-1879. Mr. Smith married, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. R. H. Robertson

R. H. Robertson was born in Augusta county, Virginia, September 15, 1819. His parents were also natives of Virginia. He was educated at the University of Virginia, located in Albemarle county, and received his medical education at the Richmond Medical College, of Richmond, Virginia, under Professors John Cullin, R. E. Bohannon, and Dr. Chamberlain. He began the practice of his profession in his native county in 1842, and removed to this county in 1857, began practice, and has continued ever since. In 1861 he went to Texas, returning in 1869. Dr. Robertson was married, August 22, 1839, to Miss Elizabeth … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Wilburn K. Nation

Wilburn K. Nation was born near Lexington, Kentucky, July 1, 1817. His father was a native of South Carolina. When he was a child his parents moved to Claiborne county, Tennessee, and in 1833 to Callaway county, Missouri, and in 1835 to this county. He participated in driving out the Mormons from this county, and was at the battle of Honn’s Mill, in Caldwell county. Mr. Nation was united in marriage, November 8, 1841, to Miss Nancy Tarwater, who was born September 23, 1818, and is the daughter of John Tarwater, who was the third white man that settled in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of T. F. Rodgers

Was born in Greenbrier county, West Virginia, September 18, 1826. His parents, Charles and Margaret Rodgers, were also natives of Virginia. He was educated in the common schools of his native State, and when twenty years old, began clerking in a dry goods store and was so employed for a few years. In 1857 he moved to Knox county, Illinois, and while there was en-gaged in farming and milling. In 1866 he came to this county and has given his attention to farming and stock-raising since. He was one of the first justices of the peace of the township after … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Wynn

Was born in Tazewell county, Virginia, January 21, 1822. John and Olivia Wynn, his parents, were natives of Virginia, and William Wynn, his grand-father, was from Wales; his Grandfather Perry was a soldier of the Revolutionary War. The subject of this sketch was educated in the Emory and Henry College, located in Washington county, Virginia. He enlisted in. Company K, Eleventh Regiment Virginia Volunteer Infantry for the Mexican War, and was in fourteen engagements, and many of them the leading battles fought during that war. Mr. Wynn is one of the old settlers of this, county. He enlisted June 16, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank M. Harris

Frank M. Harris was born in Marshall county, West Virginia, January 7, 1843, and is a son, of John and Drusilla Harris, both natives of Virginia. Our subject received a common school education in his native State, and learned the carpenter’s trade with his father, but has given his attention, almost entirely to farming. He came to this county in 1877. Mr. Harris was united in marriage, November 30, 1865, to Miss Eliza A. Wilson, who was born May 29, 1844. By this union they have had four children: John A., born October 30, 1866-is dead; Hanson, born May 5, … Read more

Biography of W. T. Stovall

Is a native of Green county, Kentucky, and was born October 2, 1843. His father was a native of Virginia and his mother of Kentucky; they both died when W. T. was but a small child and he has no remembrance of either of them. He was reared by his grandfather, John Scott, near Greensborough, Kentucky, and was educated in the common schools of that State. When but fourteen years old he was employed as clerk in the drug house of J. G. Brown, of Nashville, Tennessee, where he remained until the beginning of the late war. In 1861 he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John M. Hunter

John M. Hunter was born in Montgomery county, Indiana, May 2, 1842. His parents died when he was five years old, and he lived with Mr. Jacob Hershbarger until he reached his eleventh year, then with his brother-in-law, Rev. William Baldwin. He was educated in the common schools of Indiana, and came to this county in 1857, and early in 1861 went to Clark county, Iowa. July 4, 1861, he enlisted in Company F, Sixth Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry. His regiment participated in the battle of Shiloh, and there he was wounded in the foot; he was in the battles … Read more