A-L Surnames – 1818 Franklin County, Illinois Census


Name: Head of Household
Page: Page of Census Listing
Range of Ages:

1st Number – Free white males 21 yr. and upwards
2nd Number – All other white inhabitants
3rd Number – Free persons of colour
4th Number – Servants or slaves


Name Page # Range of Ages
Adams, Nancey 82 01-07-00-00
Aplen, Jesse 80 01-00-00-00
Armstrong, Elizabeth 78 01-08-00-00
Armstrong, James 78 01-05-00-00
Armstrong, Robert 80 02-06-00-00
Arnett, James 79 01-03-00-00
Arnett, Nathan 79 01-08-00-00
Baker, Coonrad 78 01-06-00-00
Baker, Edmond 80 01-08-00-00
Bankston, Richard 79 01-07-00-00
Biddick, Samuel 82 01-06-00-00
Bittle, John 79 01-05-00-00
Boles, John 79 01-03-00-00
Browning, John 82 01-09-00-00
Burnes, Crawford 78 01-10-00-00
Burnes, Elijah 80 00-00-09-00
Burnes, Stephen 80 00-00-11-00
Burnes, William 80 00-00-08-00
Campbell, William 79 01-07-00-00
Cox, John 81 03-11-00-00
Crain, Jesper 79 01-10-00-00
Crain, Spencer 79 01-11-00-00
Crawford, John 81 01-08-00-00
Crawford, Mason 80 01-22-00-00
Cronk, Andrew 81 01-08-00-00
Dammern, John, Sr. 80 02-09-00-00
Damren, John, Jr. 80 01-03-00-00
Damron, Wilson 81 01-06-00-00
Deeson, Samuel 80 03-06-00-00
Diment, David 78 01-10-00-00
Dorres, Thomas 82 13-25-01-02
Duncan, Martin A. 78 01-03-00-00
Dunkin, John 79 01-08-00-00
Dunlap, William 78 01-06-00-00
Estes, Absalom 81 01-09-00-00
Estes, Joseph 81 01-09-00-00
Ewbanks, William 81 01-10-00-00
Ewing, Elijah 81 02-06-00-00
Faris, William 82 01-06-00-00
Farris, John 82 03-16-00-00
Flanary, Elijah 79 02-07-00-00
Flanery, Abraham 79 01-03-00-00
Frizell, William 81 01-06-00-00
Froo, Samuel 79 01-07-00-00
Galey, Isaac 82 02-10-00-00
Garret, Dickkson 80 01-03-00-00
Garret, Hezekiah 82 01-03-00-00
Garret, Moses 82 05-13-00-00
Graham, Fraces 78 01-05-00-00
Green, Willim 80 02-07-00-00
Grey, John 80 00-00-06-00
Griffeth, Thomas 79 01-07-00-00
Hall, John 82 01-05-00-00
Hall, Matthew 80 01-05-00-00
Ham, Moses 78 01-09-00-00
Hamerson, Nathaniel 81 01-03-00-00
Harrison, Cudwort 79 01-05-00-00
Hays, John 81 01-04-00-00
Herring, Isaac 78 02-09-00-00
Herring, Jonatha 78 01-02-00-00
Hill, Starling 79 01-08-00-00
Holeday, Peter 79 01-05-00-00
Hooker, Jabez 80 01-03-00-00
Hooker, John 80 01-06-00-00
Houson, Isham 80 02-06-00-05
Hubbard, Simon M 78 04-07-00-02
Humphry, Charles 78 01-06-00-00
Hutson, Chamberlin 81 01-06-00-00
Jackson, Milley 82 01-05-00-00
Jones, Cassandra 82 01-11-00-00
Jorda, James 81 01-05-00-00
Jordan, Elias 80 01-07-00-00
Jourdan, Francis 78 01-12-01-00
Jourdan, Thomas 78 01-04-00-00
Kees, Edward H. 79 02-07-00-00
King, William 81 01-09-00-00
Kinsaid, Mathew 78 01-01-00-00
Kirk, John 81 01-07-00-00
Kirkpatrick, Jonathan 78 01-07-00-00
Lampley, Thomas 82 01-04-00-00
Linsey, William 79 01-05-00-00
Lockler, Magey 80 01-00-13-00
Lounius, John 81 01-03-00-00

Franklin County IL,

Norton, Margaret Cross. Illinois Census Returns 1810, 1818. Published in the Collections of the Illinois State Historical Library, volume XXIV.

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