Biographical Sketch of Edgar Elliotte Adams

Adams, Edgar Elliotte; general supt. Cleveland Hardware Co.; born, Cleveland, Dee. 2, 1871; son of Edgar and Mary Jane Elliotte Adams; educated in Cleveland public schools; married, Wellsville, N. Y., Oct. 25, 1914, Elizabeth Carlton; two daughters; first employment in father’s art store on Euclid avenue; time-keeper for Cleveland Hardware Co., eventually working up to position of general supt.; director and member of executive committee Cleveland Hardware Co.; member Chamber of Commerce, National Civic Federation of New York; trustee and member executive committee of Legal Aid Society; trustee and member executive committee Hiram House Social Settlement.

Biographical Sketch of Charles Barnsdall Parker

Parker, Charles Barnsdall; surgeon, born, New York, Nov. 23, 1853; son of James and Harriet (Barnsdall) Parker; A. B., University of Rochester, 1874; M. D., Wooster Medical College, Cleveland, 1877; Vienna and London, 1877-1880; (M. R. C. S., London, 1880; M. S., Ohio Wesleyan University); married Lena Schlather, of Cleveland, June 24, 1891; prof. clin, surgery, 1894, dean, 1896-1898, Cleveland College Physicians and Surgeons (Ohio Wesleyan University); surgeon, St. Luke’s and St. John’s hospitals; consulting surgeon, Cleveland City Hospital, 1894.

Biographical Sketch of William J. Pullman

Pullman, William J.; building contractor; born, Bronson, Mich., Aug. 21, 1861; son of Joseph E. and Sarah S. Parsons Pullman; married, Bronson, Mich., Nov. 14, 1880, and Cleveland, O., Aug. 15, 1910, Flora C. Kraimer; issue, first wife, two daughters, Faye and Vera; issue, second marriage, one daughter, Madge; member Masons and Royal Arcanum, Sons of Veterans, and K. of P.

Biographical Sketch of Clarence W. Courtney

Courtney, Clarence W.; civil engineer; born, Mansfield, O., Aug. 16, 1879; son of John W. and Mary B. Whiteman Courtney; degree of mechanical engineer, Case School of Applied Science, 1903; married, Cleveland, June 2, 1904, Mary L. Gates; issue, Leland S., Oct. 17, 1907, John R., Oct. 10, 1910; member Phi Kappa Psi, Tan Betta Pi, Chamber of Commerce, Cleveland Athletic Club, Cleveland Engineering Society; Mason; consulting engineer for municipal improvements and architectural engineer for factory and commercial buildings since 1903.

Biographical Sketch of William P. Chard

Chard, William P.; real estate; born, Prince Albert, Ont., Oct. 28, 1846; son of James J. and Ann Parry Chard; very little education; obliged to go to work when 12 years of age; married, in 1892, to Miss Mary Hawkins; for 33 years an employee of the Lake Shore Railroad; now in the real estate business; treas. Brooklyn Building and Loan Ass’n; Republican; member of Council, one term, as alderman; when the board was established, member of fire committee in 2nd. District; deputy director of Public Works, for 4 years, under Robert E. McKisson; member Tippecanoe and Western Reserve Clubs, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Albert William Johnston

Johnston, Albert William; railroad office; born, Boston, Mass., March 4, 1853; son of Thomas Hunter and Anne Metcalf Johnston; educated, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; married, Steubenville, O., Sept. 17, 1880, Flora P. Kimball; one daughter, Pauline Kimball Johnston; entered the railroad business in 1875; has resided in Cleveland since 1884, as Division Engineer, N. Y. C. & St. L. R. R. Co., and has successfully held positions of division supt. Eastern Division, general supt. and gen. mgr. entire line; member American Society of Civil Engineers, American Rotary Association and American Rotary Guild; member College Fraternity, Chi Phi Tau, Boston, 1873; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Virgil P. English

English, Virgil P.; physician; born, Salem county, N. J., Jan. 8, 1858; son of Enos P. and Mary Finlaw English; public school education; admitted to Kansas bar, 1883; graduated Phrenol. Institute, New York, 1886; M. D., Homeopathic Hospital Medical College, Cleveland, O., 1892; married, Minnie Ghent of Frankfort, Ind., March 5, 1891; taught school for several years; practiced law a short time; traveled from New York to Los Angeles, lecturing on phrenology, hygiene, etc., 1886-1892; in practice as specialist, nervous diseases and diseases of women, since 1892, propr. Ohio State Pub. Co., Power & Poise Pub. Co.; editor Power and Poise … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles W. Lapp

Lapp, Charles W.; sign contractor; born, Cleveland, Aug. 29, 1866; son of Henry and Mary Lapp; public and high school education; married, Cleveland, Jan. 8, 1893, Minnie Benger; three children; Cleveland City Council, 1898-1901; director of fire 1901-1903; pres. City Council 1903-1910 and 1912-1913; United States marshal 1913-; Mason.

Biographical Sketch of J. H. Jones

Jones, J. H.; banker; born, Dundee, O., Aug. 20, 1867; son of A. C. and Annie Russell Jones; common and high school education, and one year at Ohio Northern University; married, Detroit, Mich., 1904, Lottie M. Vemmard Allen; issue, five children; Republican; three years member Public Library Board; never held political office and does not expect to do so; began work with The Iron Valley Bank, at Canal Dover, O., twenty-six years ago; served two years as clerk; one year at The Citizens Bank, at Ada, O., as asst. cashier; for nearly twenty-three years, has been with The Lake Shore … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank L. Dyke

Dyke, Frank L.; business college; born, North East, Pa., Oct. 2, 1865; son of L. J. and Lucinda Stetson Dyke; high schools and some college training in Pennsylvania and Ohio; married, Cleveland, June 22, 1887, Ada E. Brown; two daughters, Lucy M. and Ruth E.; after teaching in public schools and business colleges for nine years, the institution now known as the Dyke School of Business, was established in 1893; began business in the Cuyahoga Bldg.; later moved to the Pythian Temple, and in 1902, to its present location in the Browning Bldg., on East 9th St., occupying 12,000 square … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry August Duetemeyer

Duetemeyer, Henry August; cabinetmaker; born, Essen. Germany, Dec. 24, 1857; son of Frederick and A. Gerkepotte Duetemyer; educated, Lutheran parochial school in Essen (Wittlage), Hannover; married, Cleveland, Jan. 21, 1890, Elizabeth Flick, of Parma, O.; in October, 1886, started, with C. L. Kaufman, a furniture and undertaking business, under the firm name of Duetemyer & Kaufman, cor. Myer Ave. and Pearl St.; retired from same in 1907; in 1905, took an interest in The National Tool Co.; vice pres., sec’y and treas. of the company since 1910; vice pres. South Side German Building Ass’n for thirteen years.

Biographical Sketch of James Edward Cogan

Cogan, James Edward; physician; born in Canada, Dec. 15, 1871; son James and Mary Daly Cogan; Phm. B., Toronto University, 1892; M. S., Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa., 1896; married, Cleveland, June 1, 1905, Katherine M. Gleason; two children; 1910 to 1913, member Cleveland Board of Health; visiting ontologist and laryngologist to St. Alexis Hospital; assistant visiting ophthalmologist to Lakeside Hospital; secretary of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat section of Academy of Medicine, 1910 to 1912; member American Medical Ass’n, Ohio State Medical Ass’n, Cleveland Academy of Medicine, American Academy of Ophthalmology and Ota Laryngology; member Knights of Columbus and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles Twing Brooks

Brooks, Charles Twing; lawyer; born, Salem, O., March 29, 1867; son of J. Twing and Annie P. Miller Brooks; educated, Yale, A. B., 1889; Harvard, LL. B., 1894; member firm Squires, Saunders & Co.; member Union, University, Tavern, Country and Mayfield Clubs, Cleveland, and University Club, New York.

Biographical Sketch of James Mathews

Mathews, James; lawyer; born, Bellwood, Pa., Sept. 4, 1868; educated at Mifflintown; graduated, Princeton University, 1890, degree A. B., Cincinnati Law School, 1893, degree LL. B.; admitted to the bar, and began practice in the United States attorney’s office, in Pittsburgh, Pa., 1893; come to Cleveland in 1894, as attorney for Cleveland, Akron & Columbus R. R.; formed partnership with Senator H. W. Wolcott, continuing until Wolcott was made gen. mgr. Kansas City & Leavenworth Ry.; then with Berkley Pearce, firm name Mathers & Pearce; member Century, Euclid and Hermit Clubs; politically Independent.

Biographical Sketch of Earl Frederic Hauserman

Hauserman, Earl Frederic; pres. The E. F. Hauserman Co.; born, Parma, O., March 24, 1884; son of Frederic J. and Rinda B. Fuller Hauserman; educated, Cleveland public schools and Lincoln High School, Adelbert College, W. R. U., 1907; married, Cleveland, Aug. 6, 1907, Mary E. Martin; three children; asst. city purchasing agt.; mngr. Union Metal Mnfg. Co., Canton; vice pres. The Oveisser-Bliss Co., Cleveland; pres. The E. F. Hauserman Co., dealers in steel sash, cement, tile roofing, and factory building materials; member Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity, Cleveland Advertising, Civic and City Clubs, and Chamber of Industry. Recreation: Golf.

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Hubbard Bushnell

Bushnell, Thomas Hubbard; lawyer; born, Burton, O., Aug. 17, 1856; son of Ebenezer and Julia Baldwin Bushnell; public school and university education, B. A. 1882, M. A., 1885, Western Reserve College (now Western Reserve University, Adelbert college); married, Columbus, O., Oct. 23, 1889, Sophia Ballard; issue, five children; with Union Rolling Mill Company, this city, 1882-1885; admitted to bar, 1885; practiced law in Cleveland one year, in Hurley, Wis., 1886-1896; and in Cleveland since, except while judge of the Cuyahoga County Insolvency and Juvenile Court, during parts of 1904 and 1905; member Cleveland, Ohio, and American Bar Associations; Delta Kappa … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Harvey Edward Hackenberg

Hackenberg, Harvey Edward; manufacturer; born, Northumberland, Pa., March 8, 1864; son of Albert and Maria Brouse Hackenberg; public and high school education; married, Cleveland, June 18, 1903, Addie May Lawrence; one son, Edward Hackenberg, three years old; Republican in politics; 1881, clerk Tuttle, Masters & Co., iron ore merchants; 1883-1888, clerk The Bouton Carbon Co.; 1888-1899, sec’y The National Carbon Co. of Ohio; 1899-1911, treas. National Carbon Co. of Ohio and New Jersey; 1912, vice. pres., sec’y and treas. National Carbon Co. of New Jersey; sec’y, treas., vice pres. and director The National Carbon Co.; director, sec’y and treas. The … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles M. Collacott

Collacott, Charles M.; Cleveland Trust Co., Real Estate Dept.; born, Cleveland, Dec. 18, 1881; son of Charles C. and Almyra Hicks Collacott; educated, Shaw Academy, East Cleveland, and Glenville High School, graduating there; married, Cleveland June 18, 1903, Florence Jessie Sprules; one son, and two daughters; asst. sec ‘y and treas. the Fairmount Savings Bank Co., 1901-1904, 1904 to date with the Cleveland Trust Co. as Loan Clerk and asst. mgr. The Real Estate department. Just a plain, hard-working Clevelander, who is coming.

Biographical Sketch of John Danforth Nutting

Nutting, John Danforth; clergyman; born at Randolph, Vt., March 8, 1854; son of Rufus and Sarah H. Nutting; A. B., Wheaton (III.) College, 1878, A. M., 1881; graduate, Oberlin Theological Seminary, 1885; married, Nannie Keith Miller, of Oberlin (class 1883), June 23, 1885 (died, 1886); 2d, Lillis R. Morley, of Mentor, O., (Ohio, 1887), Jan. 1, 1890; ordained ministry in. Congregational Church, 1885; pastor, Wauseon, O., 1885-1888; Newport, Ky., 1888-1890; St. Louis, 1890-1892; Salt Lake City, 1892-1898; sec’y Utah Gospel Mission for special work in behalf of the Mormon people and against the Mormon system, since 1898; writer and lecturer … Read more

Biographical Sketch of David Sunshine

Sunshine, David; merchant and mfr.; born, Hungary, June 4, 1871; son of Mark and Sarah Rosenbluth Sunshine; educated in schools of Hungary; came to this country in 1891; was hardware merchant in Hungary; for first three years in this country, was retail salesman; then traveling salesman for furnishing house; later with Sunshine, Kohn & Kaufman; 1899, present corporation of the Sunshine Cloak & Suit Co., organized, of which he is vice pres.; pres. the Strauss Bros. Co. and the Progress Cloak Co.; member K. of P., I. O. O. F.