Biographical Sketch of Edwin James Foster

Foster, Edwin James; attorney-at-law; born, Strongsville, O., 1847; son of Nathan and Betsy Hulet Foster; educated, Ohio Wesleyan University one year; graduated at Baldwin University in 1873, A. B. & A. M.; graduated from the Boston University Law School in its second class; married, Cleveland, 1280, Julia E. Stroud; two children, Athene S. and Merlyn S. Foster; was assignee of The Cleveland Paper Co., carried on the business and effected a settlement of over $300,000; settled the claim of Engineer Folsom, who went down on his engine at the time of the Ashtabula disaster; this settlement was attempted at the … Read more

Biography of William T. Buckner, Hon.

Hon. William T. Buckner of Wichita was born at Washington Court House, Ohio, January 2, 1846, and secured his early education in the public schools. He was still a lad in his early ‘teens when the Civil war came on, but succeeded in enlisting as a private in Company I, Seventy-third Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, with which he was in almost constant service at the front. His enlistment had been for three years, but the hard life of the army broke down the young soldier’s health and after two years he was given his honorable discharge because of disability and … Read more

Slave Narrative of John W. Matheus

Interviewer: Bishop & Isleman Person Interviewed: John Williams Matheus Location: Steubenville, Ohio Age: 77 Place of Residence: 203 Dock Street WPA in Ohio Federal Writers’ Project Bishop & Isleman Reporter: Bishop (Revision) July 8, 1937 Topic: Ex-Slaves Jefferson County, District #5 JOHN WILLIAMS MATHEUS Ex-Slave, 77 years “My mothers name was Martha. She died when I was eleven months old. My mother was owned by Racer Blue and his wife Scotty. When I was bout eleven or twelve they put me out with Michael Blue and his wife Mary. Michael Blue was a brother to Racer Blue. Racer Blue died … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Harold North Fowler

Fowler, Harold North; university prof.; born, Westfield, Mass., Feb. 25, 1859; son of Samuel and Maria Jones Fowler; A. B., Harvard, 1880; studied American School Classical Studies, Athens, 1882-1883, Universities Bonn and Berlin, 1883-1885; Ph. D., Bonn, 1885; married, Helen, daughter of ex-Gov. Charles H. Bell, of Exeter, N. H., Dec. 23, 1890; instr. Harvard, 1885-1888; prof. Phillips Exeter Academy, 1888-1892; prof. Greek, University of Texas, 1892-1893; College for Women, Western Reserve University, since 1893; prof. Greek language and literature, American School Classical Studies, Athens, 1903-1904; editor-in-chief American Journal of Archaeology since 1906; corr. mem. Kaiserlich Duetsches Archaol. Institut. Editor: … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ernest Ludwig

Ludwig, Ernest; Consul of Austria-Hungary for Ohio and Michigan; born, Pozsony, Hungary, 1876; son of John and Sophia L. Ludwig; educated, College of Pozsony, Hungary, and Oriental Academy, Vienna; married, Peking, China, 1903, Sarah Edith Kendrick; military service in the 9th Hussar Regiment (Count Nadasdy); service in China ten years attached to Austro-Hungarian Legation, Peking; 1902, in charge of Legation; 1903, Judge of the mixed court in Shanghai; 1905, Consul in Tientsin; 1908, in Peking, as Chinese sec’y of the Austro-Hungarian Legation; since 1910, Consul in Cleveland, O.; author of numerous books and reports; member of the Imperial Royal Geographical … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Anderson Groot

Groot, George Anderson; attorney-at-law; born in Washington County, N. Y., Aug. 3, 1843; son of John Aaron and Eliza Jane (Heath) Groot; educated in district and common schools, attended Oberlin one term in 1860; attended school in Camden and Amherst in Lorain County, in 1864; received captain’s commission from the College again in 1865-1867; then at Hillsdale, Mich., graduating in June, 1870, degree of M. S.; married, Huron, O., Dec. 12, 1872, Maora Agnes Sage; enlisted in the Union Army in the War of the Rebellion, in Co. H, 8th O. V. L, April 20, 1861, discharged August, 1861; re-enlisted … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William G. Phare

Phare, William G.; attorney-at-law; born, Warrensville, O., June 29, 1863; son of Thomas and Mary Short Phare; educated, public schools and Shaw Academy, East Cleveland; graduated from the National Normal University, Lebanon, O., in 1882; married, Lebanon, 0., Nov. 26, 1884, Mattie M. Linder; one son, Ray Phare; member Ohio Legislature, 1900-1902, Ohio Senate, 1910-3912, Mayor of the Village of Cleveland Heights, 1912-1914; active professional career; organized The Fairmount Savings Bank Co., in 1902; afterwards merged with The Cleveland Trust Co.; also active in real estate matters; member Cleveland and State Bar Associations, and Cleveland Fire Insurance Exchange; for several … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Baird Johnson

Johnson, George Baird; professional; born, Erie, Pa., Jan. 10, 1877; son of James a and Susan Baird Johnson; educated, Sewickley Academy and Park Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa.; married, Cleveland, Feb. 10, 1906, Edith Ketchum; issue, two children, John Baird and Harriet Ely Johnson; in charge Cleveland office, having jurisdiction over Ohio and Kentucky, for William Salmon & Co., international bankers, New York; 1895, with general Agency Insurance Co. of North America, at Erie, Pa.; 1900, Agency Dept. New York Life Insurance Co.; 1905, W. J. Hayes & Son, bankers, Cleveland; 1909, William Salmon & Co., bankers; member Union Club.

Biographical Sketch of Frank Eugene Wettstein

Wettstein, Frank Eugene; banking and real estate; born, Rochelle, Ill., June 6, 1867; son of Otto and Louise Tracy Wettstein; educated, Rochelle High School, class of 1884; married, La Porte City, Ia., Sept. 22, 1896; married Maud Wagoner; issue, two sons, William and Frank Jr.; republican; five years a member of the Illinois National Guard; in 1889, organized First National Bank, La Porte City, Ia.; in 1900, organized First National Bank, Dysort, Ia.; vice pres. and gen. mgr. Guarantee Title & Trust Co.. Cleveland; 1903 to 1908, promoted Gates Mills property; built all roads at Gates Mills; pres. Pease Engineering … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles T. Richmond

Richmond, Charles T.; manufacturer; born, Johnsville, N. Y., June 13, 1856; son of Theodore and Caroline Baucus Richmond; educated, Greylock Institute, South Williamstown, Mass., and Yale ’78, S. Ph. B.; married, Fremont, 0., Jan. 28, 1891, Mrs. Addle G. Noble; after graduating, became deputy collector Internal Revenue, 10th District of Massachusetts (three years); then founded Richmond Carbon Co., North Adams, Mass. (four years); then became pres. Thomson-Houston Carbon Co., at Fremont, O., (five years); since 1893, with National Carbon Co., Cleveland (twenty years); consulting engineer and asst. sec’y National Carbon Co.; member Delta Psi Fraternity; member Chamber of Commerce, Athletic … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Harry Brinton Jones

Jones, Harry Brinton; florist; born, West Chester, Pa., Sept. 13, 1872; son of William, Jr., and Mary B. Painter Jones; educated, West Chester Friends High School and Pierce Business College, Philadelphia, Pa.; 1890-1893, apprentice to Robert Craig & Co., Philadelphia; 1894-1898, mgr. The Penroch Floral Co., Wilmington, Del.; for four months, floral artist to J. Lewis Lousie, Washington, D. C.; asst. mgr. the J. M. Gasser Co., from Oct. 9, 1899, to July 1, 1909; since then sec’y and treas. The Jones & Russel Co.; member Biglow Lodge, F. A. M., and Rotary Club; member Society of Friends; fond of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles E. Alden

Alden, Charles E.; attorney-at-law; born, Middlefield, O., Dec. 18, 1875; son of Edward H. and Hercy Dunham Alden; educated, Hiram College; degree of A. B. 1901; legal education at the Cleveland Law School and W. R. U., finishing in 1905; admitted to the Bar that year; married, Brunswick, O., Dec. 25, 1902, Ina May Gibbs; issue, Marcella Eugenia Alden age 5, and John Butler Alden age 3 years and 9 months; in Jan. 1906, formed partnership with E. J. Hopple, firm of Alden & Hopple; in 1909 firm changed to J. M. Cullough, firm of Alden & Hopple; in 1909 … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Virgil P. Kline

Kline, Virgil P.; lawyer, born, Conneaut, Nov. 3, 1844; educated, Electric Institute, Hiram, O.; graduated from Williams College, 1886; studied law in Cleveland, and passed examinations in 1870, and was admitted to the bar; with Albert T. Slade, until his death in 1876; member of the firm of Henderson, Kline & Tolles; later Kline, Tolles & Goff; when Mr. Goff became pres. of the Cleveland Trust Co., firm was organized as Kline, Tolles & Morley; powerful orator; special student of financial and economic questions; Democrat; frequent nominee for office; ran ahead of party ticket, but majority of Republican party caused … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Albert Joseph MacAdams

MacAdams, Albert Joseph; merchant; born in Chicago, Aug. 19, 1868; son of Henry and Carrie Crosby MacAdams; public school and high schools; married, Cleveland, Feb. 18, 1913, L. Jean Sowers; started mnfg. woodturning machinery, and became stationary engineer; went into grocery business in Ashtabula, 1886, but sold out and went into retail store; came to Cleveland, 1888, and associated himself with Bowman’s wallpaper store; later joined Keep Mnfg. Co., makers of shirts, until they discontinued business here in 1890, when he went into haberdashery with W. B. Davis; became member of the firm in 1898, and in 1902, after spending … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hunter Robby

Robby, Hunter; physician; born at Burlington, N. J., 1863; son of Thomas and Caroline (Woolman) Robb; educated, Episcopal Academy, Philadelphia, Burlington (N. J.) College; M. D., University of Pennsylvania, 1884; married Isabel Adams Hampton, of Welland, Out., 1894; resident physician, Presbyterian and Episcopal hospital, Philadelphia, 1884-1886; asst. surgeon, Kensington Hospital for Women, 1888-1889; associate in gynecology, Johns Hopkins University and Hospital, 1889-1894; in practice at Cleveland since 1894; prof. gynecology, Western Reserve University; visiting gynecologist, Lakeside Hospital, Cleveland; member American Gynecological Society, Obstetric and Gynecological Society of Paris; Episcopalian; Republican. Clubs: Union, University. Author: Aseptic Surgical Technique, 1894; Contributor to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Asa Shiverick

Shiverick, Asa; merchant; born, Omaha, Neb., 1877; son of Charles and Eleanor Coary Shiverick; educated, St. Paul’s School, Concord, N. H.; married, Concord, N. H., Janette Bancroft; vice pres. and gen. mgr. The Higbee Co.; vice pres. J. N. Adam & Co; member the Union Club, Cleveland, the Ellicott Club, Buffalo, the Country Club, Buffalo.

Biographical Sketch of Cyrus Locher

Locher, Cyrus; lawyer; born, Bluffton, O., Mar. 8, 1878; son of Christian and Fanny Lugabihl Locher; educated, Pandora High School, Ohio Wesleyan University, A. B. and A. M.; Western Reserve University Law School, LL. B.; married, Bloomington, Ill., Beulah L. Baker; supt. of schools, Woodsfield, O., 1903-1905; asst. city solicitor, Cleveland, 1908-1909; member law firm Gott & Locher, 1910-1913; member Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, and Sigma Delta Rho (honorary fraternity); member Cleveland Athletic Club and Chamber of Commerce; County Prosecuting Attorney from Jan. 6, 1913.

Biographical Sketch of Welles Kirk Stanley

Stanley, Welles Kirk; lawyer; born, Portsmouth, Nov. 12, 1873; son of Rev. T. W. and Amanda Kirk Stanley; A. B., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1895; LL. B., Yale University, 1900; married, Cleveland, June 8, 1905, Grace Hiles; issue, one daughter, Ann; in the office of Attorney W. H. Boyd three years; formed partnership with P. L. A. Lieghley in October, 1911; sec’y the Lewis Jewelry Co., the A. J. Fawcett Co., the W. H. Noble Co.; member Beta Theta Pi, Book and Gavel (Yale), Cleveland Athletic Club.

Biography of Fred L. Stephenson

Fred L. Stephenson is president of the Commercial State Bank of Yates Center. He had many other interests that connect him with that community, and for many years had been one of the live and energetic citizens, ever ready to co-operate in any plan for the advancement of local welfare. Mr. Stephenson had spent most of his life in Kansas and he owes to his individual energies and the opportunities of the state his prosperity and his position in affairs. His ancestors were English people who came to New York in Colonial days. His grandfather was Thomas Stephenson, a native … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Herman J. Minke

Minke, Herman J.; florist; born, Cleveland, July 11, 1887; son of Adam and Bertha Allmyer Minke; educated, Cleveland public schools; with Champion Rivet Co. two and one-half years; same time with American Range & Foundry Co.; The Champion Bed Springs Co., one year as shipping clerk; four years with Hanna, Floral Co.; started in floral business in 1911; in partnership with his brother; member National Union.