Biography of Capt. Oliver E. Hindes

CAPT. OLIVER E. HINDES. There are few men in business circles who show as much fitness for their avocation in that they are wide awake, reliable, experienced and energetic as does Capt. Oliver E. Hindes, and there are none who have a more thorough knowledge of the wonderful mineral wealth and fine agricultural lands surrounding Lead Hill, Arkansas, than has he. The Captain has explored the entire mineral region of north Arkansas and south Missouri, and is perhaps more familiar with that field than any other man. He is one of the prominent farmers and land speculators of Lead Hill, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ernest M. Sprague

Sprague, Ernest M.; mgr. American Bridge Co.; born, Farmington, Mich., Oct. 20, 1865; son of Lorenzo and Laura G. Mead Sprague; educated, University of Michigan, 1888, B. S., C. E.; married, Denver, Col., March 8, 1901, Maude Sill; issue, two children; six years with Chicago & N. W. R. R., asst. engineer; since 1894, with American Bridge Co., and affiliated companies; last eight years, mgr. Cleveland branch; member American Society Civil Engineers, Masonic Order, Athletic Club. Recreation: Golf.

1871 Rocky Mountain Directory and Colorado Gazetteer

1871 Rocky Mountain Directory and Colorado Gazetteer

1871 Rocky Mountain Directory and Colorado Gazetteer, comprising a brief history of Colorado up to 1871 … together with a complete and accurate directory and history of Denver, Golden City, Black Hawk, Central City, Nevada, Idaho, and Georgetown.

Biographical Sketch of John W. Clark

John W. Clark was born in Chillicothe, Missouri, September 4, 1853. He is the son of Dr. John K. Clark, a native of Kentucky, who is practicing his profession at present in Farmersville, Missouri. Mr. Clark was educated at Spring Hill, Livingston county, Missouri. He commenced life for himself on, the North Missouri Railway, and continued that business for two years, then served an apprenticeship, learning the watch-making trade at St. Joseph, Missouri, under August Wetteroth, who is regarded as one of the best workmen in the country. After finishing his apprenticeship he went to Denver and thence to Deadwood, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of R. L. Alsaker

R. L. Alsaker graduated from Loyola University, Medical Department, with the M. D. degree. He located in Denver, Colorado, and practiced his profession there several years. In 1913 he removed to St. Louis, Missouri. He has written extensively on health educational topics, especially for “Physical Culture Magazine.” He is the author of “Maintaining Health” and “Eating for Health and Efficiency.” as well as several smaller books. He is an authority on foods and feeding.

Biography of John Baptist Miege

John Baptist Miege, first Catholic bishop of Kansas, was born in 1815, the youngest son of a wealthy and pions family of the parish of Chevron, Upper Savoy, France. At an early age he was committed to the care of his brother, the director of the episcopal seminary of Moutiers, and completed his literary studies at the age of nineteen. After spending two more years at the seminary in the study of philosophy, on October 23, 1836, he was admitted to the Society of Jesns. The following eleven years he spent in further study, a portion of the time at … Read more

Biography of Charles H. Garlock

(IV) Charles H., son of Peter and Maria (Van De Vort) Garlock, was born in Arcadia, Wayne county, New York, May 7, 1864. His education was acquired in the public schools and in the Newark Union School, and he was engaged in various occupations until he had attained his majority. At the age of twenty-one years he went to South Dakota, and accepted a position in the hardware store of his brother, Thomas, remaining with him two years. He then went to Denver, Colorado, in which city he opened a cigar and confectionery store, in which the was successfully engaged … Read more

Biography of Frederick W. Wulfekuhler

Frederick W. Wulfekuhler. There is no such word as luck in the vocabulary of business men who have attained distinction in the busy and competitive marts of Kansas. Long years of experience have convinced them that position and prosperity come only through the medium of persistent application of intelligent methods that require time for their development and full fruition. The highest order of executive attainments and organizing sense must be backed up by public confidence, and a further desirable quality is an intimate and concise knowledge of the field to be occupied, this latter to be gained only by gradual … Read more

Biography of Hon. Eugene Mortimore Kerr

The records of Muskogee and the state would be incomplete and unsatisfactory were there failure to make prominent reference to Eugene Mortimore Kerr, who has served as a member of both the house of representatives and senate in the general assembly and who in many other ways has contributed to public progress and improvement, while in business circles he has gained a most creditable name and position. Mr. Kerr was born in Granville, Ohio, November 11, 1869, and is a son of E. M. and Elizabeth Triphena (Roberts) Kerr. The father was engaged in the real estate business for many … Read more

Henry, Jim – Obituary

Baker City, Baker County, Oregon Jim Henry, 81, died at home on July 22, 2005, after a long battle with lung cancer. His graveside inurnment service will be at 11 a.m. Thursday in the military section of Mount Hope Cemetery. Father Camillus Fernando of St. Francis de Sales Cathedral will officiate. Military rites will be under the auspices of the National Guard and Doug Riggs will speak on behalf of the Baker Elks Lodge. Friends are invited to join the family for a reception after the services at the Eagles Lodge, 2935 H St. Jim was born on Aug. 17, … Read more

Biography of Dr. R. J. Pierce

DR. R. J. PIERCE. The medical man is held in the greatest esteem by savage as well as civilized people, and deservedly so, because in his hands are the issues of life and death. All honor is due to the profession of medicine, because it is composed of so noble an army of men, and among those whose skill has shed luster upon the profession is Dr. R. J. Pierce, who is known in medical circles throughout the State, and is universally recognized as a ripe scholar and a practitioner of renown. He was born in Hall County, Ga., August … Read more

Sacramento California Police Mug Books 1864-1949

Mug Book cropped

Mug Books of the past have been replaced by computer databases now, but back before the days of computers and databases, they served as an effective method for Police Departments to keep track of past criminals and wanted people. The Sacramento Police Department has generously provided these scanned images to for free access to everyone. If you are not aware if one of your ancestors may have been arrested for a crime, then I suggest you first search the newspaper records available online for free of Sacramento California, so that you have a year span to choose from. Unless you’re like me and just like perusing the old mug shots…

Childers, Olive – Obituary

La Grande, Union County, Oregon Daughter Of Pioneers Dies A high Salvation Army official and daughter of a pioneer Summerville family, Olive Childers, died Saturday at a local hospital after an extended illness. Funeral services will take place at the Dempsey Funeral Chapel Wednesday at 2 p.m. with Col. John Erickson officiating. Burial will follow at Grandview Cemetery. Born Nov. 3, 1880, Miss Childers was the daughter of Frank and Mary Childers. Childers was one-time sheriff of Union County. Miss Childers had served as a Salvation Army officer since 1898 and worked in the La Grande area from 1915 until … Read more

Biography of William Jacobs, M. D.

William Jacobs, M. D. By the activities of a long and successful career Dr. William Jacobs is identified with the great plains period of the West before railroads were built across the continent, also with business and official affairs, and had for more than forty years been a resident of Washington County and only recently retired from an active practice as a physician and surgeon. Doctor Jacobs is still active in affairs as president of the Farmers State Bank of Washington. He was born at St. Louis, Missouri, December 19, 1844, and is now in his seventy-third year. His grand-father, … Read more

Biography of Joseph C. Dodds, M. D., B. L.

Joseph C. Dodds, M. D., B. L. Long identified with Champaign County as a physician and surgeon and also as a citizen and business man, Doctor Dodds has lived in this county since he was ten years of age. He was born on Long Island, New York, June 15, 1864. At the age of ten he came to Champaign to live with his uncle, Dr. J. G. Chambers, brother of his mother. Here Doctor Dodds was educated, graduating from the Urbana High School, from the University of Illinois with the class of 1886, attended the University of Michigan Medical School … Read more

Biography of James A. Brady

James A. Brady. High rank in the legal profession had long distinguished Cherryvale, and it numbers among its members many who have gained for themselves reputations and prestige extending some distance beyond the limits of their immediate field of action. Among the ambitious, alert and enterprising lawyers who have taken advantage of the opportunities offered in this city for professional advancement and have thereby attained a full measure of success, is James A. Brady, who had been engaged in practice here since 1905, and who for the past seven years had served capably and energetically in the office of city … Read more

Bailey, Catherine Kay “Kay” Clark Mrs. – Obituary

Catherine Kay “Kay” Clark Bailey, 59, of Denver, a former Baker City resident, died July 5, 2006, at her home. Her memorial service will be at 11 a.m. Thursday at the Baker City Christian Church, 675 Highway 7. Pastor Roger Scovil of the church will officiate. There will be a reception afterward at the church. Inurnment will be at Mount Hope Cemetery. Kay was born at Weiser, Idaho, on May 6, 1947, and grew up in Eastern Oregon. She was a 1965 Baker High School graduate and earned her bachelor’s degree from Eastern Oregon College (now Eastern Oregon University) at … Read more

Fuller, Ruby Macy Mrs. – Obituary

Pine Valley, Baker County, Oregon Ruby Fuller, 62, of Hells Canyon died on Monday, Feb. 21, 2005, in Boise, Idaho. A Memorial Service in memory of Ruby was held on Saturday, Feb. 26, 2005, at the Pine Valley Presbyterian Church in Halfway. A reception followed at the VFW hall. Ruby Marie Fuller as born on Feb. 13, 1943, in Denver, Colo., to Leo and Ethel Macy. She was raised and educated in Dacona, Colo. On June 28, 1969, she married Art Fuller in a little white church in Rean, Colo. They had five daughters, Teri, Cheryl, Cathy, Deanna and DeeAnne. … Read more

Biography of Charles L. Mitchell

Charles L. Mitchell is secretary and sales manager of Crane & Company of Topeka. As every one knows in that city and the state this is one of the largest publishing and stationery houses in Kansas. It may be said with propriety that Mr. Mitchell has deserved success because he has earned it. He was born at Kenosha, Wisconsin, February 12, 1873, a son of John C. and Sallie Ann (Connell) Mitchell. His father saw four years of active service in the Civil war and died in 1898, while the mother is still residing in Wisconsin. John C. Mitchell was … Read more

Biography of Joseph B. Hulse

Joseph B. Hulse, proprietor of the only photograph gallery in Hailey, is a native of Iowa, born in Glenwood, on the 3d of January 1859. The family, of German origin, was planted on American soil at an early period in the history of New England. The grandfather, Joseph Hulse, was a pioneer settler of the state of Ohio, and his son, Henry A. Hulse, the father of our subject, was born near the old home of Abraham Lincoln, in the vicinity of Springfield, Illinois. Having arrived at years of maturity, he married Caroline Maloon and removed to Iowa, whence he … Read more