Biographical Sketch of Jacob Edward Tuckerman

Tuckerman, Jacob Edward; surgeon; born, Austinburg, O., Aug. 23, 1876; son of Louis Bryant and Mary Ellen Hopkins Tuckerman; educated, South New Lyme Institute, South New Lyme, O., 1888-1890; Cleveland Central High School, 1893; Adelbert College, Western Reserve University, A. B.; Cleveland College Physicians and Surgeons, M. D.; commissioner first Charter Commission of City of Cleveland, 1913; vice pres. American Academy of Medicine, 1912-1913; sec’y and treas. Academy of Medicine, Cleveland, 1911-1912-1913; member Ohio State Medical Ass’n, and American Medical Ass’n; taught physics and chemistry, Ogden High School, Ogden, Utah, 1897-1899; instructor embryology and comparative anatomy, Cleveland College Physicians, 1899-1902; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George A. Rutherford

Rutherford, George A.; general builder and contractor; born, Cleveland, Sept. 18, 1871; son of Mark and Isabella Cossar Rutherford; educated, Cleveland public schools; married, Cleveland, Oct. 3, 1894, Daisy Day; issue, two children; started contracting business, 1896, incorporated The Geo. A. Rutherford Co.; in 1903, pres. the company; pres. The Sand & Building Co.; pres. The Cleveland Builders Exchange; 2nd vice pres. The Cleveland Real Estate Board; member Iris Lodge, Masonic, Cleveland Chamber of Commerce; member Athletic, Automobile and Advertising Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of John J. Currier

Currier, John J.; jeweler; born, Cleveland, Sept. 7, 1877; son of Daniel and Mary Dunn Currier; educated at St. Augustine’s School; married, Cleveland, Nov. 23, 1904, Theresa Helen Deininger; issue, one son and one daughter; in 1891, went with the Webb C. Ball Co.; eight years in their employ; then with Sigler Bros., for four years, with the Force Bros. Co. for three years; now own business, located at 2631 W. 14th St.; member Knights of Columbus, Augustine Club, The Deutsche, and Tuxedo Clubs; sec’y Jennings Square Business Men’s Ass’n; also director.

Biographical Sketch of James Rudolph Garfield

Garfield, James Rudolph; ex-Secretary of the Interior; born, Hiram, O., Oct. 17, 1865; son of James Abram (20th President of the U. S.) and Lucretia Rudolph Garfield (q. v.); brother of Harry Augustus G. (q. v.) ; A. B., Williams College, 1885; studied Columbia Law School.; (LL. D., University of Pittsburg, 1909) ; married, Helen Newell, of Chicago, Dee. 30, 1890; admitted to bar, 1888; member Ohio Senate, 1896-1899; member U. S. Civil Service Commission, 1902-1903; commissioner of corporations, U. S. Dept. of Commerce and Labor, 1903-1907; Sec’y of the Interior in cabinet of President Roosevelt, March 4, 1907-March 4, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ernest B. Brown

Brown, Ernest B.; mfr.; born, Troy, N. H., June 7, 1874; son H. J. and A. M. Bemis Brown; Grammar and High School education, Cleveland schools; married, Cleveland, Jan. 7, 1903, Mabel S. Herringshaw; two children, E. B. Brown; mfr. and dispensing optician; Cour De Lon Commandery, No. 64; AI Koran Temple, N. M. S.; member Athletic and Rotary Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Lloyd B. Greenleaf

Greenleaf, Lloyd B.; moving contractor; born, Plessis, N. Y., Oct. 26, 1853; son of Alfred F. and Eliza Vanallen Greenleaf; educated in schools of Plessis, N. Y., married, Cleveland, June 15, 1887, Anna Knadler; came to Cleveland in 1884, with nothing, but has built up a very prosperous business; member Loyal Order of Moose, Protected Home Circle. Recreation: Fishing.

Biographical Sketch of Willis B. Hale

Hale, Willis B.; brokerage and real estate; born, Decatur, Ill., June 17, 1847; son of E. B. and Susan C. Hoyt Hale; educated, Union College, class of 1870, valedictorian, Philomethean Society; pres. Delta Phi Fraternity; married, Cleveland, Oct. 9, 1873, Clara Worthington; issue, four children, Cora (Mrs. Jas. O. Rogers, New York) ; Edwin W., mining engineer, expert chemist and author, Eleanor (Mrs. E. C. Reader, Cleveland) ; Willis W., electrical ex-pert and inventor, Yale graduate; organizer of Hale Electric & Engineering Co. and Hale Chemistry Co.; for twenty-three years he was cashier of E. B. Hale & Co., the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry S. Pickands

Pickands, Henry S.; Pickands-Mather Co.; born, Marquette, Mich., Oct. 4, 1875; attended public and University School of Cleveland; graduated from Yale in 1897, with degree of Bachelor of Philosophy; took a course in Civil Engineering, and immediately entered the business of Pickands-Mather Co., founded by his father, Colonel James Pickands; married, Marquette, Mich., Dec. 27, 1899, Miss Jeanne Call; issue, four children, Elizabeth, Caro-line, James, and Henry S., Jr.; Mayor of Euclid for five years, from 1903 to 1908; Republican; member Chamber of Commerce, Union, Country, and University Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Charles Henry Carleton

Carleton, Charles Henry; lumber dealer; born St. Clair, Mich., Sept. 18, 1859; son of George W. and Emeline P. Smith Carleton; educated, high school, St. Clair, Mich., and Business College, Valparaiso, Ind.; married, Wayne, Mich., Jan. 3, 1889, Janet L. Morrison; three children, George M., Margaret and Jean; after leaving school, entered the employ of B. W. Jenks & Co. in a lumbering operation near Grand Rapids, Mich.; came to Cleveland in May, 1885, and entered the employ of N. Mills & Co.; secured an interest in the firm the following year, and has been a member of the above … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Allen Gaylord’s Company

(Probably from Cuyahoga County) Served from August 22, until October 24, 1812. Capt. Allen Gaylord Lieut. Walter Strong Ensign, Elijah Nobles Sergt. William W. Williams Drummer, Simon Smith Fifer, Almon Wolcott Privates Abbott, Josiah Blinn, Richard H Cahoon, Amos Chase, Daniel Comstock, Peter Ensign, Ira Frazier, Stephen Gunn, Charles Gunn, Christopher Hungerford, Asa Johnson, Samuel King, William, Jr. King, William, Sr. Morton, Clark Porter, Amaziah Prentiss, James Prentiss, Robert Remington, Justus Rois, Silas White, Charles

Biographical Sketch of George C. Todd

Todd, George C.; railroad division supt.; born, Flushing, O., June 7, 1867; started as telegraph operator with the C. L. & W. Ry., in August, 1883; train dispatcher, October, 1887, to September, 1889; train dispatcher, Northern Pacific Ry., September, 1889, to Jan. 1, 1890; from that date to April, 1902, train dispatcher N. Y. S. & St. L. Ry.; chief train dispatcher, 1902 to 1907; chief dispatcher to April, 1908; train master to June, 1912; supt. telegraph to date; now division superintendent same road.

Biographical Sketch of Fred Maly

Maly, Fred; merchant tailor; born, Bohemia, Dec. 31, 1874; son of James and Teresa Maly; educated in Bohemia and Oberlin College; married, Cleveland Aug. 3, 1903, Emma Wolkersdorfer; two daughters; has been engaged actively in the tailoring business for fifteen years; member Elks, Eagles, Knights of Pythias, Moose Club, and Knights of the Maccabees; also automobile clubs; enthusiastic over automobiling.

Biographical Sketch of La Quinio Rawson

Rawson, La Quinio; lawyer; born, Fremont, O., Oct. 28, 1871, son of Joseph L. and Margaret A. Gelpin Rawson; educated, High School, Fremont, O.; Cincinnati College, Law Department, 1892, degree Bachelor of Law; married, Fremont, O., Dec. 26, 1895, Beatrice Frances Floyd, of Cleveland; one daughter, Beatrice Rawson; member Ohio Legislature from Cuyahoga County, 1904-1905; served as Chairman of Committee on Insurance, and as member of Committee on Finance; sec’y and member executive committee The Cleveland Life Insurance Co.; member Ohio State Bar Ass’n and National Geography Society; member Masonic Fraternity, New England Society, Society of Mayflower Descendants; member Athletic … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Erastus Cushing

Cushing, William Erastus; lawyer, born, Cleveland, Sept. 23, 1853; son of Henry Kirke and Betsy Maria Williams Cushing; educated Western Reserve College, A. B., 1875; Harvard Law School, LL. B., 1878; married, Pittsfield, Mass., June 4, 1884, Carolyn J. Kellogg; served a number of years as member of Ohio State Board of Commissioners on Uniform Laws, member law firm Cushing Siddall & Lamb; trustee University School, Adelbert College, First Presbyterian Church.

Biographical Sketch of Louis Wolsey

Wolsey, Louis; rabbi; born, Jan. 8, 1877, Midland, Mich.; son of William and Frances Krueger Wolsey; educated, public and High Schools, Chicago, University of Cincinnati, B. A., 1899, Hebrew Union College, B. H. L., 1894; rabbi, 1899; post-graduate University of Chicago and Western Reserve University; married, June 12, 1912, Florence H. Wiener, daughter of Abraham Wiener, Cleveland; rabbi Congregation B’Ne Isreal, Little Rock, Ark., 1899-1907; rabbi Euclid Ave. Temple, Cleveland, 1907-; during incumbency new temple built at Euclid Ave. and East 82d; Chaplain-General Arkansas State Guard, 1905; member American Association of Political Science, Religious Education Ass’n, Central Conference of American … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles William Saunders

Saunders, Charles William; milk dealer; born, South Wales, Eng., March 25, 1880; son of Alfred and Rebecca Evans Saunders; educated, Cleveland public schools; married, Cleveland, Sept. 27, 1911, Florence L. Leypoldt; one child; member Milk Dealers’ Fraternal League.

Biographical Sketch of Carl Halle

Halle, Carl; manufacturer; born, Germany, April 8, 1863; son of G. Halle, mother’s maiden name Stem; educated in Germany; married, Cleveland, Oct. 20, 1895, Jennie Hoffman; issue, three children; served in German army; twelve years with Halle, Schwarz & Skall; eight years in wholesale liquor business; firm Halle & Abel; since 1910, sec ‘y and treas. of The Brown Auto & Carriage Co.; director Hebrew Relief Ass’n; member Elks, K. of P., and United Commercial Travelers.

Biographical Sketch of Paul G. Luekens

Luekens, Paul G.; builder; born, Cleveland, Sept. 2, 1873; son of Gerhard H. Luekens; educated German Lutheran Trinity Parochial school; married, Cleveland, Sept. 2, 1903, Anna Klosterman; two children; Republican in National Elections.

Biographical Sketch of James B. Ruhl

Ruhl, James B.; lawyer; born near Lisbon, Ohio, on a farm; taught, prepared for college, at Lisbon High School, and taught in rural schools; graduated from Ohio Northern University, B. S., 1888, and LL. B., 1891 (in cursu); later took M. Sc. and L. L. M. (pro merito); supt. schools, McComb, O., 1888-1889; instructor at Ohio Northern University, 1889-1891; admitted to the Ohio Bar in 1889, U. S. Courts in 1894, and U. S. Supreme Court, 1901; practiced law in Cleveland since 1891; member, for five years, State board of examiners for admission to the bar; Knight Templar, 32nd degree … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. H. Canniff

Canniff, W. H.; railroad business; born, Litchfield, Mich., Oct. 22, 1847; business career, entered railway service in 1863; until 1865 was night watchman on the Michigan Southern & Northern Indiana R. R., at Osseo, Mich.; February 1865, to August 1868, was agt. of the same road at Trenton, Mich.; August 1868, to August 1872, joint agt. of The Michigan Southern & Northern Indiana, and Louisville, New Albany & Chicago Railways, at Salem Crossing, Ind.; August 1872, to December 1879, trackmaster of the Kendallville Division of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R.; December 1879, to November 1880, trackmaster of … Read more