Biographical Sketch of Henry R. Cool

Cool, Henry R.; wholesale lumber; born, Urbanna, O., Oct. 22, 1878; son of William A. and Lena Rose Cool; education, Urbanna University and Ohio State University, 1899; married, Cleveland, Nov. 23, 1904, Helen Ranney Adams; issue, Kenneth Adams, Dee. 13, 1905, Janet Ranney, July 12, 1907; New York mgr. of Eastern Sash, Door & Glass Co.; resigning to join his father in lumber business; later junior partner in W. A. Cool & Son (1904); sec’y Service Recorder Co.; director Adams Bag Co.; member Chamber of Commerce, and Hermit Club; Chi Phi; interested in the development of southern timber and farm … Read more

Biography of James B. Roberts

James B. Roberts, now living retired at Denton, was a pioneer in that section of Doniphan County, and his life, which had been prolonged to four score, had been one of well directed and houorable effort throughout. He is a veteran of the great was between the states, and Mrs. Roberts is couspicuous among Kansas women for the part she had taken officially and otherwise in the Woman’s Relief Corps. Mr. Roberts was born at Remsen in Oneida County, New York, November 7, 1837. His father, Rees Roberts, was born in Wales in 1805. When a young man he came to America, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward Lyman Howe

Howe, Edward Lyman; banker; born, Columbus, O., Aug. 14, 1875; son of Brainard Harris and Sarah Augusta Beecher Howe; educated, Cleveland public schools; married, Cleveland, Feb. 25, 1901, Mary Frances Mattison; issue, Sarah, Charles Mattison and Mary Elizabeth; business career, with Hower & Higbee, 1889-1892; Euclid Ave. National Bank, 1892-1897; Cleveland Trust Co., 1897-1901; Prudential Trust Co., 1901-1904; Citizens Savings & Trust Co., 1904-1905; Superior Savings & Trust Co., 1905 to date; treas., vice pres. and director Fuller Canneries Co.; treas. and director Workingmans’ Collateral Loan Co.; treas. and director Jenkins Steamship Co.; trustee Young Men’s Christian Ass’n; member Sons … Read more

Biography of Hon. Eugene Mortimore Kerr

The records of Muskogee and the state would be incomplete and unsatisfactory were there failure to make prominent reference to Eugene Mortimore Kerr, who has served as a member of both the house of representatives and senate in the general assembly and who in many other ways has contributed to public progress and improvement, while in business circles he has gained a most creditable name and position. Mr. Kerr was born in Granville, Ohio, November 11, 1869, and is a son of E. M. and Elizabeth Triphena (Roberts) Kerr. The father was engaged in the real estate business for many … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Wilbur Dunham

Dunham, Wilbur; real estate development; born, Columbus, O., Jan. 30, 1885; son of John M. and T. Anna Cross Dunham; educated, Taft School, Watertown, Conn.; Andover Academy, Andover, Mass.; Yale University, New Haven, Conn.; married, Columbus, O., Oct. 17, 1906, Marian M. Hobart: two daughters, Ann Elizabeth, born 1909, and Aileen, born 1913; real estate allotment and building development business since leaving college in 1904, in Columbus, O., and New York City, and Cleveland since. 1912; pres. The Wilbur Dunham Co., The Continental Realty Co; director The House Building & Investment Co.; member Delta Phi Fraternity, Yale and P. A. … Read more

Biography of Samuel N. Simpson

Samuel N. Simpson. A notable life came to a close with the death of Samuel N. Simpson on November 27, 1915: Important though his achievements were in the field of business and in the development of many useful enterprises and undertakings in the cities of Lawrence and Kansas City, Kansas, it is because his activities and influence were so vitally identified with the primitive period of the territorial Kansas that his individual history bulks so large in the annals of the state and furnishes a chapter that may be read with instruction and profit by every student of Kansas annals. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Louis Smithnight

Smithnight, Louis; retired; born, Saxony, Germany, Dec. 16, 1834; son of Frederick and Auralia (Woolford) Smithnight; public school education in Germany; came to the United States at 15; married, 1866, Nettie Kingsley of Cleveland; surviving issue, one daughter; after a brief period in Columbus, O., came to Cleveland for A. J. Wenham, dry goods, for seven years; in 1858, went to Pike’s Peak, Col., to search for gold; being unsuccessful, returned to Cleveland, and opened a drug store, which conducted business until 1892; still own store at 2511 E. 9th St.; enlisted in 1861 as a private in the Cleveland … Read more

Biography of Orrin Backus

Orrin Backus, a horticulturist and businessman of Riverside, was born in Columbus, Ohio, March 16, 1822. His father, Andrew Backus, and mother, Bathsheba (King) Backus, were natives of Massachusetts, and representatives of old colonial families. Andrew Backus was a soldier of the war of 1812-’14; he enlisted twice, first under Captain Chase, again under Captain Greenleaf Pratt; he received 160 acres of land and a pension, by act of Congress. Mrs. Hannah Alden, the mother of Andrew Backus and grandmother of Orrin Backus, was sixth in lineal descent from John Alden, of Mayflower pilgrims. Andrew Backus immigrated to Columbus, Ohio, … Read more

Biography of Samuel Dexter Houston

Samuel Dexter Houston. One of the very first settlers in Riley County, Kansas, was Samuel Dexter Houston, who located a claim on Wildcat Creek and built a cabin there, in December, 1853. He was one of the county’s foremost citizens for more than a half century and his name is linked with some of the most important events in its early history and with those of other representative men of his time. He was conspicuous in the councils that worked on the construction of the Kansas State Constitution. Samuel Dexter Houston was born at Columbus, Ohio, June 11, 1818, and … Read more

Biography of J. J. Plumer, M. D.

Dr. J. J. Plumer, the physician and surgeon of the De Lamar Mining Company, also engaged in general practice in De Lamar, is a native of Missouri, his birth having occurred in Edina, April 8, 1860. He traces his ancestry back to England, whence in the year 1832 members of the family who belonged to the sect of Puritans crossed the Atlantic to America. They braved the dangers so common to ocean voyages in those days in order to have liberty of conscience in the New World, and they and their descendants were connected with the early history of the … Read more

Biography of Edwin Cameron Motter

Edwin Cameron Motter, an attorney of Muskogee who has resided here during the past fifteen years and has been connected with much important litigation, was born near Chillicothe, Ohio, on the 16th of June, 1884, a son of Dr. James R. and Ida (Faust) Motter. His parents and a sister, Mouser M., still reside at the old home in the Buckeye state. He began his education in the public schools near the place of his nativity and when thirteen years of age entered the preparatory college to Ohio University at Athens, which is the oldest university west of the Alleghany … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Oscar Haldy

Haldy, William Oscar; dentist; born, Cleveland, April 19, 1875; son of Frederick L. and Anna (Buschman) Haldy; D.D. S., Western Reserve University, 1S96; married, Columbus, Oct. 2, 1902, Emogene L. Peters; issue, one son and one daughter; served in Spanish-American War as quartermaster-sergeant, Battery A, 1st 0. V. A.; member Troop A, Cleveland, 13 years; pres. W. R. U. Dental Alumni Ass’n, 1899-1912; member Psi Omega (dental), United Spanish War Veterans, Veteran Ass ‘n, Troop A, K. of P., Rotary, Cleveland Athletic, and Highland Park Golf Clubs, National Dental Assn, National Dental Protective Ass’n. Recreations: Golf and Motoring.

Biographical Sketch of Alfred J. Anderson

Anderson, Alfred J.; division freight agent, Baltimore & Ohio R. R.; born, Butler, Pa., Jan. 17, 1870; son of Samuel and Drusilla C. Harper Anderson; educated, public schools Butler and Prospect Academy, Prospect, Pa.; married, Washington, D. C., Feb. 15, 1900, Florence E. Wynne; one daughter, Anna Elizabeth; May 1, 1890, entered the service of the Baltimore & Ohio R. R.; clerk in general freight office, Pittsburgh, till March, 1891; March, 1891, to March, 1896, sec’y to gem freight agent, Pittsburgh; March, 1896, to July, 1905, sec’y to freight traffic mgr., at Baltimore; July, 1905, to Feb., 1907, division freight … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ernest Sargent Barnard

Barnard, Ernest Sargent; vice pres. Cleveland Ball Club; born, Columbia, W. Va., July 17, 1874; son of Elias and Mary D. Barnard; educated, Otterbein University, 1895, Ph. B.; sec’y Builders & Traders Exchange, Columbus, O., 1896-7; sporting editor Columbus, O., Dispatch, 1898-1902; sec’y Cleveland Ball Club, 1903-1910; vice pres. Cleveland Ball Club, 1911-1913, vice pres. The Acetylene Stove Mfg. Co.; member Belden Lodge, No. 339, F. & A. M., Westerville, O.; Cleveland Lodge, No. 18, B. P. O. E.; Athletic and Rotary Clubs.

Biography of William J. Rickenbacher

The real estate business conducted under the name of William J. Rickenhacher had gone hand in band with the development of Topeka for a number of years, and undoubtedly had contributed as largely toward the advantageous disposal of property and the honorable and satisfactory placing of loans as any concern of the kind in the city. Mr. Rickenbacher is one of the city’s foremost realty men, and while his name necessarily is associated with one of the early families of Topeka, his sucess is self made, and in its scope and usefulness directs attention to qualities of perseverance, business integrity … Read more

Hiram Todd of Columbus OH

Hiram Todd7, (Oliver6, Samuel5, Christopher4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Aug. 5, 1808, married Carrie E. Wright, who was born in 1834. He was a physician. They lived in Columbus, Ohio. Children: 1372. Lizzie. 1373. Willie. 1374. Florence.

Biographical Sketch of Sterling William Hubbard

Hubbard, Sterling William; pig iron; born, Springfield, O., March 20, 1877; son of Charles M. and Clara C. Diehl Hubbard; educated at Ohio State University; married, Cleveland, Feb. 20, 1907, Helen H. Bartow; issue, one son and one daughter; associate resident mgr. Rogers, Brown & Co.; director Lake Erie Ore Co., Pittsburg Iron Ore Co., Huron Iron Mining Co.; member Beta Theta Pi, Hermit and East End Tennis Clubs, Chamber of Commerce, Erie Club, Erie Pa.

Biography of William Allen Sells

William Allen Sells, son of Allen Sells, was probably the most noted bare-back rider of his time. He began practicing the art when a child, and subsequently performed in every city and remote hamlet of the United States and also before the royalty of Europe. After his return from his European tour he organized and conducted a show of his own for some years. He died in New York City in 1907. In 1890 William Allen Sells married Miss Effigene Marris of Columbus, Ohio. Their only son and child is Allen William Sells, who as a boy and young man … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Parmely

Parmely, Benjamin; lawyer; born, Ashland, O., Oct. 9, 1869; son of M. B. and Elizabeth Porter Parmley; early education in the public schools of Dayton; two years in Garfield University, Wichita, Kan., LL. B. University of Michigan, 1892; married, Columbus, O., Nov. 16, 1904, Miss Mary E. Tolford; issue, one daughter, Elizabeth; admitted to the bar in 1893, one and one-half years atty. for the Fidelity & Casualty Co., then practiced in the firm of Estep, Dickey, Carr & Goff; later with Kline, Carr, Tolles & Goff; in 1896, organized the law firm of Wilcox, Collister, Hogan & Parmely; in … Read more

Biography of Hon. Ransom Beers

Hon. Ransom Beers is one of the oldest pioneers of this section and a man of enterprise and energy, having wrought in all the arduous and trying occupations of the frontier life, being eminently successful in them all, as well as having done much here for the up building of the County, while his life of uprightness and integrity, with manifestation of sound principles, has commended him to the confidence and esteem of all who have the pleasure of knowing him. The birth of our subject occurred in Ohio, near Columbus, on March 27, 1831, and his parents were Conrad … Read more