Biographical Sketch of Ira Mahaffey

Ira Mahaffey has for two terms, two years each, been the affable and courteous clerk of the District Court at Concordia. Few people entirely appreciate the ability and tact required for the successful administration of such an office. Not only must the records be properly kept, legible and correct and easily grasped by the ordinary mind, but the clerk himself must be accommodating and at all times genial and attentive to those who have business with his office. All these qualities Mr. Mahaffey possesses and more too. Politically he is a republican, and while he is a strong believer in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of A. W. King

A. W. King. The Concordia Monumental Works is one of the leading enterprises of the kind in Cloud County and all Northern Kansas. It was established April 1, 1915, by the firm of Perkins & King. Mr. Perkins had been in business for himself at Concordia from 1911 to 1915. The partners are now Mr. D. F. Perkins and Mr. A. W. King. The junior member of this firm is a practical mechanic with thirty-five years’ experience in marble and granite cutting and the monument business. The firm is supplied with all the most modern machinery and turns out very … Read more

Biography of Alvin H. Tegeler

Alvin H. Tegeler is still a young man but had had more than fifteen years of active experience as a banker, beginning in early boyhood, and had been continuously identified with the Bank of Palmer, of which he is now cashier. This is one of the older banking houses of Washington County. The firm of Bissell & Kaiser established it as a private bank in 1882, but it had operated under a state charter since 1887. The bank, whose home is on Main Street, had a capital of $25,000 and surplus of $5,000. The present officers are: M. E. Southwick, … Read more

Biography of Vernon H. Branch

Vernon H. Branch of Wichita has had a successful career as a banker in Kansas covering a period of more than thirty-five years. In that time he has been officially identified with a number of important banks in different parts of the state, but is now concentrating all his efforts along the line of investment banking, and is one of the reliable investment bankers of Kansas. He came to Kansas when a youth. His birth occurred at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, February 3, 1863, but when he was two years of age his parents removed to Orwell, Vermont, his father’s childhood home. … Read more

Biography of George G. Hill

George G. Hill as president is head of one of the most important business institutions of the City of Concordia. He directs the destinies of a public utility, though owned by a private corporation, which is as intimately connected with the welfare and health of the people of that community as can be claimed for any other single enterprise. This is the Concordia Iee and Cold Storage Company. Mr. Hill had been its president for the past ten years, and from the time of its organization in 1902 had been one of the executive officers of the company, having held … Read more

Biography of James M. Teasley

James M. Teasley was born in Whitfield County, Georgia, in 1858, a son of Allen D. and Rhoda M. Teasley. The Teasley family came to Kansas in 1866, when James was about eight years of age. They came by way of Nashville, Tennessee, to St. Louis, thence by boat to Kansas City and reached the Solomon Valley by wagon and team. The Teasleys settled in a portion of Cloud County south of what is now called the Town of Glasco. The first homestead of the family is now the Charles Horn Place. Mr. James M. Teasley is of English origin, his … Read more

Biography of William C. Christensen

William C. Christensen, now living retired at Topeka, had well earned a niche in the honorable and industrious citizenship of Kansas. He was one of the real upbuilders of western Kansas, and his family played a specially notable part in the development of Cloud County. A native of Denmark, he was born November 7, 1857. At the age of eight years he was brought to this country by his parents Stephen and Anna Christensen. They settled in Freeborn County, Minnesota, where they lived on the frontier and where the mother died. The father married again and in 1870 brought his … Read more

Biography of Walter E. Pickenpaugh

Walter E. Pickenpaugh is one of the younger generation of business men upon whom had fallen the mantle of responsibility and had already made such headway as to be considered one of Culver’s leaders in business and civic affairs. Mr. Pickenpaugh was born at Jamestown, Kansas, July 22, 1890, twenty-seven years ago. His father, Ed G. Pickenpaugh, was born in Missouri in 1864, grew up a farmer and in 1886 located in Cloud County, Kansas, where he continued in the role of an agriculturist. His wife, Etta A. Stroup, who was born in Eastern Kansas in 1869, lives at Culver, … Read more

Biography of Frank J. Murray

Frank J. Murray. Among the important business houses of Scottsville, Kansas, is the Fitzgerald Lumber Company, the efficient manager of which is Frank J. Murray, a member of one of the old pioneer families of the state, one that still owned the homestead secured many years ago. Frank J. Murray was born in Cloud County, Kansas, not far from Jamestown. His parents were Patrick and Mary Murray, of Irish extraction. They came to Kansas in 1869 and were among the first settlers to locate near Parkerville. In 1872 they took up a homestead and through industry and perseverance Patrick Murray … Read more

Biography of Mrs. Gladys Evarts Hill

Mrs. Gladys Evarts Hill. Perhaps no more appropriate selection could have been made by the Department of Kansas Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic than their choice of Gladys Evarts Hill as patriotic instructor. Mrs. Hill through parentage and far reaching ancestry represents the true idea of patriotism, a patriotism not alone of words and expediency but of deeds and heroism. Gladys Evarts Hill was born at Clyde, Cloud County, Kansas, and is a daughter of Daniel Sapp and Elizabeth Jane (Evarts) Lusadder, and a granddaughter of Isaac and Susanne (Musick) Lusadder, or, as the name was then … Read more

Biography of Carl Moore

Carl Moore. Under the system of local government prevailing in most American states, the office of sheriff is easily one of the most important. As the executive court officer and responsible manager of the county prison, he had a wide range of duties. The people of Cloud County during the past four years have had every reason to congratulate themselves upon the presence in that office of Mr. Carl Moore, who had distinguished himself for efficiency and an administration in the best interests of law and order. For many years Mr. Moore had been engaged in public office either as sheriff or … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. A. Glaze, Rev.

Rev. J. A. Glaze is pastor of the Christian Church at Miltonvale. As head of that church he had one of the most spiritually efficient religious organizations in Cloud County. A brief outline of the church’s growth and development had its proper place in Kansas History. The Church of Christ at Miltonvale was organized April 17, 1884, with twenty-four charter members. The officers at the beginning were: Elders John Squires and W. J. Hays; Deacons J. B. Johnson and A. V. Step; and minister, Rev. Kenney. In 1886 preparations were begun for a building. In 1887 the ediflce was completed … Read more

Biography of O. H. Deever, Rev.

Rev. O. H. Deever. One of the strongest churches of the United Brethren faith in Kansas is at Concordia. The pastor is Rev. Mr. Deever, who though a young man had had considerable experience in various pastorates, and is regarded as one of the most efficient leaders and most talented preachers in his church in the state. A brief reference to the early history of the church at Concordia should be given. The church was organized in 1887 with twenty-one charter members. The Rev. Joseph Bayz was the first pastor and one of the charter members. The other members who … Read more

Biography of D. H. Teasley

D. H. Teasley, one of the prosperous and progressive farmers of the Glasco community in Cloud County, is a son of an early settler of Summit Township of that county, and there is not a better known and more honored name in that part of the state than Teasley. His father, W. W. Teasley, was born in the State of Georgia in 1849, a son of James S. and Susan (Reed) Teasley, both of whom were natives of Elbert County, Georgia. The Teasleys are of English origin, while the Reeds were Scotch. The immigrant ancestor was the grandfather of W. … Read more

Biography of M. A. Gupton D.D.S.

M. A. Gupton, D. D. S. There are many requirements demanded of all professional men and probably more of dental surgeons than in any other line. Sound health is almost a necessity and to this must be added mechanical ability, artistic perceptions, delicacy and sensitiveness of touch, gentleness, tact and patience, all these in addition to technical knowledge that gives skill and a very fair amount also of medical learning. In truth, according to modern investigation and the results of research, the dentist not only makes life comfortable but he prolongs and sometimes saves it. In these days there are … Read more

Biography of James Calvin Morrow

James Calvin Morrow. In the death of James Calvin Morrow, which occurred at Washington July 4, 1912, there passed away one of the men whose works and influence have been most conspicuous in the development of both the City and County of Washington. He was a pioneer in the best sense of the term, a hard worker, a good manager of men, a keen and resoureeful business man, and especially faithful and efficient in the performance of his civic responsibilities and his obligations to friends and family. It is only a matter of simple justice to refer to him as … Read more

Biography of Thomas Watson Roach

Thomas Watson Roach, for twenty-one years president of Kansas Wesleyan Business College, and a former president of Kansas Wesleyan University at Salina, had not merely found but had made for himself a distinctive place in educational history of the Sunflower State. He came to Kansas more than forty years ago. His name is closely associated with several progressive movements in Kansas educational affairs. He was the pioneer worker for the consolidation of country school districts. He also did the first practical work toward procuring uniformity of text books throughout the state. But even more important than all this he will … Read more

Biography of Ralph M. McKee

Ralph M. McKee is superintendent of the consolidated city schools at Neal in Greenwood County. He is one of the younger men engaged in educational work in Kansas, and had a highly creditable record for the work he had already done and stands high both among his fellow teachers and in his home community. Mr. McKee was born at Xenia, Ohio, December 1, 1893. His McKee ancestors were early settlers in America. Mr. McKee had strains of English and Irish ancestry, and inherits good qualities through both lines. His father, W. T. McKee, was born in Ohio in 1861, and … Read more

Biography of J. S. Fahlstrom

J. S. Fahlstrom is one of the pioneers of Cloud County, where he had had his residence and his principal activities since 1870. Cloud County was then a wilderness and he had witnessed practically every advancement made here in the past forty-five years. His individual success calls for more than passing mention, and few men starting out with only the capital of their native intelligence and the strength of their hands achieve so much. Mr. Fahlstrom was born in Sweden in 1842. He attended schools only a few months altogether, and his real education was gained in the school of … Read more

Biography of Andrew Garfield Marple

Andrew Garfield Marple, a successful educator and school administrator, is now superintendent of the city schools of White Cloud, Kansas. He is a native of this state, was educated here, and most of his work in mature years had been secomplished within the borders of Kansas. He was born at Yates Center, Kansas, November 16, 1881. His ancestors were Englishmen who settled in Virginia more than a century ago. His grandfather, David Marple, was born in Virginia in 1812, grew up and married in that state Miss Sneff, and subsequently removed to Northern Illinois, where he became a merchant. By trade … Read more