World War 1 Gold Star Men of Ida County Iowa

A list of Gold Star men from Ida County Iowa. Gold Star soldiers were men who gave the ultimate sacrifice to their country, their life. This provides the name of the soldier, their home town, date of death as well as location and circumstances of it.

1923 Galva Township, Iowa Farmers Directory

Last First & Middle Section Township County State Albers Wm R 19 Galva Ida Iowa Allen Charles 1 Galva Ida Iowa Anderson John M 5 Galva Ida Iowa Anderson Carl A 35 Galva Ida Iowa Andresen Gus 20 Galva Ida Iowa Belson James 21 Galva Ida Iowa Beyer Fred 32 Galva Ida Iowa Beyer Wm 33 Galva Ida Iowa Bockwaldt M F 22 Galva Ida Iowa Brockman W P 10 Galva Ida Iowa Brown Roy B 22 Galva Ida Iowa Bruns George H 34 Galva Ida Iowa Burr Henry 3 Galva Ida Iowa Carlberg Bert 36 Galva Ida Iowa Carlberg … Read more

Nippert, Charles Elsworth – Obituary

Charles Elsworth Nippert, son of George and Sarah Nippert, was born at Prairie du Sac, Wisconsin, November 18, 1863, and died at his home in Galva, Iowa, January 5, 1942, having attained the age of 78 years, one month, and 18 days. He came to northwest Iowa in early manhood when it was still raw prairie and a part of the national frontier. At the age of ten years, he came with his parents in a covered wagon. The family settled near Minden in Pottawattamie County, and it was there he grew to manhood. He was married to Elizabeth Hessler … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank Correll

Frank Ferris Correll was born at Chenoa, Illinois on February 27, 1859. They lived in North Dakota and taught school in Mandan, North Dakota. When they came to Iowa, they came by train to Alta, Iowa. They were met by a bobsled with a pig in the back to keep their feet warm. They were taken to a farm near the Hanover community. They moved to Galva, Iowa, Ida County. He ran a grocery store with the aid of his daughter, Myrtle. Frank Correll often play the fiddle for barn dances in the area. Frank was a 2nd cousin to … Read more

1884 Galva Township – Iowa Farmers Directory

Arnold, George H. Arnold, Grant Arnold, Hugh Arnold, Mary Arnold, Rule Becker, Charlie Becker, Elizabeth Becker, Ernest Becker, Hugo Becker, Nora Becker, Oscar Bishop, T. A. Bossard, Arthur Bossard, Catherine Bossard, Ella Bossard, Fannie Bossard, Giford Bossard, Liander Breitspracher, Albert Breitspracher, Augusta Breitspracher, Carl Breitspracher, Martha Breitspracher, Theresa Bullock, Alice Bullock, Edwin Bullock, Leslie Bullock, Mary J. Bullock, Rhoda Burrows, Anna Burrows, John Burrows, John S. Burrows, Robert Burrows, Robert W. Burrows, Sarah Burrows, Sarah B. Burrows, William Bushman, Hannah Bushman, Henry Bushman, Hillary Bushman, Joseph Bushman, Lowell Bushman, Maggie Bushman, Rosa Butler, Luella Butler, Walter Case, Frank Case, Harry … Read more

1920 Galva Township, Iowa Farmers Directory

Name Section of Land Albers, Chris 19 Anderson, Carl 35 Anderson, John M. 5 Andresen, Mrs. William 20 Arp,William 13 Barr, May F. 24 Belson, James 21 Beyer, Chris 33 Bochwold, M. F. 22 Bond, Milton 32 Brown, Roy B. 22 Carlberg, Charles 36 Carlberg, John 36 Cathcart, F. S. 23 Cathcart, T. S. 23 Clausen, Peter 32 Coulters 23 Cree, Jos. M. Est. 2 Crowley 1 Dau, Herman 18 Dau, Julius 18 Davis, C. A. 11 Ebert, Fred 26, 35 Elk, M. M. 36 Fisher, Carl 27 Fleming, A.M. & E. H. 24 Gebers, August 31 Gebers, Charles 29 … Read more

Biographical Sketch of R. C. Newland

Mr. & Mrs. R. C. Newland were married March 20, 1856, in Bedford, Indiana, which was also their birth place. Mrs. Newland’s maiden name was Catherine J. Swan and she was born August 17, 1834. Mr. Newland was born Dec. 24, 1836. In 1864, they moved to Galva, Illinois, where they resided until 1881 when they moved to Ida County, Iowa and made their home on a farm near Clarendon. Through the influence of Mrs. B. M. Miller (their daughter) who was born at Galva, Illinois, the name of Clarendon, Iowa, was changed to Galva, Iowa. They had 5 children: … Read more

1906 Galva Township – Iowa Farmers Directory

Andersen, Adolph Andersen, Carl Andersen, John Andresen, Wm. Baker, H. W. Barn, Louis Berger, Rudolph Beyer, Chris F. Bruggemann, Louis Butler, F. C. Carlberg, Charles Carlberg, John Carlson, Albert Cathcart, F. S. Christensen, Joseph Christiansen, Nels Coder, Geo. Cosgriff, Martin Crowley, N. C. Dau, Hans Davis, Chas. Dibbern, Peter Ebert, Fred Elk, M. M. Ellis, John F. Ficke, Chas. Garrigan, Frank Gebers, Chris Gebers, Fred Gebers, Gus Goettsch, Louis Grenander, Alex Gries, Rudolph Gries, Wm. Grozkruger, Henry Hansen, Jochim Heitman, Jurgen S. Helkenn, Hans Helkenn, Henry Hans, Dan Haller, Sam Hoyt, John Huck, Geo. Huck, Henry C. Husen, Jochim Jacobsen, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Sydney Cork

Sydney Stephan Cork was born in Hartlip County of Kent in England on July 13, 1890. He had 8 brothers and sisters but only one sister came to America. His parents were John Isaac Cork and Mary Anne Rose Cork. After he completed his 8th grade, he went to work on a farm. At the age of 22, he came to America in the spring of 1913, traveled by ship to New York, and then by train to Galva, Iowa, Ida County. The trip from England to Iowa cost $80, and he earned $28 per month from spring to fall … Read more