Biography of Curtis White

Curtis White, a retired carpenter of Concord, was born at Bow, N.H., April 4, 1861, son of Daniel White, of that place. The grandfather, Isaac White, who was an early settler of Bow, went there from Pembroke, and converted a grant of land into a good farm home for himself and his family. Daniel, the youngest son, was a blacksmith and stone worker. He purchased a farm opposite his father’s, and there carried on stone work as well as some farming. His death occurred March 16, 1825, after a lingering and painful illness, in the course of which he was obliged to undergo several and painful surgical operations. He married Mary Carter, daughter of Moses Carter, of the old Concord family of that name. They had three children besides Curtis. William, the eldest, died in October, 1826. Their daughter, Mary Ann, is also deceased; and the second son, Daniel C., is a practising dentist in Alton, Ill.

Curtis White, who was the second-born of his parents’ children, followed various lines of business throughout his active period. After leaving the district school, he worked at farming for a time. He also did some black-smithing and carpentry, and for a while he was employed in a saw and grist mill. For many years Mr. White was a carpenter in Concord, and for about ten years he was engaged in carriage-building in this city. In the spring of 1891 he retired from business, and took a trip to California, where he remained until March of the following year. Mr. White has always been considered a good financier.

Mr. White was united in matrimony with Hannah Buntin, a daughter of Benjamin Buntin, Bow. She died June 16, 1888. His only child, Anna, now the wife of Josiah E. Fernald, the Cashier of the National State Capital Bank, has four children-Edith, Mary, Ruth, and Josiah. Mr. White served on the Concord Board of Assessors for twenty-six years in succession. He was Selectman of his ward for twelve years, Common Councillor for one year, and Alderman for two years. A prominent member of the Knights of Pythias, he is Past Grand Chancellor; and he has been Grand Master of Exchequer of that organization for the last fourteen years. He is also Past Grand of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and Chief Patriarch of the encampment, and is a member of both grand bodies. Mr. White is a member of the First Baptist Church of Concord and a well-known Republican voter.



Biographical Review Publishing Company. Biographical Review; containing life sketches of leading citizens of Merrimack and Sullivan counties, N. H. Boston. Biographical Review Publishing Company. 1897.

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