Biographical Sketch of Patrick Nicholson

Patrick Nicholson, farmer, Sec. 12; P. O. Charleston; owns 380 acres was born in Jefferson Co., Tenn., Nov. 6, 1809; resided with parents on farm, helping his father until 21 years of age; came to this State in November, 1830, to what is now Douglas Co.; Mr. N. made several thousand rails for $1 per hundred; worked six months for $8 per month; had nothing but one saddle-share; sold mare and saddle and bridle for $8. Was married to Elizabeth Ashmore, May 17, 1832; she was born in Jefferson Co., Tenn., March 4, 1814; they are the parents of eleven children, seven living; Patrena A. (now widow of James Balch, deceased), William A., Dorotha (now Mrs. F. A. Endsley, of Green-up), Harriet N., Albert B., Margaret M. (now wife of Thomas Newman, of Hickory Tp.), Ella E.; deceased-Joseph B., born May 30, 1833, died May 24,1873; James M., born March 26, 1841, died March 28, 1847; Mary P. C., born Mar. 6, 1839, died June 4, 1864; Amos E., born May 8, 1845, died while in 5th Illinois Cavalry, in the fall of 1863. Mr. N. has held office of Supervisor of Township one term; he was one of the early settlers of this county, and bore his part in the hardships of those days. He commenced in this township with almost nothing; has by hard labor, economy and industry accumulated several thousand dollars worth of property. For benevolent purposes his gifts have averaged about $100 a year for forty years, for church and missionary objects; he is a man much respected in the community where he resides.



Chapman Brothers Portrait and biographical album of Coles County, Illinois Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887.

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