M-Z Surnames – 1818 Franklin County, Illinois Census


Name: Head of Household
Page: Page of Census Listing
Range of Ages:

1st Number – Free white males 21 yr. and upwards
2nd Number – All other white inhabitants
3rd Number – Free persons of colour
4th Number – Servants or slaves


Manon, Welden 81 01-07-00-00
Markim, James 81 01-05-00-00
Markim, Thomas 81 01-05-00-00
Mc Reerey, Elexander 82 01-04-00-00
Mc Reerey, Jonathan 80 02-09-00-03
Mc Reerey, Robert 82 01-02-00-00
Mcdowel, Nelson 79 01-05-00-00
Mceya, William 78 02-10-00-00
Mcfarling, Joseph 81 03-09-00-00
Menees, James 79 01-04-00-00
Miller, Charles 81 01-04-00-00
Miller, John 81 01-09-00-00
Moberley, Isaac 80 01-09-00-00
Moor, Hua 81 01-03-00-00
Moore, John 78 02-08-00-00
Moore, Thomas 78 01-06-00-00
Neal, Joseph 81 01-02-00-00
Neal, William 81 01-03-00-00
Nelson, John 79 01-08-00-00
Nettles, Margret 82 01-06-00-00
Newten, Joseph 80 01-07-00-00
Odam, Dempsey 80 02-04-00-00
Odam, Kinching 78 01-04-00-00
Odle, Fanney 82 01-04-00-00
Odle, John 82 01-02-00-00
Owens, Arther 78 01-01-00-00
Owens, Mossbey 82 01-04-00-00
Parsons, Henrey 80 01-06-00-00
Parsons, Jesse 81 01-12-00-01
Parsons, John 81 01-03-00-00
Parsons, Zoah 81 01-03-00-00
Pate, Pairet 82 01-07-00-00
Pate, William 82 01-08-00-00
Perkins, Isaac 78 01-03-00-00
Philips, Jacob 81 02-09-00-00
Pyott, Abraham 79 01-02-00-00
Ratcliff, Richard 80 01-00-00-00
Ratliff, Richard 80 01-03-00-00
Roberts, John 80 02-07-00-00
Roberts, Thomas 82 01-03-00-00
Roberts, William 82 02-04-00-00
Robinson, Jonathan 78 01-03-00-00
Rogers, Benjamin 82 03-10-00-00
Rogers, James 80 01-02-00-00
Rogers, Reuben 78 01-05-00-00
Rogers, William 82 01-03-00-00
Roland, John 79 01-05-00-00
Roland, Ragsdale 79 01-09-00-00
Rollens, Mikel 81 01-09-00-00
Russel, Philip 79 01-07-00-00
Sendusky, John 81 01-02-00-00
Shelton, James 78 01-03-00-00
Shelton, Miller 78 01-03-00-00
Shultz, Jacob 80 01-02-00-00
Shultz, John 80 01-05-00-00
Shultz, Susannah 80 01-06-00-00
Simpkins, John G. 80 01-06-00-00
Smith, James 82 01-06-00-00
Smothers, Thomas 81 01-04-00-00
Snider, Solomon 79 01-10-00-00
Spiller, Elijah 79 01-07-00-00
Stille, Davis 81 01-10-00-00
Suillevin, Edward 81 01-04-00-00
Suratt, Joseph 80 01-09-00-00
Taylor, Elgah 81 01-02-00-00
Thompson, Joseph 82 01-07-00-00
Tiner, Joshua 79 02-14-00-00
Tiner, Willes 79 01-04-00-00
Tippey, Abraham 79 01-12-00-00
Tippey, John 79 01-03-00-00
Tompson, John 82 02-06-00-01
Trammel, David 80 01-06-00-00
Waddle, John 78 01-02-00-00
Waler, Richard 82 01-08-00-00
Ward, George 82 02-07-00-00
Watkins, Speser 82 01-01-03-00
Web, Eli 81 01-05-00-00
Web, Lazerous 81 01-12-00-00
Whitesides, Thomas 80 01-03-00-00
Williams, John 82 01-05-00-00
Williams, Rial 82 01-03-00-00
Wiser, Nicholas 78 01-05-00-00
Wren, John 82 01-06-00-01
Wright, Zachariah 79 02-09-00-00
Yong, Samuel 82 01-03-00-00
Yongblood, Aaron 82 01-12-00-00

Franklin County IL,

Norton, Margaret Cross. Illinois Census Returns 1810, 1818. Published in the Collections of the Illinois State Historical Library, volume XXIV.

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