Slave Narrative of Charles H. Anderson

Interviewer: Ruth Thompson Person Interviewed: Charles H. Anderson Location: Cincinnati, Ohio Place of Birth: Richmond, Virginia Date of Birth: December 23, 1845 Place of Residence: 3122 Fredonia St., Cincinnati, Ohio Occupation: Handy man “Life experience excels all reading. Every place you go, you learn something from every class of people. Books are just for a memory, to keep history and the like, but I don’t have to go huntin’ in libraries, I got one in my own head, for you can’t forget what you learn from experience.” The old man speaking is a living example of his theory, and, judging … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Clifford W. Fuller

Fuller, Clifford W.; lawyer; born, Garrettsville, O., Feb. 6, 1864; son of Sherman W. and Flora R. Case Fuller; educated, Garrettsville public schools, Allegheny College, Meadville, Pa., A. B., M. A. and Ph. D. pro merite; capt. 10th O. V. I., war with Spain; admitted to the Ohio bar, 1890; practiced law in Cleveland since 1891; sec’y The Cleveland & Youngstown R. R. Co.; sec’y and treas. Willowick Country Club; director The West Ninth Co., The Shaker Vineyards Land Co., and The Sedgwick Land Co.; sec’y Terminal Bldg. Co.; trustee The H. B. Hurlburt Trust for Art; member Phi Gamma … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Lindsay Sanford

Sanford, Henry Lindsay; surgeon; born, Boston, Mass., April 7, 1873; son of Henry Dean and Ellen Lindsay Sanford; educated, Harvard University, A. B., 1896, M. D., 1900; married, Cleveland, Mary Fairfield, Colt, March 17, 1909; asst. visiting surgeon Lakeside Hospital; pres. Cleveland Academy of Medicine; sec’y Cleveland Medical Library Ass’n; member American Medical Ass’n, and American Urological Ass’n; member University, and Mayfield Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of P. J. Probeck

Probeck, P. J.; butchers’ supplies; born, Cleveland, Feb. 23, 1857; son of George L. and M. M. Deisinger Probeck; educated, Cleveland grammar schools; married, Cleveland, Dec. 31, 1879, Miss E. E. Gaeckley; issue, three daughters, and two sons; has been in business twenty-three years; previous to that, traveling salesman seven years for Glick Bros., until firm retired from business; proprietor meat market for seven years, at 149 Franklin Ave.; pres. and treas. Probeck Co.; 32nd degree Mason, Scottish Rite; member Chamber of Commerce, and Lakewood Tennis Club.

Biographical Sketch of John Henry Lotz

Lotz, John Henry; head worker Alta Social Settlement House; born, Carrollton, O., Dec. 2, 1872; son of Daniel S. and Ella Hill Lotz; educated, Mt. Hemron Boy’s School, 1894; Williams College, 1898; Union Theological Seminary, 1904; post-graduate study, Columbia University; married, Middlebury, Conn., Aug. 17, 1904; May Louise Waters; one son; taught St. Paul’s School, Garden City, L. I., 1898-1901; director Bethany Memorial Boy’s Club, New York City, 1901-1904; since 1904 head of Alta House Settlement; member Grargoyle, Williams College, Chamber of Commerce, and City Club, Cleveland. Recreation: Farming.

Biographical Sketch of William S. Lougee

Lougee, William S.; asst. building inspector; born, Buckfield, Me., Jan. 29, 1867; educated in Boston, Mass.; studied architecture with Tristram Griffin, Boston, Mass., eight years; in 1890, came to Cleveland; associated with John Eisenmann 1890-1900; asst. architect Board of Education until 1905; when appointed to present position.

Biographical Sketch of Abner H. Bedell

Bedell, Abner H.; insurance; born, Shalersville, O., July 29, 1872; son of H. C. and Sarah L. (Horr) Bedell; educated, Cleveland public schools; married, Cleveland, March 29, 1913, Bertha R. Lewis; paymaster, Ohio Battalion Naval Reserves to 1896; quartermaster 10th 0. V. Inf. 1898; War with Spain; entered insurance business, 1890; treas. and director 0. M. Stafford-Goss-Bedell Co.; Coventry Road Land Co.; West Ninth Co.; Cleveland Athletic Club; director Guarantee Title and Trust Co.; member Military Order of Foreign Wars; member Union, Cleveland Athletic, Hermit, Euclid and Mayfield Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Ezra Selig Brudno

Brudno, Ezra Selig; author; born in Lithuania, May 28, 1877; son of Issac and Hannah (Model) Brudno; attended Adelbert College (Western Reserve University), 1896-1897; at Yale, 1898-1900, reading law and at same time pursuing academic studies; finished law studies at Western Reserve University, 1900; unmarried; began practice of law in Cleveland, 1901; assistant district attorney since 1909; Republican. Author: The Fugitive, 1904; The Little Conscript, 1905; The Tether, 1908. Contributor to magazines.

Biographical Sketch of Truman Monroe Swetland

Swetland, Truman Monroe; real estate; born, Middlefield, N. Y., Feb. 20, 1848; son of Eli and Sophia McGregory Swetland; educated, public schools; married, Rochester, Nov. 30, 1871, Carrie Raymond Hamilton; issue, four sons; instrumental in organizing a company for the erection of several large office buildings in Cleveland; treas. and gen. mgr. The Park Investment Co.; gen. mgr. The City Investment Co.; 32nd degree Mason; member the Pine Ridge Country Club, Isle of Pines, West Indies; fond of farming; in 1657, the first Swetland, an Englishman, settled in Connecticut; he was master and owner of his own ship, “The James,” … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frederick Charles Deisher

Deisher, Frederick Charles; master plumber; born, Pottsville, Pa., Jan. 31, 1873; son of Wm. E. and Jane E. Smith Deisher; educated, Cleveland schools; married, Mansfield, O., June 13, 1898, Josephine Schambs; three children; for eight years F. C. Deisher Plumbing & Heating, Incorporated, Feb. 28, 1913; pres. and mgr. The Deisher Plumbing & Heating Co.; F. & A. Masons; raised Iris Lodge, No. 229, Nov. 28, 1904; Exalted Cleveland Chapter, No. 148, Cleveland, March 9, 1906; created Knight Templar in Holyrood Commandery, No. 32, Cleveland, Dec. 20, 1906; created Grand Elect Mason, 14th degree, in Eliadah Lodge of Perfection, Feb. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George D. Koch

Koch, George D.; furniture business; born, Wurtenberg, Germany, Dec. 23, 1850; brought to the United States at the age of three and one-half years; studied in Cleveland public schools until 13 years of age; married, Cleveland, Dec. 1, 1875, Bertha Berno; issue, George B., Charles C., Math and Estelle; learned finishing and polishing in the furniture store of J. Vincent; in 1872, when 21 years old, formed partnership with Mr. M. Fleming, under the name of Fleming & Koch, cor. Penn. and Lorain Aves.; in 1873, opened branch store on Detroit St., under the management of Wm. Toni, who entered … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Fleming Abel

Abel, William Fleming; manager; born, Pittsburgh, Pa., April 2, 1875; son of Joseph and Louise Marchand Abel; educated, Washington-Jefferson college; married, Pittsburg, Pa., March 18, 1899, Mary D. Coyle; member Iron and Steel Institute of England, International Society for Testing Materials, Automobile Engineers; member F. & A. M., Tyrian Lodge, Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity, Rotary and West Brook Country Club.

Biographical Sketch of William Edward Patterson

Patterson, William Edward; lawyer; born, Hunter, O., Feb. 5, 1873; educated, Mt. Union College, Alliance, O., Ph. B., 1893; West Virginia University, class of 1895, LL. B; married, Cleveland, Nov. 1, 1911, Bertha Marian Pierce; in 1895, admitted to the bar in. West Virginia; practiced at Wheeling, 1895-3897; came to Cleveland in 1897; since 1910, member of the firm of Patterson & Nieding; treas. Forest City Woolen Mills Co.; sec’y Cleveland Estates Co.; director Euclid Stone & Brick Co.; pres. American Investment Co. and Guaranty Electric Heater Co.; all Masonic degrees (Iris Lodge, Oriental Commandery, Al Koran Shrine, 32nd degree); … Read more

Biography of Preston B. Plumb

In the words of his biographer, Preston B. Plumb was a pioneer in Kansas. He was one of the founders of Emporia. He was in the Union army, and both major and lieutenant-colonel of the Eleventh Kansas. He was long United States senator from Kansas. In the Senate he was one of the men who accomplished things. He was the father of the ides of the conservation of the natural resources of America. It was his law that created the National Forest Reserve and extended aid to irrigation and the reclamation of arid lands. Many of the laws on the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles W. Maedjb

Maedjb, Charles W.; newspaperman; son of Christian and Caroline Maedje; born, July 30, 1856; educated, Cleveland Elementary and High Schools; married, Cleveland, Sept. 26, 1888, Emma H. Heimerdinger; issue, Irma M. Carl, and Hildegrade L.; identified with the newspaper business since 1874, 1889, pres. and mgr. Waechter and Anzeiger; director State Banking & Trust Co.; pres. German Consolidated Newspaper Co.; director German Press & Plate Co., and Cleveland Cremation Co.; member of many German Societies and Chamber of Commerce.

Biographical Sketch of Dudley Jackson Hard

Hard, Dudley Jackson; secretary; born, Wooster, O., April 4, 1872; son of Curtis V. and Adeline Jackson Hard; educated, University of Wooster, A. B., 1893; married, St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 18, 1903, Mildred J. Hopkins; two children; First Lieut. Troop A. 1906-1910; Adjutant First Squadron Ohio Cavalry 1910, First Lieut. Co. J, 8th O. V. I., War with Spain, Spanish-American War in campaign against Santiago; sec ‘y and treas. The Cleveland Light & Power Co.; vice pres. The Wooster Electric Co.; director Ohio Chemical Mfg. Co.; member Military Order of Foreign Wars, Society of the Army of Santiago, Chamber of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank F. Taylor

Taylor, Frank F.; oil business; born, Cleveland, July, 1867; educated, public schools; married, Cleveland, 1892, Carrie J. Dennis; issue, two sons and one daughter; started in the lubricating business with the Excelsior Refining Co.; twenty-seven years ago, went with The Stevens Grease & Oil Co.; treas. and director of the company; member Chamber of Commerce, and Automobile Club.

Biographical Sketch of Frederick P. Potter

Potter, Frederick P.; lumber dealer; born, Cleveland, Nov. 24, 1871; son of Abel H. and Augusta Wilsey Potter; educated, Central High School, 1891; married, April 5, 1893, Mabel C. Matson; one daughter, Dorothy R. Potter; succeeded to the interest of A. H. Potter, in the copartnership of Potter-Teare Co., upon his death, June 15, 1904; member of firm since 1900; sec’y and treas. also director The Potter-Teare Transit Co.; director Central National Bank, Federal Union Insurance Co., K. I. Herman Co.; member Euclid, Athletic, and Willowick Clubs. Recreation: Golf.

Biography of Fred L. Stephenson

Fred L. Stephenson is president of the Commercial State Bank of Yates Center. He had many other interests that connect him with that community, and for many years had been one of the live and energetic citizens, ever ready to co-operate in any plan for the advancement of local welfare. Mr. Stephenson had spent most of his life in Kansas and he owes to his individual energies and the opportunities of the state his prosperity and his position in affairs. His ancestors were English people who came to New York in Colonial days. His grandfather was Thomas Stephenson, a native … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Francis M. Chandler

Chandler, Francis M.; lawyer; born, Richfield, O., May 3, 1851; son of Joel Alonzo and Martha M. Buck Chandler; educated, common schools and Richfield, O., Academy; married, Richfield, 0., Feb. 2, 1876, Ellie May Barney; issue, one son, C. DeForest; now captain Signal Corps, U. S. A. and commandant Army Aviation School; married, Cleveland, April 29, 1891, Mary G. Mahon; issue, Frances M., Jr., Dorothy Gertrude; admitted to Ohio bar in 1883; practiced law with Frank N. Wilcox (Chandler & Wilcox) until 1887; resumed law practice 1909; deputy clerk Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court 1876-1883; deputy county recorder Cuyahoga County, … Read more