Biographical Sketch of George F. Grahl

Grahl, George F.; mason contractor; born, Cleveland, Sept. 17, 1882; son of John F. and Fredericka Oldach Grahl; educated, Cleveland public schools; married, Cleveland, June 21, 1911, Marie Henke; issue, one (laughter; served five years in Battery A, First Field Artillery; for five years with the Black Engineering Co.; then went into contracting business; member Loyal Order of Moose, Cleveland Lodge, No. 63. Recreations: Baseball and Bowling.

Biographical Sketch of George A. Rudd

Rudd, George A.; sec’y and treas. the Chandler & Rudd Co.; born, Cleveland, Sept. 2. 1852; educated in the Cleveland public schools, and started as bookkeeper with the Chandler & Rudd. Co. in 1870; when the firm was incorporated, in 1889, was made sec’y and treas.; member Chamber of Commerce; pres. Retail Merchants’ Board of Cleveland; Republican; member East End Baptist Church.

Biographical Sketch of George A. Lorentz

Lorentz, George A.; plumber; born, Cassel, Germany, March 15, 1877; son of William and Marget Steiner Lorentz; educated at public, high and technical schools; married, Scranton, Pa., Nov. 1, 1898, Helen Schmidt; one son, George William, age 14 years; plumbing contractor since 1905; member Cleveland Master Plumbers Ass’n; 3rd degree Mason; member Germania. Favorite recreation: Automobiling.

Biographical Sketch of S. H. Weis

Weis, S. H.; architect; born, New York City, September, 1888; educated in the grammar and High Schools of Cleveland, and University of California; married in Cleveland in 1911; pres. and treas. Esplanade Realty Co.; member Chamber of Commerce.

Biographical Sketch of William J. Kuehn

Kuehn, William J.; mfr.; born Cleveland, Jan. 4, 1880; son of John and Elizabeth Jacoby Kuehn; educated, Cleveland High School and Business College; married, Cleveland, Sept. 28, 1910, Lulu Beck; started with Scofield, Shurmer & Teagle, 1898; with The Cleveland Refining Co. and The Republic Oil Co.; in 1907 with The Stevens Grease and Oil Co.; has been in the oil and grease business all his life; sec’y and director The Stevens Oil & Grease Co.; member Sons of Veterans, Cleveland Athletic, and Rotary Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Orlof T. Brown

Brown, Orlof T.; insurance; born, Cambridge, O., Aug. 16, 1870; son of Joshua and Annie E. Tingle Brown; common school education; married, Columbus, O., Aug. 16, 1904, Alberta E. Fowler; one son and one daughter; observer United States Weather Bureau; state examiner, Ohio; chief deputy State fire marshal, Ohio; examiner city of Cleveland; bookkeeper Ohio National Bank, Washington, D. C.; sec’y Cleveland National Fire Insurance Co.; member Loyal Legion, Sons of Veterans, Modern Woodmen of America, Loyal Order of Moose, Woodmen of the World, Brooklyn Lodge, No. 454, F. & A. M.; member Tippecanoe Club.

Biographical Sketch of Jay D. Fuller

Fuller, Jay D.; manufacturer; born, Alden, N. Y., Jan. 22, 1872; son of Spencer J. and Mary A. Smith Fuller; educated, Alden High School; married, Cleveland, June 4, 1896, Florence Helen Quayle; one daughter, Helen; with the Haserot Canneries Co. fifteen years; established The Fuller Canneries Co. in March, 1904; pres. of the company; in November, 1912, became identified with The Weideman Co., Canned Foods and Mnfg. Dept.; Mason; member Union and Athletic Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Stephen Lawrence Pierce

Pierce, Stephen Lawrence; manufacturer shoes; born, Birmingham, O., Nov. 4, 1855; son of Bennett and Clarry Pierce; educated, Oberlin College; married, Cleveland, May 10, 1882, Kittie J. Hawkint, many years with the old firm of Childs, Groff & Co., shoe jobbers; in 1884, started to manufacture shoes and has continued in same line until the present time; has a large trade in most of the states of the Union; head of S. L. Pierce & Co.; director First National Bank, Guardian Savings & Trust Co., Clifton Land & Improvement Co.; member Chamber of Commerce; served one year as treas. of … Read more

Schuck, Otto Mrs. – Obituary

Mother Of Fifteen Dead Mrs. Otto Schuck Dies at Baker Late Last Week After an illness of several years, Mrs. Otto Schuck 53 years old, died Friday afternoon at the hospital in Baker. Mrs. Schuck was born in Germany and came to the United States in1891, first residing in New Jersey and then in Cleveland, Ohio. Eight years later they moved to Oregon. Mrs. Schuck is survived by her husband and 15 children. They are: Chas. of Durkee, Otto of Union; Mrs. Clifford Smelcer, Mrs. Virgil Bird, Mrs. Albert Werner, all f Baker; Mrs. Clarence Mills of Telocaset; Joseph Schuck, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Morris A. Bradley

Bradley, Morris A.; real estate; born, Cleveland, Aug. 15, 1859; son of Alva Bradley; educated, public schools and Hiram College; married, Cleveland, May 10, 1883, Anna Leiminger; issue, five children; with his father, Alva Bradley, until 1885; at his death, took charge of the estate; pres., treas. and mgr. The Bradley Transportation Co.; pres. Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Co.; vice. pres. United States Coal Co.; director Peoples Gas, Light and Coke Co., and interested in a number of other corporations; member Union, Euclid, and Roadside Clubs; Republican.

Biographical Sketch of Charles E. Adams

Adams, Charles E.; manufacturer; born, Cleveland, June 8, 1859; son of Edgar and Mary Jane Adams; common school education; married Jennie M. Bowley, of Cleveland, June 11, 1884; with The Chandler & Rudd. Co., Cleveland, 1884-91; pres. Cleveland Hardware Co., June, 1891 ; director Cleveland Trust Co., First Nat. Bank, Am. Stove Co., Cleveland Life Ins. Co.; pres. Cleveland Chamber Commerce, 1910-; Republican; Baptist. Clubs : Cleveland Engineering, Union, Mayfield.

Biographical Sketch of James W. Wilson

Wilson, James W.; insurance; born, Putneyville, Pa., April 11, 1873; son of Edward T. C. and Nancy Smith Wilson; educated, West Academy and private school; married, McKeesport, Pa., Feb. 15, 1899, Sophia Wiegering; issue, three children, William M., Dorothy May, and James W. Jr.; Republican; in life insurance business since 1900; manager Prudential Insurance Co.; member Chamber of Commerce, Athletic and Advertising Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Fred A. Pease

Pease, Fred A.; gen. mgr. Engineering Co.; born, 1873, Kingsville, O., gen. mgr. The Fred A. Pease Engineering Co.; after wide experience in engineering and construction work, entered chosen profession; 1898 to 1900, asst. county engineer; 1901, organized his own company; engineers for various villages in this county, also executed municipal improvements, designing subdivisions, and engaged in electric railway work; firm has been engineers for Gates Mills development for the Maple Leaf Land Co., Oakwood-on-the-Lake, at Rocky River; at present are engaged upon improvements for the Shaker Heights Land Co., and the Deming Forest Hill Subdivision, and other properties; member … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Tyler W. Brainard

Brainard, Tyler W.; merchant; born, Brooklyn, O., Nov. 19, 1848; son of George W. and Delight Hall Brainard; educated, district school in the village of Brighton; enlisted in the army in 1864, so that ended his school days; married, Ashtabula, O., Oct. 15, 1872, L. Adella Puffu; one daughter, Mabel; was elected to city Council for one term in 1884; traveling salesman for Tuller, Warren & Co., from 1872-1875; in 1876, engaged in the wall paper and decorating business, on Pearl Street; still in the business; was charter member in organizing the Brooklyn Heights Cemetery; was 1st. vice pres. for … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Howard Brett

Brett, William Howard; librarian, Cleveland Public Library; born, Braceville, O., in 1846; son of Morgan Lewis and Jane Brokaw Brett; educated, public schools, Warren, O., studied Western Reserve College, Hudson, O., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.; graduated from Hiram College, Hiram, O., degree A. M.; married, Cleveland, 1879, Alice L. Allen; issue, 6 children, 1 deceased; appointed to his present position in 1884; devoted to the cause of public libraries, and a student with a broad general knowledge; instrumental in forming the Ohio Library Ass’n, pres., 1895 and 1896; in 1897, pres. of the American Library Ass’n; chairman, in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Augustus Frederic Hartz

Hartz, Augustus Frederic; lessee Euclid Ave. Opera House; born, Liverpool, England, Sept. 8, 1843; apprenticed to the stage (prestidigitateur) 1851; studying with a tutor during evenings; arrived in U. S. in 1863, and remained on the stage until 1880, when he settled in Cleveland; mgr. Park Theater, 1883; took lease of Opera House, 1884, and has retained lease ever since; pres. Majestic Oil Company; pres. Trenton Rock Oil & Gas Company; veteran member Forest City Lodge, F. & A. M.; hon. life member Cleveland Lodge, B. P. 0. E.; member Excelsior, and Oakwood Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of J. Milton Curtiss

Curtiss, J. Milton; pres. The Curtiss-Ambler Realty Co.; born, Harrisville, Medina County, O., Feb. 26, 1840; educated in the district and city schools, Brooklyn Academy and Cleveland Institute, University Heights, now Lincoln Heights; taught district school one year; engaged in the nursery business for twenty years, helped to organize and was one of the first trustees of Brooklyn village; moved to Cleveland in 1868; member City Council, 1876 to 1883; appointed Park Commissioner by Mayor Herrick; served two years; for five years supt. Riverside Cemetery; pres. Riverside Cemetery Ass’n.

Biography of Frederick Ruder

Frederick Ruder was a pioneer in Kansas Territory in the year 1857. His home was in Leavenworth, but he was closely identified with those activities which spread out from Leavenworth over the plains to the Far West. Leavenworth sixty years ago was one of the most important cities of the Middle West. It was a river town, was thriving and bustling with trade, and to the great territory to the west, now divided among a dozen or more states, Leavenworth occupied relatively a more prominent position than Kansas City does today. Frederick Ruder was for a number of years connected … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Augustus C. Knight

Knight, Augustus C.; lawyer; born, New York, March 24, 1877; son of Augustus Knight; educated, public schools and St. Ignatius College, Cleveland, Cleveland Law School, Baldwin University, LL. B.; married, Cleveland, June 26, 1907, Marie Agnes Bauer; issue, three daughters, Agnes Marie, Adele Irene, Arline Helen; preferred and signed the charges against Fred Kohler, Chief of Police, in May, 1910, causing his suspension by Mayor Baehr, acquittal by the Civil Service Commission; member Cleveland Bar Ass’n, State Bar Ass’n, and Cleveland Law Library Ass’n; member Knights of Columbus, Gilmour Council, Cleveland Humane Society, Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, The City Club, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Howard T. Beidler

Beidler, Howard T.; manufacturer; born, Chester Valley, Pa., July 21, 1872; son of Theodore F. and Martha S. Scrogin Beidler; educated, Cleveland public schools; married, London, Can., Dec. 9, 1897, Willena Martin Stevely; one son and one daughter; connected with The National Screw & Tack Co. since July 1, 1889; sec’y National Screw & Tack Co.; member Athletic and Rotary Clubs.