M-Z Surnames – 1818 Franklin County, Illinois Census

  Name: Head of Household Page: Page of Census Listing Range of Ages: 1st Number – Free white males 21 yr. and upwards 2nd Number – All other white inhabitants 3rd Number – Free persons of colour 4th Number – Servants or slaves   Manon, Welden 81 01-07-00-00 Markim, James 81 01-05-00-00 Markim, Thomas 81 01-05-00-00 Mc Reerey, Elexander 82 01-04-00-00 Mc Reerey, Jonathan 80 02-09-00-03 Mc Reerey, Robert 82 01-02-00-00 Mcdowel, Nelson 79 01-05-00-00 Mceya, William 78 02-10-00-00 Mcfarling, Joseph 81 03-09-00-00 Menees, James 79 01-04-00-00 Miller, Charles 81 01-04-00-00 Miller, John 81 01-09-00-00 Moberley, Isaac 80 01-09-00-00 Moor, … Read more

Felts, Mildred Bertha Gore Mrs. – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Mildred Bertha Felts, 99, of Baker City, died Aug. 29, 2004, at her home. Her funeral was Friday at the Murman and Wilson Funeral Home in Johnston City, Ill. Interment was at Lakeview Cemetery in Johnston City. The Rev. Shelly E. Forrest of the First United Methodist Church in Johnston City conducted the services. There will be a memorial service for her at 2 p.m. Thursday at the Baker United Methodist Church, 1919 Second St. The Rev. Jack Bynum will officiate. Mildred was born on Aug. 5, 1905, to Simeon Addison Gore and Mary Catherine Roach Gore … Read more

Ingram, Jewell L. “Judy” Connor Mrs. – Obituary

Jewell L. “Judy” Ingram, 74, a former Baker City resident, died July 8, 2003, at Creston, British Columbia, as a result of a motor vehicle accident. Her funeral will be at 10 a.m. Thursday at Precht Harrison Funeral Home in Okanogan, Wash. There will be a graveside service after the funeral. A dinner will be served at noon at the Okanogan Senior Center. Judy was born on Nov. 26, 1928, at Christopher, Ill., to Barton Edward Connor and Roxie Gulley Connor. She had 10 brothers and sisters. She worked and lived in Chicago during World War II. She traveled to … Read more

Biography of James Henry Reed

James Henry Reed, superintendent of the city schools of Grenola, is an educator of wide and diversified experience, and had taught in various localities of several different states. He was born in Orleans, Indiana, January 15, 1858. His Reed ancestors came from England to Virginia in colonial days, and they were also connected with the Massachusetts branch of the same family. His grandfather, Jesse Reed, who was a blacksmith by trade, spent his last years at Orleans, Indiana. The family had lived in Kentucky after leaving Virginia, and from Kentucky went to Indiana. Henry Reed, father of Professor Reed, was … Read more

Biography of Anderson C. Smith

As a leader in the affairs of the counties of northeastern Oregon, both in times of difficulty with the Indians and also in the quieter times of civil industry, while also he has been a promoter of good government and of substantial progress in the county, the subject of this sketch stands today as one of the prominent and respected citizens of Wallowa county, having manifested both integrity and sound principles and marked capabilities in all of his career here. In addition to this, Mr. Smith has taken a leading part in the Indian councils that were far reaching to … Read more

Felts, Mildred Bertha Gore Mrs. – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Mildred Bertha Felts, 99, of Baker City, died Aug. 29, 2004, at her home. Her funeral was Friday at the Murman and Wilson Funeral Home in Johnston City, Ill. Interment was at Lakeview Cemetery in Johnston City. The Rev. Shelly E. Forrest of the First United Methodist Church in Johnston City conducted the services. There will be a memorial service for her at 2 p.m. Thursday at the Baker United Methodist Church, 1919 Second St. The Rev. Jack Bynum will officiate. Mildred was born on Aug. 5, 1905, to Simeon Addison Gore and Mary Catherine Roach Gore … Read more

Morris, Carrie Fay Connor Mrs. – Obituary

Carrie Fay Morris, 73, of Baker City, died Feb. 14, 2006, at St. Elizabeth Health Services. Visitations were from 10 a.m. to noon Friday at Gray’s West & Co. Pioneer Chapel, 1500 Dewey Ave. There was a reception afterward at the Eagles Lodge. Private burial was at Mount Hope Cemetery. Fay was born on Dec. 30, 1932, at Christopher, Ill., to Barton Edward and Eliza Roxie Gully Connor. In 1964, she moved out West. After living in surrounding areas, Fay settled in Baker City where she lived for many years. She was a longtime member of the Eagles Lodge and … Read more

A-L Surnames – 1818 Franklin County, Illinois Census

  Name: Head of Household Page: Page of Census Listing Range of Ages: 1st Number – Free white males 21 yr. and upwards 2nd Number – All other white inhabitants 3rd Number – Free persons of colour 4th Number – Servants or slaves   Name Page # Range of Ages Adams, Nancey 82 01-07-00-00 Aplen, Jesse 80 01-00-00-00 Armstrong, Elizabeth 78 01-08-00-00 Armstrong, James 78 01-05-00-00 Armstrong, Robert 80 02-06-00-00 Arnett, James 79 01-03-00-00 Arnett, Nathan 79 01-08-00-00 Baker, Coonrad 78 01-06-00-00 Baker, Edmond 80 01-08-00-00 Bankston, Richard 79 01-07-00-00 Biddick, Samuel 82 01-06-00-00 Bittle, John 79 01-05-00-00 Boles, John … Read more

Coulter, James – Obituary

La Grande, Union County, Oregon James Coulter, several years a citizen of Elgin, but of late years a resident of La Grande, died in that city August 31, 1945, aged 86 years and 21 days. Although his health had been generally failing, due to his advanced years, his final illness was of short duration. Graveside services were conducted at the Elgin cemetery at 2:30 Tuesday afternoon, and entombment followed immediately thereafter. Only two direct relatives survive deceased. They are two sons: F. L., of Sisters, Ore., and Jas. J., of Joseph. James Coulter was born at Mulkeytown, Ill., August 12, … Read more

Illinois, Diocese of Belleville, Catholic Parish Records, 1695-1956

Illinois Bellville Church Records

A help guide for accessing the images of parish registers recording the events of baptism, first communion, confirmation (to 1907), marriage (to 1930) or death (to 1956) in the Diocese of Belleville (Illinois), Roman Catholic Church. The index to some volumes may reference pages within a given volume beyond current publication dates. As such, these images are not currently available. In addition to traditional parish registers, this collection includes a small number of census, church history, family and financial records. To assist the researcher I have broken down the available registers by county and name of parish, including the years covered by those parish records.

Biography of Capt. John C. Rea

CAPT. JOHN C. REA. This gentleman possesses a thorough knowledge of the art of the husbandman and has taken pains to familiarize himself with the latest methods of land cultivation, and the result has not failed to be satisfactory. He was born in Franklin County, Illinois, in 1837, in which State his parents, John K. and Sarah (Arnett) Rea, were born, reared and married, Mrs. Rea died in Franklin County, when John C. was an infant, and Mr. Rea afterward wedded Luticia Dudley, and in 1846 came by wagon to Marion County, Arkansas, locating in the vicinity of Yellville, where … Read more