Biographical Sketch of Edward Pechior Hyde

Hyde, Edward Pechior; physicist; born, Baltimore, Md., Jan. 3, 1879; son of Edward Ingle and Caroline Clemm Hyde; educated, public schools, Baltimore City, Md., A. B., Johns Hopkins University, 1900; fellow and fellow by courtesy, Johns Hopkins University, 1900-1906; Ph. D., Johns Hopkins University, February, 1906; married, Baltimore, Md., May 4, 1904, Virginia Getzendenner; one daughter, Dorothy Virginia, born Aug. 25, 1906; physicist, director the physical laboratory National Electric Lamp Ass’n, 1902 to 1908; laboratory asst. and asst. physicist and asso. physicist Bureau of Standards, Washington; while at the Bureau of Standards, undertook a foreign trip for purpose of comparing … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Henry Williams

Williams, George Henry; wholesale grocer; born, Cleveland, Aug. 17, 1893; son of Robt. T. and Lulu H. Brooks Williams; educated, grammar school, West High, and Dykes Business College, one year; stood high in athletics; received business education in his father’s store, has spent considerable time there for the last ten or twelve years; vice pres. The Williams Bros. Co., The Victor Co.; stockholder Northern Ohio Traction Co.; Aurora, Elgin, Chicago Traction Co.; member West Side Y. M. C. A., eleven years; member Machine Club. Recreations: Boating, Fishing and Touring.

Biographical Sketch of Harley Stephen Cook

Cook, Harley Stephen; claim agent New York Central Lines; born, Columbus Grove, O., Dec. 4, 1882; son of William Mitchell and Mary Trumbo Cook; education, high school, Wooster University, Ohio State University class of ’05; did not finish; married, Chicago, Ill., March 9, 1912, Blanche Irene Brady; served two years in Ohio National Guard, at Ottawa, O.; Co. M, 2nd Infantry; held rank of corporal; offered 2nd lieutenancy, but declined for business reasons; 1905-1906, in store dept. of Lake Erie & Western R. R., at Lima, O.; two and one-half years in testing dept. L. S. & M. S. R. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William C. Scott

Scott, William C.; Lake Ford agt. Can. Pac. Ry.; born, Carroll County, O., May 3, 1869; son of Thomas and Susanna Gant Scott; in common schools until 13 years old, then entered coal mines; has picked up education since, as duties would permit; married, Cambridge, O., May 6, 1896, Sophia Hollenbeck; issue, two sons; Independent, politically; 1897-1899, National organizer U. M. U. A.; 1899-1901, editor Miners Journal; since 1901, in fuel department of Canadian Pacific R. R.; looking after mine loading, lake and rail forwarding of all American fuel purchased by the Canadian Pacific R. R.; three million tons annually; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Hubbard Bushnell

Bushnell, Thomas Hubbard; lawyer; born, Burton, O., Aug. 17, 1856; son of Ebenezer and Julia Baldwin Bushnell; public school and university education, B. A. 1882, M. A., 1885, Western Reserve College (now Western Reserve University, Adelbert college); married, Columbus, O., Oct. 23, 1889, Sophia Ballard; issue, five children; with Union Rolling Mill Company, this city, 1882-1885; admitted to bar, 1885; practiced law in Cleveland one year, in Hurley, Wis., 1886-1896; and in Cleveland since, except while judge of the Cuyahoga County Insolvency and Juvenile Court, during parts of 1904 and 1905; member Cleveland, Ohio, and American Bar Associations; Delta Kappa … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Adolph Kohn

Kohn, Adolph; scrap metal; born, Austria, Sept. 1, 1860; married, Cleveland, June 16, 1882, Rose Koblotz; in scrap metal business twenty-eight years, with the following companies: R. C. Koblitz & Co., Stone-Koblitz Co.; Pollock-Kohn Co., Koblitz & Kohn; Koblitz, Kohn & Co., the Koblitz-Kohn Co.; pres. of the latter company and pres. of the Euclid Prospect Investment Co.

Biographical Sketch of George C. Hascall

Hascall, George C.; manufacturer; born, Yipsilanti, Mich., Jan. 17, 1852; son of Philander and Mary A. Christy Hascall; common school education; married, Alden, N. Y., April 10, 1889, Hattie M. Fuller; one son, Robert G., born March 14, 1893; pres. The Tropical Oil Co., The Hascall Paint Co., The Union Products Co.; pres. The Attan Vic Paint Co., New York, and The Knickerbocker Paint Co.; director The Texas Mnfg. Co., Fort Worth Tex.; member Knights Templar, Oriental Commandery, Mystic Shrine (Al Koran), N. M. S., Lake Erie Consistory, Webb Chapter, Iris, No. 229, F. & A. M., member Chamber of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Moses Gray Carrel

Carrel, Moses Gray; dist. passenger agt. B. & O. R. R.; born, Fulton County, O., June 4, 1854; son of William P. and Elizabeth Waite Carrel; educated at High School and College, Hillsdale, Mich.; married, Reading, Mich., June 8, 1875, Jennie E. Bradley; two daughters and one son; telegraph operator, freight and ticket agt. L. S. & M. S. R. R., 1870 to 1880; ticket agt. Union Depot, Cleveland, 1880 to 1891; sec’y and treas. Merchant’s Bank & Storage Co., Cleveland, 1891 to 1893; mgr. and editor railroad magazine, “The Station Agent,” and financial editor the Cleveland Press, 1893-1894; general … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Claude Wilber Shimmon

Shimmon, Claude Wilber; real estate; born, Allegheny, Pa., Dec. 31, 1878; son of John C. and Elizabeth McLaughlin Shimmon; educated, public grade and High School, Cleveland; A. B., Western Reserve University, 1901; Cleveland Law School, 1904; married, Bedford, O., Sept. 22, 1905, Florence A. Prestage; issue, two daughters; 1 and 4 years old; Republican; member City Council, 1910-1911, for Ward 18; member Cleveland Improvement League, and The Miles Ave. Civic League; 1901-1905, real estate salesman with The Van De Boe-Hager Co.; 1905, salesman The American Book Co.; asst. sales mgr. The West Madison Realty Co; 1906, real estate broker, 1907-1912, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hal. H. Hill

Hill, Hal. H.; contracting engineer; born, Detroit, Mich., Feb. 9, 1875; son of Thomas W. and Harriette C. De La Hooke Hill; educated, Cornell University, class of 1897, mechanical engineer; early education, University School, Cleveland; contracting engineer The Erie City Iron Works, Erie, Pa.; member American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity, Union, Roadside, Chagrin Valley Hunt Clubs of Cleveland, and the Erie Club, Erie, Pa.

Biographical Sketch of Edgar Elliotte Adams

Adams, Edgar Elliotte; general supt. Cleveland Hardware Co.; born, Cleveland, Dee. 2, 1871; son of Edgar and Mary Jane Elliotte Adams; educated in Cleveland public schools; married, Wellsville, N. Y., Oct. 25, 1914, Elizabeth Carlton; two daughters; first employment in father’s art store on Euclid avenue; time-keeper for Cleveland Hardware Co., eventually working up to position of general supt.; director and member of executive committee Cleveland Hardware Co.; member Chamber of Commerce, National Civic Federation of New York; trustee and member executive committee of Legal Aid Society; trustee and member executive committee Hiram House Social Settlement.

Biography of Joseph A. Butler

Joseph A. Butler, prominent and well known in local politics in Kansas City, Kansas, had been a factor in the business life of that city for many years and is proprietor of a complete service and equipment as an undertaker at 749-753 Central Avenue in Kansas City, Kansas. Mr. Butler had lived in Kansas since he was nine months of age. He was born June 21, 1870, in the City of Cleveland, Ohio. He is the sixth in a family of eight children, all but one still living. Five are in the State of Kansas, one in Missouri and one … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Paul Kunze

Kunze, Paul; florist; born, Germany, March 29, 1866; son of Samuel and Czernonwski Kunze; educated, Government schools, Germany; married, Cleveland, Jan. 28, 1893, Ellen Schultz; one child; served three years in German Army; with City Water Works, Cleveland, 1889 to 1890; eighteen months with Empire Plant Co.; 1892, started the florist business; pres. and treas. of the firm; decorator and designer; member Odd Fellow, No. 295, Cleveland Fraternal Order of Eagles, No. 135, American Insurance Union, No. 50, Cleveland W. O. W., American Camp; member Florist Clubs. Recreation: Hunting.

Biographical Sketch of Ralph M. Drucker

Drucker, Ralph M.; business broker, born New York City, Jan. 11, 1876; son of Louis and Augusta Drucker; educated, Bronnell and Rockwell schools, Cleveland; married, Cleveland, 1900, Miss Carrie Reilly; director The Crooks-Whigam Co.; member The Cleveland Automobile and Automobile Country Clubs. Recreations: Motoring, Baseball and Golf.

Biographical Sketch of Dayton Clarence Miller

Miller, Dayton Clarence; physicist; born at Strongsville, O., March 13, 1866; son of Charles W. D. and Vienna (Pomeroy) Miller; A. B., Baldwin University, 1886, A. M., 1889; D. Sc., Princeton, 1890; married Edith C. Easton, of Princeton, N. J., June 28, 1893; prof. natural science, Baldwin University, 1883-1889; asst. in mathematics and physics, 1890-1893; prof. physics, since 1893, Case School Applied Science; fellow A. A. A. S. (sec’y Sect. Physics, 1903-1907, vice pres. 1908; gen. sec’y 1910), member American Physical Society, American Astronomical Society, Cleveland Engineering Society (pres., 1906); trustee Baldwin University since 1899. Author: Laboratory Physics, 1903; Boehm … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin D. Nicola

Nicola, Benjamin D.; attorney; born, Italy, March 17, 1879; son of Vincenzo and Pasqua Miraldi Nicola; educated, Urichsville, O., High School, 1897; Ohio State University 1897-1901, LL. B., 1900; married Midvale, O., June 29, 1905, Harriet M. Stuckey; issue, four children, Kenneth, Esther, Margaret and Samuel; has practiced law in Cleveland since Jan. 1, 1905; member Chamber of Commerce, Odd Fellows, Tippecanoe Club.

Biographical Sketch of Henry C. Muckley

Muckley, Henry C.; asst. supt. of instruction, Cleveland Public Schools; born, Tuscarawas County, Ohio, Sept. 28, 1850; educated, public schools and Oberlin College, degree of A. M., from Hiram College, 1896; taught school in Tuscarawas and Stark Counties, until 1872; then in the village schools of Mt. Union for one year; moved to Youngstown, and was principal of the grammar schools until 1884; then in Rayen High School one year; came to Cleveland in 1885 and taught physics in Central High School eight years; in 1893, appointed supervisor of the Cleveland Schools; appointed second asst. supt. of schools in 1901; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Binford Crew

Crew, William Binford; judge, born, Chester Hill, Morgan County, O., April 1, 1852; son of Fleming and Sarah (Patterson) Crew; educated Westtown College, Ohio State and Union Law School, 1874; married, Elizabeth Worrall of Chester Hill, O., May 9, 1876; pros. atty. Morgan County, O., 1876; member Ohio Legislature, 1889; judge Court of Common Pleas, 8th Judicial District, 1891-1902; appointed judge Supreme Court, Ohio, July 19, 1902, to fill vacancy caused by death of Hon. M. J. Williams; elected judge, Nov. 4, 1902; Republican.

Biographical Sketch of Frank Perkins Whitman

Whitman, Frank Perkins; physicist; born, Troy, N. Y., July 29, 1853; son of William Warren and Caroline Keith (Perkins) Whitman; A. B., Brown University, 1874, A. M. 1877 (hon. Sc. D., 1900); studied Johns Hopkins; married Charlotte Webster Wheeler, of Providence, R. I., May 26, 1881; instructor in English and Classical Schools, Providence, 1874-1878; prof. physics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, 1880-1885; Western Reserve University since 1886; Fellow A. A. A. S. (vice pres. 1898); member American Physical Society, Astronomical and Astrophysical Society, America, Illuminating engineering Society. Contributor to scientific journals.

Biographical Sketch of George C. Mulhern

Mulhern, George C.; ex-sheriff of Cuyahoga County; born, Canada, Feb. 9, 1843; educated, public schools, Canada; came to Cleveland in 1861; clerked in grocery store until 1863; then entered the street railway business; has occupied every position from laborer to supt.; supt. Rocky River Steam R. R., 1870-1878; supt. the West Side lines for a number of years, and until his election to sheriff, in 1904, was actively engaged in the street railway business; member Clifton and Gentleman’s Driving Clubs; Republican.