Biographical Sketch of Ralph H. Ellsworth

Ellsworth, Ralph H.; pres. The Arnold Wooden Ware Co.; born, Sept. 18, 1874, West Richfield, O.; high school and Spencerian Business College; married, Cleveland, Oct. 16, 1896, Emily H. Oviatt; traveling salesman Arnold Wooden Ware Co. eighteen years; elected pres. of company, 1911; member Chamber of Commerce, Cleveland Commercial Travelers, Halcyon Lodge, F. & A. M.; Thatcher Chapter, Forest City Commandery, K. T.

Biographical Sketch of Theodore Dluzynski

Dluzynski, Theodore; publisher and editor; born, Poland, 1866; son of Simon and Dorothia Dluzynski; educated, St. Mary’s College, Dayton, O.; married, Cleveland, May, 1901, Lotti Milosyenska; three children; worked one year in the post office money order department; ten years deputy County Treasurer; sec’y of the Polonia in Amuryre Corporation Polish Newspaper, organized twenty years ago; after seven years the corporation sold the paper to him; is now the sole owner and publisher; has improved the publication, increased the circulation; it is read mostly by the Polish people in the State of Ohio; has a membership of 7,000; see’y and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank Rockefeller

Rockefeller, Frank; capitalist; born at Richford, Tioga County, N. Y., in 1845, where he lived for several years, until his father and brothers moved to Cleveland; for several years, he followed various occupations, until he became interested with his brother, John D. Rockefeller, in the oil business, becoming one of the principal promoters of the Standard Oil Co.; retired from active business interests in 1895; he has a summer home at Wycliffe, O., and a big ranch in Kansas; member Union, Columbia and Roadside Clubs, Cleveland, and the Ohio Society, N. Y.; Republican.

Biographical Sketch of Charles T. Richmond

Richmond, Charles T.; manufacturer; born, Johnsville, N. Y., June 13, 1856; son of Theodore and Caroline Baucus Richmond; educated, Greylock Institute, South Williamstown, Mass., and Yale ’78, S. Ph. B.; married, Fremont, 0., Jan. 28, 1891, Mrs. Addle G. Noble; after graduating, became deputy collector Internal Revenue, 10th District of Massachusetts (three years); then founded Richmond Carbon Co., North Adams, Mass. (four years); then became pres. Thomson-Houston Carbon Co., at Fremont, O., (five years); since 1893, with National Carbon Co., Cleveland (twenty years); consulting engineer and asst. sec’y National Carbon Co.; member Delta Psi Fraternity; member Chamber of Commerce, Athletic … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Bartol

Bartol, George; gen. mgr. The Otis Steel Co.; born, Lancaster, Mass., May 16, 1857; educated in the public schools and graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in 1877, degree of B. S.; began career with the Otis Steel Co. in 1879, starting as chemist; elected gen. mgr. in 1898; pres. Colonial and Warner Realty Companies; director of First National Bank; interested in other corporations; member Union, University, and Civil Engineers Clubs; Republican.

Biographical Sketch of Bernard T. Duffey

Duffey, Bernard T.; insurance; born, Rockford, Ill., July 5, 1869; educated, public schools of Rockford; married, Beloit, Wis., August 15, 1892, Lillian Knapp; married, Chicago, Ill., June 15, 1910, Bertha Agnes Nye; children, Bernard P., Jr., John Nye; engaged in fire insurance with Rockford Insurance Co., Rockford, Ill., 1887, continuing with that company until 1900; then with Royal Insurance Co., Ltd., of Liverpool, England; now state agent in Ohio for that company; member Cleveland Athletic Club.

Biographical Sketch of Abraham T. Brewer

Brewer, Abraham T.; lawyer; born in Monroe County, O., Sept. 20, 1841; son of Abraham and Mary (Mitchell) Brewer; educated, Indiana County, Pa., and Harlem Springs College, 1865-1866; LL. B., Ohio State Law College (Harlem Springs) ; married, Nov. 21, 1990, Clara Genella, daughter of Rev. John H. and Laura L. Tagg; served over three years in 61st Pennsylvania Volunteers in Civil War; seriously wounded at battle of Fair Oaks, and lay two days on battlefield without attention; admitted to bar, 1869. Author: Ohio Corporations, 5th edition, 1903; How to Make the Sunday School Go, 1892; True War Stories, 1907; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jacob Streitberger

Streitberger, Jacob; born, June 23, 1871; Germany; son of Jacob and Carolyn Streitberger; educated, Germany; married, Meadville, Pa., July 4, 1895, Lena Duer; three children; member Eagles and Foresters.

Biographical Sketch of William W. Chamberlain

Chamberlain, William W.; shoe mfr.; born, April 19, 1859, Cleveland; son of Norman W. and Mary Elizabeth Hogadom Chamberlain; public and high school; married, Boston, Mass., Jan. 4, 1905, Carrie G. Simpson; eight years with the pioneer shoe firm of Childs & Co.; one year with W. E. Schmitz & Co.; wholesale boots and shoes, Pittsburgh; with S. L. Pierce & Co., Cleveland, since 1886; now sales manager; director Union Savings & Loan Co.; member Cleveland Chamber of Commerce; Euclid Club; Cleveland Athletic Club. Recreations: Baseball and Motoring.

Biographical Sketch of Lewis Harris Kittredge

Kittredge, Lewis Harris; automobile business; born, Harrisville, N. H., June 18, 1871; son of Samuel Grant and Harriet Louise Harris Kittredge; educated, Keene, N. H., High School, New Hampshire State College, degree of B. S.; 1896-1897, with New York Belting & Packing Co., Passaic, N. J.; 1897 to present time with The Peerless Motor Car Co. of Ohio, pres. since 1906, same office for the company in New York and New England; director The Peerlees Motor Car Co. of Ohio; pres. since 1906, same office for the Company in New York and New England; director the Peerless Motor Car Co. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles W. Chase

Chase, Charles W.; trustee of The Estate of Edwin Cowles; born, Edinburg, O., Aug. 8, 1846; son of Charles W. and Eliza Brown Chase; attended public school in Portage county, O., and High School at Newton Falls, O.; married, Cleveland, Aug. 1, 1872, Almira F. Cowles; one daughter, Helen (Mrs. E. C. Bassett) ; treas. of the City, April, 1895-1899; in clothing and men’s furnishing business from 1870 to 1890, at No. 15 Public Square; director Chamber of Commerce, 1905-1906; pres. of The Cleveland Leader Co., 1901-1905; sec’y, treas. and director The Electric Smelting & Aluminum Co.; sec’y and director … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles J. Swift

Swift, Charles J.; insurance; born, Corry, Pa., Dec. 16, 1866; son of Charles J. and Hanna Ophelia Hopkins Swift; educated in Corry public schools; married, Cleveland, May 16, 1907, Catherine Pennock Brooke; issue, one daughter, Alice Ophelia; organized firm of C. J. Swift & Co., in 1893; has built up one of largest individual insurance agencies in Cleveland; member Iris Lodge, F. & A. M., Webb Chapter, R. A. M., Oriental Commandery, K. T., Lake Erie Consistory and Al Koran Temple; past chancellor K. of P.

Biographical Sketch of Joseph F. Blaha

Blaha, Joseph F.; carpenter, contractor; born, Bohemia, May 12, 1858; son of John and May Pinopal Blaha; graduated from the public schools in Bohemia; married, Cleveland, Feb. 18, 1882, Katherine Orosek; issue, 4 children; came to the United States in 1877, and received his naturalization papers in 1888; worked several months at the carpenter trade at $1.50 a day, then went to work for The American Steel & Wire Co. in Newburg; worked there until 1882; then for the Sturdueynant Planning Co.; was there one year; in 1888, started in business for himself as carpenter contractor; member of C. S. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Albert T. Reid

Reid, Albert T.; coal dealer; born, Cleveland, April 27, 1875; son of Joseph J. and Rebecca Reid; educated, Cleveland grammar schools; married, Cleveland, Jan. 4, 1899; Nellie S. Rane; three children; pres. and treas. The Fronek-Reid Coal Co.

Biographical Sketch of Fred A. Pease

Pease, Fred A.; gen. mgr. Engineering Co.; born, 1873, Kingsville, O., gen. mgr. The Fred A. Pease Engineering Co.; after wide experience in engineering and construction work, entered chosen profession; 1898 to 1900, asst. county engineer; 1901, organized his own company; engineers for various villages in this county, also executed municipal improvements, designing subdivisions, and engaged in electric railway work; firm has been engineers for Gates Mills development for the Maple Leaf Land Co., Oakwood-on-the-Lake, at Rocky River; at present are engaged upon improvements for the Shaker Heights Land Co., and the Deming Forest Hill Subdivision, and other properties; member … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Davis Hawley

Hawley, Davis; banker; born near Hamilton, Ont., Sept. 18, 1850; son of Davis and Sabra Amelia Lake Hawley; educated, district schools; married, Cleveland, November, 1873, Miss Mary Switz; issue, one son, Davis Hawley, Jr., born Oct. 5, 1878; employed in Detroit, Mich., two years, came to Cleveland in 1866, went to work as cigar boy at the Weddell House; after three years entered the shops of the White Sewing Machine Co.; remained three and one-half years; in 1878, clerk Hotel Clinton, run by his brother, in 1878, became mngr. of the Hotel Clinton; in 1882, with his brother, D. R. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George J. Buerman

Buerman, George J.; contracting plumber; born, Cleveland, Aug. 28, 1886; son of G. H. and Anna Kuper Buerman; graduated from St. Stephen’s Parochial school in 1900; attended St. Ignatius’ College three years; classical course; married, Cleveland, Aug. 22, 1911, Ida P. Beeoli; started in the plumbing, sewering and gas fitting business in 1908, under the firm name of Buerman & Mayer; continued until 1911, when he bought Mr. Mayer’s interest; firm now Geo. J. Buerman; member C. M. B. A. Recreations: Baseball and Bowling.

Biographical Sketch of Rev. William A. Scullen

Scullen, William A. Rev.; Ph. D., S. T. D., J. C. D.; sec’y Diocese of Cleveland; born, Oct. 2, 1879, East Liverpool, O.; son of Patrick and Joanna Scullen; Parochial and public high schools, East Liverpool; St. Charles College, Ellicott City Md., 1898-1902; St. Mary’s Seminary, Cleveland, 1902-1903; American College, Rome, 1903-1909; Ph. D., from the Propaganda University, Rome, 1904; S. T. D., same university 1908; J. C. D., Apollonaris University, Rome, 1909; ordained priest by Cardinal Respighi, Sept. 21, 1907, in the Lateran Basilica, Rome; appointed sec’y of Cleveland diocese, June 14, 1909; member Alumni American College, Rome, (historian, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William George Ebersole

Ebersole, William George; dentist; M. D. and D. D. S.; born, Carrollton, O., Nov. 18, 1864; son of John E. and Nancy Lyons Ebersole; educated, Grammar and High School of Carrollton; Ohio Norman University at Ada O.; spent a year and a half in the study of law; Western Reserve University, both medical and dental courses; married, Dec. 17, 1890, Carrollton, O., Miss Ora Stemple; one son, Carl Haman, born Oct. 19, 1896; in October, 1898, began the practise of dentistry in Cleveland; two and one-half years demonstrator of operative dentistry at Western Reserve University; 1898-1899 and a part of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles Criswell Arbuthnot

Arbuthnot, Charles Criswell; professor of Economics, W. R. U.; born, Pittsburg, Pa., May 30, 1876; son of James M. and Rebecca M. Criswell Arbuthnot; B. S., Geneva College, 1899; asst. in History, 1899-1900; Fellow in Political Economy, Univ. of Chicago, 1901-03; Ph. D., 1903; Instructor in Political Economy, Univ. of Nebraska, 1903-04; Adjunct Professor, 1904; Instructor in Economics, Adelbert College, and the College for Women, W. R. U., 1904-08; associate professor of Economics, 1906-08; professor of Economics, 1908-; member American Economic Ass’n, American Academy of Political and Social Science; Haymarket District Committee of Associated Charities; Board of Management of University … Read more