Biographical Sketch of Thomas Hubbard Bushnell

Bushnell, Thomas Hubbard; lawyer; born, Burton, O., Aug. 17, 1856; son of Ebenezer and Julia Baldwin Bushnell; public school and university education, B. A. 1882, M. A., 1885, Western Reserve College (now Western Reserve University, Adelbert college); married, Columbus, O., Oct. 23, 1889, Sophia Ballard; issue, five children; with Union Rolling Mill Company, this city, 1882-1885; admitted to bar, 1885; practiced law in Cleveland one year, in Hurley, Wis., 1886-1896; and in Cleveland since, except while judge of the Cuyahoga County Insolvency and Juvenile Court, during parts of 1904 and 1905; member Cleveland, Ohio, and American Bar Associations; Delta Kappa … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Gerhard Fred Meyer

Meyer, Gerhard Fred; merchant; born, Hanover, Germany, Jan. 17, 1859; son of John and Mary Heitling Meyer; married, Cleveland, 1885; private in the Germany Army; owner “Fred Meyer,” The Daisy Products, wholesale and retail.

Biographical Sketch of David S. Livingston

Livingston, David S.; florist; born, Scotland, Aug. 9, 1868; son of John and Marguerite Shanks Livingston; common school education; married, Cleveland, Jan. 18, 1891, Mrs. Hattie Van Gastel; four children.

Biographical Sketch of James Gormsen

Gormsen, James; manufacturer; born, Fyn, Denmark, Oct. 6, 1870; son of John and Christina Jensen Gormsen; common school education; married, Cleveland, Dec. 15, 1894, Anna Louise Carlson; issue, Ray, born Dec. 30, 1903, and Hilda, born Sept. 14, 1899; Republican Councilman in Lakewood for four years; blacksmith business for fourteen years, and hardware business for one and one-half years; his business, as it stands today, is hand made harness and repairing; dealer in implements, vehicles, horsemen’s supplies, gas engines, auto wagons; in April, a year ago he added a furniture dept., which met a long-felt want of the community; he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles William Wason

Wason, Charles William; retired; born, Cleveland, April 20, 1854; son of Charles and Matilda Parker Wason; graduated, Cornell University, 1876; married, Paris, France, January, 1882, Jettie Anna Morrill; issue, two daughters, Jettie, now Mrs. Harold Edwards, Velda, now Mrs. John A. Rithet; married, Cleveland, September, 1896, Margaret Wright; married, Hamilton, Canada, February, 1901, Mabel Breckenridge; director Cleveland, Painesville & Eastern; Northern Ohio Traction and Light Co., Williamson Building Co.; trustee Cleveland Associated Charities; member Kappa Alpha, Carnellian Council, Cleveland Engineering Society, Bibliophile Society, Union, Country, Mayfield, Willowwick and Rowfant Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Charles T. Langdon

Langdon, Charles T.; mgr. Merchants Toilet Supply Co.; born in England, Oct. 4, 1871; son of W. M. and Anna Gray Langdon; educated in Cleveland public schools; married, Cleveland, Feb. 21, 1896; two children, Charles W., Frank J.; stock brokerage, 1884; one year in cigar business; twelve years with the Merchants Toilet Supply Co.; member National Union, Loyal Order of Moose.

Biographical Sketch of George Armstrong Garrettson

Garrettson, George Armstrong; banker; born, Columbiana County, O., Jan. 30, 1844; son of George and Ann Griffith Garrett-son; educated, public schools and private schools, Cornwell-on-the-Hudson, N. Y.; in 1870, married to Ann Scowden; in 1888, second marriage to Emma R. Ely; issue, three children, Margaret, George and Hiram; enlisted in Co. E, 84th O. V. I., 1862; graduated West Point Military Academy, 1867; appointed 2nd Lieut. 4th U. S. Artillery and served to Jan. 1, 1870; appointed on staff of Maj. Gen. John Poe; resigned in 1870, and returning to Cleveland, engaged with Second National Bank; elected cashier in 1880; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Ball Platner

Platner, Samuel Ball; university prof.; born, Unionville, Conn., Dec. 4, 1863; son of William and Emily Childs (Ball) Platner; brother of John Winthrop Platner (q. v.); A. B., Yale, 1883, Ph. D., 1885; married Leonora Sayre, of Utica, N. Y., June 29, 1892; instructor Latin and French, 1885-1890; asst. prof. Latin, 1890-1892; prof. since 1892; Western Reserve University, sec’y mngr. cont. 1897-1911; professor, 1899-1900; American School Classical Studies in Rome; pres. American Philological Assn, 1900-1901. Editor: Greek and Roman Versification (from German of Lucian Muller), 1892; Selected Letters of the Younger Pliny, 1894. Author: Topography and Monuments of Ancient Rome, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jesse G. Wolf

Wolf, Jesse G.; coal business; born, Webster, W. Va., Dec. 19, 1881; son of Charles M. and Susan Cole Wolfe; educated, West Virginia Wesleyan University and University of West Virginia; married, Grafton, W. Va., April, 1909, Grace E. Tregellas; issue, one son, Charles Tregellas Wolfe; 1902, with Henderson Coal Co., Charlevoi, Pa.; Davis Coal & Coke Co., Simpson, W. Va., 1903; auditor L. B. Brydon & Co., 1904-1910; traffic mgr. Hutchinson Coal Co., 1910-1911, Fairmount, W. Va.; western mgr. Hutchinson Coal Co., 1912 to date; Elks (B. P. 0. E.); member Methodist Episcopal Church. Recreation: Baseball.

Biographical Sketch of Tracy W. Guthrie

Guthrie, Tracy W.; manufacturer; born, Chicago, Ill., Feb. 2, 1866; son of Julius C. and Emily A. Tracy Guthrie; educated in Chicago public schools, Chickering Institute, Cincinnati, public schools in Detroit, Mich., and Elmira, N. Y.; married, New Rochelle, N. Y., Feb. 8, 1910, Settal Horn; pres. Continental Coal Co., Columbus, O., 1903-1904; pres. Republic Iron & Steel Co., Pittsburgh, 1905-1911; sec’y and gen’l mgr. Standard Welding Co., Cleveland, to date; member Loyal Legion, Union and Country Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Joseph F. Blaha

Blaha, Joseph F.; carpenter, contractor; born, Bohemia, May 12, 1858; son of John and May Pinopal Blaha; graduated from the public schools in Bohemia; married, Cleveland, Feb. 18, 1882, Katherine Orosek; issue, 4 children; came to the United States in 1877, and received his naturalization papers in 1888; worked several months at the carpenter trade at $1.50 a day, then went to work for The American Steel & Wire Co. in Newburg; worked there until 1882; then for the Sturdueynant Planning Co.; was there one year; in 1888, started in business for himself as carpenter contractor; member of C. S. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Russell S. Hartzell

Hartzell, Russell S.; rubber business; born, Alliance, O., July 19, 1887; son of D. H. and Lois A. Skinner Hartzell; Mount Union College; manager Cleveland Branch, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.; member Signia Nu Fraternity; belongs to Athletic and Automobile Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of William George Dietz

Dietz, William George; investment banker; born, Warren, O., April 7, 1857; son of August A. and Katherine Baehr Dietz; educated public school and in the private school of Miss Sackett, in Warren; graduated Hiram College, 1881, Ph. B.; married, Solon, O., Nov. 18, 1885, Jessie B. Pettibone; one daughter, Marian; deputy auditor Trumbull County, 1867-1877; sec’y to Dr. B. A. Hinsdale, supt. of the Cleveland public Schools, from September, 1882, to February, 1886; was one of the first two teachers in the night schools of Cleveland; taught news boys; with Lamprecht Bros. & Co., bankers, 1886-1893; organized the firm of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George C. Hascall

Hascall, George C.; manufacturer; born, Yipsilanti, Mich., Jan. 17, 1852; son of Philander and Mary A. Christy Hascall; common school education; married, Alden, N. Y., April 10, 1889, Hattie M. Fuller; one son, Robert G., born March 14, 1893; pres. The Tropical Oil Co., The Hascall Paint Co., The Union Products Co.; pres. The Attan Vic Paint Co., New York, and The Knickerbocker Paint Co.; director The Texas Mnfg. Co., Fort Worth Tex.; member Knights Templar, Oriental Commandery, Mystic Shrine (Al Koran), N. M. S., Lake Erie Consistory, Webb Chapter, Iris, No. 229, F. & A. M., member Chamber of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles W. Chase

Chase, Charles W.; trustee of The Estate of Edwin Cowles; born, Edinburg, O., Aug. 8, 1846; son of Charles W. and Eliza Brown Chase; attended public school in Portage county, O., and High School at Newton Falls, O.; married, Cleveland, Aug. 1, 1872, Almira F. Cowles; one daughter, Helen (Mrs. E. C. Bassett) ; treas. of the City, April, 1895-1899; in clothing and men’s furnishing business from 1870 to 1890, at No. 15 Public Square; director Chamber of Commerce, 1905-1906; pres. of The Cleveland Leader Co., 1901-1905; sec’y, treas. and director The Electric Smelting & Aluminum Co.; sec’y and director … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Walter De Voe

De Voe, Walter; author; born near Cedar Rapids, Iowa, May 11, 1874; educated at Cedar Rapids; unmarried; teacher and lecturer on new psychology. Author: Healing Currents from the Battery of Life, 1904; Mystic Words of Mighty Power, 1905; Sacred. Science of Regeneration, 1906; The Doors of Life, 1909. Frequent contbr. to New Thought, Nautilus, Unity.

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Franklin Wade

Wade, Benjamin Franklin; treas. The Taylor & Boggis Foundry Co.; born, Cleveland, Nov. 26, 1857; son of James and Margaret Uhl Wade; father came to Cleveland in 1845, and practiced law until his death in 1907; graduated, Brooks Military Academy, 1877; S. S. B., University of Michigan, 1879; married, Cleveland, 1887, Mary Boggis; issue, one daughter, Helen Wade, born April 26, 1889, died, Feb. 26, 1890; asst. sec’y Woodland Ave. Railway Co., about four years from 1879; treas. Cleveland Window Glass Co., for four years; since that time with the Taylor & Boggis Foundry Co.; greater part of the time … Read more

Biography of William Ernest Barker, M. D.

William Ernest Barker, M. D. Prominent among the medical men of Southeastern Kansas is Dr. William Ernest Barker, who since 1881 has been engaged in practice at Chanute. During this long period of devotion to his profession he has built up a large and representative professional business, and is justly regarded in medical circles and by the general public as a thoroughly learned, skilled and reliable physician and surgeon. Doctor Barker is a native of Birmingham, England, and a son of William and Martha (Timmins) Barker. William Barker was born in England, served in the regular army during his youth, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Albert Brady

Brady, James Albert; insurance; born, Franklin, Pa., Nov. 16, 1880; son of John and Isabelle Kingman Brady; educated, High School, Union City, Pa., graduate; studied Allegheny College, Meadville, Pa., Columbia University, Washington, D. C., and Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, Md.; married, Erie, Pa., June 3, 1905, Miriam E. Goodnough; two children, Louise Belle, age 6, and James A. Jr., age 4; came to Cleveland on Dec, 5, 1902, to enter life insurance work for The Mutual Life Insurance Co., in November, 1907, formed a partnership with R. A. Tuttle, the firm to take charge of Northern Ohio for The Midland Mutual … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Gilbert Leslie Taft

Taft, Gilbert Leslie; U. S. Customs Office; born, Cleveland, July 26, 1873; son of Sherman B. and Isabella M. Duncan Taft; educated, Cleveland schools; married, Cleveland, Feb. 22, 1898, Thusnelda Schipke; issue, one son, Homer S. and one daughter, Marjorie A.; chief examiner of merchandise, United States Customs; member Masons, Sons of Veterans, and National Union.