Biographical Sketch of Alfred Burns Smythe

Smythe, Alfred Burns; banking and real estate; born, Nevada, O., Aug. 4, 1874; son of Marcus and Mary Burns Smythe; educated, common schools and Oberlin Academy and Oberlin College, Oberlin, O.; married, Oil City, Pa., Nov. 13, 1902, Catherine Loomis; issue, two sons, mgr. Real Estate Dept. of The Cleveland Trust Co.; pres. The Land Security Co., The Loop Realty Co., The Seneca Security Co.

Biographical Sketch of La Quinio Rawson

Rawson, La Quinio; lawyer; born, Fremont, O., Oct. 28, 1871, son of Joseph L. and Margaret A. Gelpin Rawson; educated, High School, Fremont, O.; Cincinnati College, Law Department, 1892, degree Bachelor of Law; married, Fremont, O., Dec. 26, 1895, Beatrice Frances Floyd, of Cleveland; one daughter, Beatrice Rawson; member Ohio Legislature from Cuyahoga County, 1904-1905; served as Chairman of Committee on Insurance, and as member of Committee on Finance; sec’y and member executive committee The Cleveland Life Insurance Co.; member Ohio State Bar Ass’n and National Geography Society; member Masonic Fraternity, New England Society, Society of Mayflower Descendants; member Athletic … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Roland Edward Skeel

Skeel, Roland Edward; physician; born, Fulton, Oswego County, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1869; son of Francis Adelbert and Hattie(Butler) Skeel; educated, Cleveland public schools; M. D., University of Michigan, 1890; married Alva P. Boepple, of Cleveland, O., 1893; Dean Cleveland College Physicians and Surgeons, 1902-1910; prof. gynecology, Western Reserve University; gynecologist to St. Luke’s Hospital; consulting surgeon to Lutheran and Lakewood Hospitals; visiting gynecologist to City Hospital; member American Association Obstetricians and Gynecologists, A. M. A.; Republican.

Biographical Sketch of Emile Marie Uhlrich

Uhlrich, Emile Marie; architect; born, Epinal, France, March 28, 1873; son of Louis F. and Francoise Von der Scheer Uhlrich; educated, Ecole, Fenelon, Vanjours, France; Lycee, St. Nicholas, Paris, France; Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris, France; married, Le Havre, France, October, 1908, Marguerite Augustine Juliette Gembre; pupil of Berger and Maistranse, Paris, France, 1890; designer for Des Jardines & Hayward, Cincinnati, 1894; established alone since 1904; representative works, St. Elizabeth’s Church, Cincinnati, O.; St. Rocop, St. Francis, St. Johns, St. Ladislas churches; St. Michaels, Our Lady of Lourdes schools; J. L. Hudson Co.’s Building, Cleveland, Akron Music Hall, St. Mary’s … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Leslie Van Epps

Van Epps, Leslie; wholesale coal dealer; born, Cleveland, May 9, 1883; son of John L. and Fannie Noakes Van Epps; educated, Central High School and Case School of Applied Science; married, New York City, Sept. 29, 1908, Mabel E. Anderson; two children; supt. “Catherine Colliery,” of the Trevorton Co., of Trevorton, Pa.; sec’y and treas. The Van Epps Coal Co.; member Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity.

Biographical Sketch of Jerome Joseph Wodisky

Wodisky, Jerome Joseph; merchant tailor; born, Cleveland, June 22, 1892; son of Morris and Anna Heller Wodisky; educated, public schools and Metropolitan Business College; started in business in May, 1910, at the age of about 18; worked up a trade and at the age of 21, has one of the largest merchant tailoring establishments on the south and west sides, employing eight people; member German Club. Recreations: Music and Photography, is entering upon a musical career and is studying piano and vocal, studying vocal under a renowned singer and well known teacher.

Biographical Sketch of Warren Sherman Hayden

Hayden, Warren Sherman; investment banker; born, Danbury, Ct., Oct. 20, 1870; son of Warren L. and Anna Flower Sherman Hayden; his father was born in Ohio and mother in Vermont; educated, Hiram College, 1892, Ph. B.; married, Hiram; O., 1893, Blanche R. Squire : one daughter, Margaret Hayden; second marriage, Cleveland, 1906, Elizabeth Strong; one son, Sherman Strong Hayden, and one daughter, Eleanor Hayden; pres. Cleveland Council of Sociology, 1909-1910; vice pres. Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, 1912; vice pres. Investment Bankers Ass’n of America, 1912; pres. Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, 1913; representative Lamprecht Bros. & Co., 1892-1895; manager Bond Department … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Arthur Silas Wright

Wright, Arthur Silas; educator; born, Decatur, N. Y., March 7, 1858; son of Hanson and Fannie M. (Mason) Wright; A. B., Union College, 1882, A. M., 1886; Princeton Theological Seminary, 1884-1885; University of Leipzig, 1885-1887; married, Julia B. Barbyte, of Schenectady, N. Y., April 2, 1890; junior prof. modern languages, Union College, 1887-1892; prof. modern languages, Case School of Applied Science, since 1893; member Modern Language Association of America; Modern Language Association of Ohio. Editor: In St. Jurgen (Theodor Storm), 1901; Entwicklungslehre (v. Wagner), 1903; Elektronentheorie (Kayser), 1905.

Biographical Sketch of Frank Rockefeller

Rockefeller, Frank; capitalist; born at Richford, Tioga County, N. Y., in 1845, where he lived for several years, until his father and brothers moved to Cleveland; for several years, he followed various occupations, until he became interested with his brother, John D. Rockefeller, in the oil business, becoming one of the principal promoters of the Standard Oil Co.; retired from active business interests in 1895; he has a summer home at Wycliffe, O., and a big ranch in Kansas; member Union, Columbia and Roadside Clubs, Cleveland, and the Ohio Society, N. Y.; Republican.

Biographical Sketch of B. F. Corday

Corday, B. F.; printing; born, Chicago, Ill., 1871; son of B. H. and Dora Baruch Corday; public school education, Cleveland; married, Cleveland, Jan. 5, 1895; two children, one son, Ellis H., born Jan. 17, 1897, and Estelle, born Sept. 9, 1898; pres. and treas. The Corday & Gross Co.; trustee Euclid Ave. Temple; member Athletic and Automobile Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of James Elbert Cutler

Cutler, James Elbert; university prof.; born, Princeville, Ill., Jan. 24, 1876; son of Frank W. and Antonaiah (Hoag) Cutler; B. A., University of Colorado, 1900; graduate student Yale, 1900-1903; Ph. D., 1903; married, Carolena D. Sperry, of New Haven, Conn., June 25, 1903; instr. English and civic government, State Preparatory School of Colorado, 1899-1909; instr. political economy, Yale, 1903-4; instr. economics, Wellesley College, 1904-1906; asst. prof. political economy, University of Michigan, 1906-1907; asso. prof. sociology, 1907-1910, prof. 1910-, Western Reserve University; member American Economics Ass’n, American Academy Political and Social Science; American Sociological Society, National Conference Charities and Correction, American … Read more

Biography of J. R. Bayley, M.D.

J.R. BAYLEY, M.D. – Doctor Bayley, to whom has fallen an unusual portion of public labor and honor, was born in Springfield, Ohio, in 1820. His mother dying, he was cared for by his grandmother, through whose liberality he received an ample education. In 1839 he moved to Clay county, Missouri, but two years later returned to Ohio, and in 1847 began the study of medicine in South Charleston with Doctors Skinner and Steele. He also attended the medical school at Cleveland in 1849, and the next year studied at the Ohio Medical College of Cincinnati. Upon graduating from this … Read more

Biographical Sketch of E. Loomis Spriggs

Spriggs, E. Loomis; realty and building; born, Washington, Pa., Oct. 17, 1880; son of Edward and Josephine E. Greenlee Spriggs; educated, Ohio Northern University, Ada, O.; treas. The Commonwealth Realty & Building Co.; identified with the agency force of The Pittsburgh Life & Trust Co.; subsequently in the Federal service at Pittsburgh until 1906, when he resigned, to become associated with his brother, C. H. Spriggs, as Cleveland real estate operators; this partnership became the basis for the formation of The Commonwealth Realty & Building Co.; member Lakewood Chamber of Commerce, and Lakewood Lodge, F. & A. M.; Progressive Republican … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dayton Clarence Miller

Miller, Dayton Clarence; physicist; born at Strongsville, O., March 13, 1866; son of Charles W. D. and Vienna (Pomeroy) Miller; A. B., Baldwin University, 1886, A. M., 1889; D. Sc., Princeton, 1890; married Edith C. Easton, of Princeton, N. J., June 28, 1893; prof. natural science, Baldwin University, 1883-1889; asst. in mathematics and physics, 1890-1893; prof. physics, since 1893, Case School Applied Science; fellow A. A. A. S. (sec’y Sect. Physics, 1903-1907, vice pres. 1908; gen. sec’y 1910), member American Physical Society, American Astronomical Society, Cleveland Engineering Society (pres., 1906); trustee Baldwin University since 1899. Author: Laboratory Physics, 1903; Boehm … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frederick Harris Goff

Goff, Frederick Harris; banker; born, Blackbury, Ill., Dec. 15, 1858; son of F. C. and Catherine J. Brown Goff; University of Michigan, B. A., 1881; married, Cleveland, Oct. 16, 1894, Frances Southworth; issue, Fredericka, born Dee. 14, 1896; William S., born Sept. 5, 1900; Frances M., born March 22, 1903; admitted to the bar, October, 1883; member law firm Kline, Tolles & Goff, until January, 1908; since 1908, pres. Cleveland Trust Co.; director and member executive committee, First National Bank, pres. Chicago, Lake Shore & South Bend R. R.; director National Acme Co.; vice pres. Cleveland, Lorain & Wheeling R. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank Perkins Whitman

Whitman, Frank Perkins; physicist; born, Troy, N. Y., July 29, 1853; son of William Warren and Caroline Keith (Perkins) Whitman; A. B., Brown University, 1874, A. M. 1877 (hon. Sc. D., 1900); studied Johns Hopkins; married Charlotte Webster Wheeler, of Providence, R. I., May 26, 1881; instructor in English and Classical Schools, Providence, 1874-1878; prof. physics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, 1880-1885; Western Reserve University since 1886; Fellow A. A. A. S. (vice pres. 1898); member American Physical Society, Astronomical and Astrophysical Society, America, Illuminating engineering Society. Contributor to scientific journals.

Biographical Sketch of Fred. W. Goakes

Goakes, Fred. W.; real estate; born, Oneida, N. Y., 1868; came to Cleveland when 9 years old; educated in the public schools, and business college course; entered the real estate business and followed it, having good success; has put through some of the big real estate deals of the city; Republican.

Biographical Sketch of Albert William Johnston

Johnston, Albert William; railroad office; born, Boston, Mass., March 4, 1853; son of Thomas Hunter and Anne Metcalf Johnston; educated, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; married, Steubenville, O., Sept. 17, 1880, Flora P. Kimball; one daughter, Pauline Kimball Johnston; entered the railroad business in 1875; has resided in Cleveland since 1884, as Division Engineer, N. Y. C. & St. L. R. R. Co., and has successfully held positions of division supt. Eastern Division, general supt. and gen. mgr. entire line; member American Society of Civil Engineers, American Rotary Association and American Rotary Guild; member College Fraternity, Chi Phi Tau, Boston, 1873; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank Ray Walker

Walker, Frank Ray; architect; born, Pittsfield, Mass., Sept. 29, 1877; son of Frank and Helen Theresa Rauous Walker; educated, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; post graduate work in design; pursued study of architecture in France and Italy, 1903-1904; Walker & Weeks, architects; member Cleveland Engineering Society, Chamber of Commerce, Cleveland Chapter, American Institute, M. I. T., Alumni Ass ‘n, Northern Ohio; member Hermit, Athletic, M. I. T. Clubs, New York City; East End Tennis Club, Cleveland Y. M. C. A.

Biographical Sketch of Willis W. Norris

Norris, Willis W.; secretary of police; born, Dec. 19, 1877; Smithville, O.; educated, public school and Normal Academy, Smithville, 0., graduating in 1898; married; served as a volunteer in the Spanish-American War, 8th O. V. I.; taught school for five years, 1900-1905, and during this time, attended summer school at Wooster University and Law School, Ada, O.; came to Cleveland in 1905, and worked as a lather; was elected a member of the House of Representatives of the General Assembly of Ohio in 1908; and as such gave particular attention to legislation in the interests of labor; most important of … Read more