Biographical Sketch of Charles Browne Stowe

Stowe, Charles Browne; pres. The Stowe-Fuller Co.; born, Cleveland, July 18, 1862; son of Thomas A. and Maria (McKenzie) Stowe; educated, Central High School, class of 1877; married, Norwalk, Franc A. Cary; issue, three children; pres. National Fire Brick Co., Mirror Fire Brick Co.; director Lock Haven Fire Brick Co., Federal Refractories Co.; member Cleveland Art, and Clifton Clubs

Biographical Sketch of John Moreland Henderson

Henderson, John Moreland; lawyer; born, Newville, O., April 14, 1840; son of James T. and Ann Moreland Henderson; graduate Miami University, 1862; married, College Hill, O., June 20, 1872; seven children; member law firm of Henderson, Quail & Siddall.

Biographical Sketch of Willis Scott Edson

Edson, Willis Scott; publisher and mfgr.; born, Chicago, Ill., May 17, 1868; son of John Milton and Elizabeth Maria Swales Edson; educated, Chicago public schools and University of Chicago Academy; married. Chicago, III., Oct. 9, 1894, Gertrude Eugenia Haight; six children. Margaret J., age 18; Willis S., Jr., age 12; Gilbert H., age 5; Francis S., age 16, Gertrude K, age 9, and Harvey O., age 2; early training and career in editorial work, serving successively as department editor, telegraph news editor, and special feature writer; became managing editor of the trade journals, The Western Publisher, and The Publishers’ Auxiliary, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Horatio Clark Ford

Ford, Horatio Clark; lawyer, banker; born, Cleveland, O., Aug. 25, 1853; son of Horatio Cyrus and Martha Cozad Ford; Oberlin College, 1870-1872; B. S., University of Michigan, 1875; married, Ida M. Throp, of Cleveland, Oct. 17, 1877; in law practice, Cleveland, since 1878; senior member Ford, Snyder & Tilden; also pres. Garfield Savings Bank since 1892; pres. Williamson Co.; director Cleveland Trust Co. Wheeling Traction Co., Cleveland & Eastern Traction Co.; member City Council, 1879-1885 (part of the time vice pres.), trustee Oberlin College; vice pres. Congregational Building Society; director Congregational Board Ministerial Relief; member Zeta Psi, Union Club.

Biographical Sketch of William Gordon

Gordon, William; attorney-at-law; born, Oak Harbor, O., Dec. 15, 1862; son of Washington and Margaret Rymers Gordon; educated, public schools, Oak Harbor, O., Toledo Business College, Toledo, O., graduate and Univ. Michigan, LL. B.; married Port Clinton Sept. 12, 1893; Elizabeth N. Garnhard; issue, one son and one daughter; taught school in Ottawa County; served four years as deputy county treasurer, six years a member of Board of County school Examiners, six years as Prosecuting atty., all in Ottawa County; served as delegate to the Democratic National Convention at Chicago in 1896 from 9th Congressional District of Ohio; member Democratic … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward A. Merritt

Merritt, Edward A.; sec’y and treas. The Cleveland Stone Co.; born, Marquette, Mich., Feb. 12, 1862; son of Daniel H. and Harriett L. Merritt; educated, public schools and Racine College, Racine, Wis.; came to Cleveland, took course in Bryant Stratton and Smith Business College; returned to Marquette, and was in business with his father; married, Dec. 15, 1886, Matildia Huntington, of Cleveland; issue, one daughter, deceased; came back to Cleveland in 1888, as asst. treas. for the Cleveland Stone Co.; also auditor and stockholder and director, connected with the Company for over twenty-four years.

Biographical Sketch of Jerome Joseph Wodisky

Wodisky, Jerome Joseph; merchant tailor; born, Cleveland, June 22, 1892; son of Morris and Anna Heller Wodisky; educated, public schools and Metropolitan Business College; started in business in May, 1910, at the age of about 18; worked up a trade and at the age of 21, has one of the largest merchant tailoring establishments on the south and west sides, employing eight people; member German Club. Recreations: Music and Photography, is entering upon a musical career and is studying piano and vocal, studying vocal under a renowned singer and well known teacher.

Biographical Sketch of John Randolph McGinness

McGinness, John Randolph; briggen., U. S. A.; born, near Dublin, Ireland, Sept. 17, 1840; son of Francis and Anne (Hartford) McGinness; graduate, U. S. Military Academy, 1863; unmarried; appointed 1st lieut. ordnance, June 11, 1863; took part in Civil War, becoming chief ordnance officer, Dept. of the South, April, 1864, and afterward on various duties; bvtd. capt. and maj. for gallant and meritorious services before Charleston; promoted capt., Feb. 10, 1869; maj. June 1, 1881; lieut.col., July 7, 1898; col., June 14, 1902; chief ordnance officer P. I., Dec. 31, 1898-April 1, 1901; Dept. Cal., 1901-1902, Lakes, 1902-1904; brig. gen. and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Judge William E. Ambler

Ambler, Judge William E.; real estate; born, Medina, O., 1845; son of Chester C. and Margaret Eglin Ambler; educated, Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, Mich.; A. M., Albion College, Albion, Mich.; B. S., Adrian College, Adrian, Mich.; A. M., Albany Law School, Albany, N. Y., LL. B.; married, Lyons, Mich., Dee. 25, 1871, Flora E. Lewis; issue, four children, Jay C., Angell A., William and Marguerite Faye; Judge of the Probate Court of Oceana Co., Mich.; state senator eight years, from Mich.; Pres. Pro. Tem. of the Senate; member of judiciary committee; chairman of committee of appiopdis and finances; have practiced law … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin D. Nicola

Nicola, Benjamin D.; attorney; born, Italy, March 17, 1879; son of Vincenzo and Pasqua Miraldi Nicola; educated, Urichsville, O., High School, 1897; Ohio State University 1897-1901, LL. B., 1900; married Midvale, O., June 29, 1905, Harriet M. Stuckey; issue, four children, Kenneth, Esther, Margaret and Samuel; has practiced law in Cleveland since Jan. 1, 1905; member Chamber of Commerce, Odd Fellows, Tippecanoe Club.

Biographical Sketch of Harry A. Adams

Adams, Harry A.; real estate; born, Tuscarawas Co., O., April 30, 1861; son of William and Catherine Kohr Adams; public school education; married, Akron, O., May 9, 1889, Minnie Bell Helfer; in drug business in Akron, 0., for seven years; Canal Dover, O., 1890, becoming pres. and mgr. the Adams, Reed & Rattan Co.; pres. Dover Land & Improvement Co., director of State Savings bank, member of Dover Board of Mdse., director of Dover Building & Loan Co.; came to Cleveland in 1905, entering the field of real estate development; vice pres., treas. and mgr. The Adams Realty Co., owner … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Herbert V. Barnes

Barnes, Herbert V.; manager; born, Huntsburg, O., Sept. 18, 1869; son of Virgil T. and Ella Cummings Barnes; educated, district schools, Huntsburg, and New Lyme Institute, New Lyme, O.; married, Huntsburg, Sept. 20, 1892, Anna L. Barnes; one son, Earl H. Barnes; worked on his father’s farm until he was married; then engaged in farming for himself for 5 yrs.; came to Cleveland in March, 1898; was employed by the Brumelage Co., wholesale butter, eggs and cheese dealers; has had charge of sales force and was a stockholder and director until April, 1908; then went in with The Public Hand … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Orlof T. Brown

Brown, Orlof T.; insurance; born, Cambridge, O., Aug. 16, 1870; son of Joshua and Annie E. Tingle Brown; common school education; married, Columbus, O., Aug. 16, 1904, Alberta E. Fowler; one son and one daughter; observer United States Weather Bureau; state examiner, Ohio; chief deputy State fire marshal, Ohio; examiner city of Cleveland; bookkeeper Ohio National Bank, Washington, D. C.; sec’y Cleveland National Fire Insurance Co.; member Loyal Legion, Sons of Veterans, Modern Woodmen of America, Loyal Order of Moose, Woodmen of the World, Brooklyn Lodge, No. 454, F. & A. M.; member Tippecanoe Club.

Biographical Sketch of William Francis Lyon

Lyon, William Francis; merchant; born, Meadville, Pa., Aug. 16, 1868; son of Thomas and Johanna Corbett Lyon; Meadville High School, graduated in class of 1885; married, Cleveland, Oct. 26, 1892, Lisette Baus; issue, Marie, Josephine, William Francis, Jr., started in Cleveland, Sept. 9, 1885; elected sec’y and treas., May 24, 1897, of The Cady-Ivison Shoe Co., and pres. and gen. mgr. of same Company, Jan. 20, 1913; charter member of the Cleveland Association of Credit Men, and pres. from 1902 to 1903; member Knights of Columbus, and Catholic Mutual Benefit Assn; member Athletic Club. Fond of Horseback Riding.

Biographical Sketch of Dwight Goddard

Goddard, Dwight; mechanical engineer; born, Worcester, Mass., Dec. 27, 1861; son of Dorrance S. and Mary H. Williams Goddard; graduate Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 1881, Harvard Theological Seminary, 1894; married, Nov. 27, 1895, Frances E. Nicberg, M. D.; issue, Dorrance, Theodore; treas. Goddard Machine Co.; asst. master mechanic American Steel & Wire Co.; missionary to China under the A. B. C. F. M.; mngr. Weyman & Gordon Co.; treas. The Park Drop Forge Co.; also director the same company; member American Society Mechanical Engineers; member Housing committee, Cleveland Chamber of Commerce.

Biographical Sketch of Frank H. Ewing

Ewing, Frank H.; attorney-at-law; born, Alliance, O., Nov. 5, 1868; son of William H. and Margaret C. McDonal Ewing; graduated Alliance High School, 1887, Mt. Union College, 1890. degree LL. B. Western Reserve University, 1901; married, Affiance, Jan. 4, 1894, Martha Hoiles; one son, Frank H. Ewing, Jr.; asst. treas. of Stark County, 1890-1894; asst. county auditor Stark county, 1894-1896; pres. Alliance Board of Equalization, 1896-1897; chairman Democratic city and county executive committee, 1896-1897; pres. City of Canton and Stark County Board of Elections, 1898-1901; pres. The Euclid Plastering Co.; director The Harwood Lumber Co., The Cordial Parma Co., The … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ivan Isaac Yoder

Yoder, Ivan Isaac; physician and surgeon; born, Wadsworth, O., Dec. 30, 1875; son of Noah. N. and Susan Overholt Yoder; educated, country schools of Medina County, O., until 17 years of age, Medina High School, 1897; B. A. degree, Ohio Wesleyan University, 1901, M. D., Western Reserve University, Medical Dept. 1904, A. M., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1905; district physician, 8th ward, Cleveland, 1911-1912; asst. surgeon to American Ship Building Co., and Cleveland-Pittsburgh ore docks since 1905; has specialized in casualty surgery; pres. Yoder Realty Co.; member American Medical and Ohio State Medical Assns, Cleveland Academy of Medicine, American Association for … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Edward Patterson

Patterson, William Edward; lawyer; born, Hunter, O., Feb. 5, 1873; educated, Mt. Union College, Alliance, O., Ph. B., 1893; West Virginia University, class of 1895, LL. B; married, Cleveland, Nov. 1, 1911, Bertha Marian Pierce; in 1895, admitted to the bar in. West Virginia; practiced at Wheeling, 1895-3897; came to Cleveland in 1897; since 1910, member of the firm of Patterson & Nieding; treas. Forest City Woolen Mills Co.; sec’y Cleveland Estates Co.; director Euclid Stone & Brick Co.; pres. American Investment Co. and Guaranty Electric Heater Co.; all Masonic degrees (Iris Lodge, Oriental Commandery, Al Koran Shrine, 32nd degree); … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Albert Alling Atwater

Atwater, Albert Alling; civil engineer and real estate; born, Cleveland, May 27, 1868; son of Jared J. and Harriet Root Atwater; educated, Cleveland public schools, Western Reserve Academy, Case School of Applied Science; married, Crete, Neb., Nov., 1901, Emily Daniels; finished special course at Case School in June, 1891; followed sanitary construction at Conneaut and Dayton, O., for two years; in charge of mining operations in Michigan, Canada and Missouri for eight years; city engineer of Webb City, Mo., two years; real estate business in Cleveland since 1903; director sec ‘y and 2nd vice pres. The Adams Realty Co.; director … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Granville Lee

Lee, William Granville; labor leader; born, La Prairie, Illinois, Nov. 29, 1859; son of James W. and Sylvista Jane (Tracy) Lee; educated, public schools; married, Mary R. Rice, of Chicago, Oct. 15, 1901; brakeman and conductor, A. T. & S. F., Wabash, Missouri P., and U. P. railways, 1879-1884; deputy recorder deeds, Ford County, Kansas, 1884-1888; conductor, U. P. R. R., 1889-1895; 1st vice pres. 1895-1909, pres., Jan. 1, 1909; Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen; Republican; Mason.